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Original Starship Design Thread

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    it's it transferable in different formats?


      i believe that was a pain in the ### to do.

      its a very easy to use programs, but limited. Blender is more advanced and also free, but far, far more complicated. in sketchup, i drew some lines and now i can make starships.

      no tutorials needed


        Now that sounds like what I'm used to.


          I started in Sketchup and then moved into Blender.. and I really don't find it that hard to use..

          They always say the most difficult 3D software to learn is the first one you use..

          Blender has a more complicated interface and the number of buttons and menus can be overwhelming at first but it's really not much more complicated to use than Sketchup.


            When i got sketchup i also got blender but found sketchup's GUI far easier to understand and use.

            Why do you want to put the files into other formats, if its for rendering there are sore great rendering programs also about that are free, and have exporters too.

            Other question is anyone on imperion?



              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
              i believe that was a pain in the ### to do.

              its a very easy to use programs, but limited. Blender is more advanced and also free, but far, far more complicated. in sketchup, i drew some lines and now i can make starships.

              no tutorials needed
              That's right up my alley.
              Autocad is a bit stringent but it's straight forward just a matter of commands but ultiimately I want to port this in Bridge Commander by Activision.


                sketchup is i believe nothing like autocad.

                its easy, free to use and simple to use. it has various disadvantages (organic modelling is extremely hard, free renders are limited), but its extremely easy and convenient. i have read that various companies use it to make an easy first impression "sketch" and later use more powerfull software. i designed my school's cantina in it. not very hard, only it was 10mb, caused a school laptop to black out twice, and all normal computers had immense lag. even my own laptop had trouble with it, and Podium (my render plugin) took hours to render ONE picture (a simple object or simple ship takes seconds to minutes). not to mention the various sketchup crashes.

                its easy and usefull. but it has limits.

                i think that once i actually have time in this holiday, i'm gonna learn blender.


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  sketchup is i believe nothing like autocad.

                  its easy, free to use and simple to use. it has various disadvantages (organic modelling is extremely hard, free renders are limited), but its extremely easy and convenient. i have read that various companies use it to make an easy first impression "sketch" and later use more powerfull software. i designed my school's cantina in it. not very hard, only it was 10mb, caused a school laptop to black out twice, and all normal computers had immense lag. even my own laptop had trouble with it, and Podium (my render plugin) took hours to render ONE picture (a simple object or simple ship takes seconds to minutes). not to mention the various sketchup crashes.

                  its easy and usefull. but it has limits.

                  i think that once i actually have time in this holiday, i'm gonna learn blender.
                  Well my first was AutoCAD...
                  Maybe I should skip Sketchup... (event though I just downloaded it) and try blender.


                    I think you should try sketchup...its still a great free program.



                      Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                      I think you should try sketchup...its still a great free program.
                      My designs are boxy sometimes but much of them are organic.
                      That's the problem with CaD right's a little limited in the organic flow department.


                        Doing an organic model in SU is like climbing up a very tall tree and then trying to bake a cake, possible, but extremely dificult.
                        Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                          hell yeah. I stay away from spherical stuff


                            Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                            My designs are boxy sometimes but much of them are organic.
                            That's the problem with CaD right's a little limited in the organic flow department.
                            Blender has a sculpt mode..

                            This took about half an hour:


                            Although it really depends on how organic you want to make your designs look...

                            And because I like playing with Blender soft bodies..



                              With the recent 'death' of my computer (a possible revival could take place 2moro.... minus all the files on the HD ) i've lost a couple of old meshes i would have liked to have kept.....I've replaced one already... and i'm altering the other one a bit....

                              The rebuilt one is taken from a tutorial found online

                              Same landscape.... but altered using an Atlantis mesh from Scifi Meshes

                              EDIT- Righty.... got a query..... what sets the speed of a ship through hyperspace? is it just the size of the generator or the size of the generator compared to the ship it's tied into?

                              I've got an idea in my head of a fast attack/recovery ship. Something capable of travelling at twice the hyperdrive speed of the DSC-304 but with half the firepower.....
                              Last edited by Dr Lee; 07 August 2009, 04:25 PM.

                              'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                                Blender has a sculpt mode..

                                This took about half an hour:


                                Although it really depends on how organic you want to make your designs look...

                                And because I like playing with Blender soft bodies..

                                Half an must be advance.
                                You've got to be kidding me. That's very good.

                                Originally posted by Extrenix View Post
                                hell yeah. I stay away from spherical stuff
                                That's was make the stargate ships great for sketchup then.

