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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
    No...not unless the armor and shielding itself was uber. 'Fanwank' almost always applies to an overabundance of something, not a lack of it.
    Well lets say is overhauled stronger but only because it is making up for the fact it dosnt have fighters. This is my ship we are talking about by the way. It was ment to be battleship and notheing else, just a battleship period statement declarative sentence.
    Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


      I love the whole "period statement declarative sentence" thing. It takes me back...

      And armor can be strong without being fanwank or uber. It's really a question of whether it's within a set of capabilities more than anything. For instance, putting a ZPM on a ship is not necessarily fanwank, if it can be explained by the ship's history, but putting 100 ZPMs on a ship would pretty much always be fanwank.

      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


        Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
        I love the whole "period statement declarative sentence" thing. It takes me back...

        And armor can be strong without being fanwank or uber. It's really a question of whether it's within a set of capabilities more than anything. For instance, putting a ZPM on a ship is not necessarily fanwank, if it can be explained by the ship's history, but putting 100 ZPMs on a ship would pretty much always be fanwank.
        I was hoping someone would like it

        Well i think it might be able to use a ZPM but its ment to be powerful with out one. not "Oh it can take a 1000 hits from an Ori beam" But it can take some pretty heavy punishment because the ship was ment to be able to really hold its own against enemy cruisers and have the fire power to beat the living mess out of them (Or at least possibley). thats why i dint include figher decks at first, but i did leave romm (Quit be acident actully) for there to be fighters put in as a refit version or Kia version.
        Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


          multiple shield generators working in tandem is as far as we know-impossible. using a shield generator with shield emitters, makes it much more possible. atlantis has, so far know, 1 shield generator and 10 emitters. my design had 6 emitters or so. emitters allow strenghtening of the shield in certain parts so it can take a bigger beating. IE, not leak like a siff


            name: proteous class


            naquadah power cell supplemented by 2x mark 3 naquadah reactors
            zpms(if avalible)

            naquadah/trinium/titanium alloy

            reverse-enginered city-ship shield
            back-up shield stolen from abandonded goa'uld ha'tak

            asgard plasma beam weapons
            "gate buster" nukes
            horizon weapons platform
            reverse-enginered drone weapon systems

            sublight engines reverse enginered from aruora-class(ya i cant spell it right)
            asgard hyperdrive
            back-up systems salvaged from abandoned goa'ld ha'tak

            200 personnal

            minimum crew:
            3 personnal

            maxium crew:
            600 personnal, 200 crew-400 passengers

            fighter complament:
            4x f-302 or 1x f-308 or 2x puddle jumpers(if avalible)

            the f-309 was designed for heavy combat that would be suicidal for anything else.
            the first ship is named the proteous for unknown reasons.
            captain:yet to be named
            canidates:yet to be named
            the first ship is currently under-construction and will be finished around the time the first f-306 is launched
            Its armament can be changed out based on its mission in order to carry out orders more efficentlly

            In order to avoid rasing suspisition it will be constructed in orbit around the alpha-site.

            off-topic:i just turned macgyver on by accident, lol


              first of, it's completley unecessary to take shields from a ha'tak, second, i don't know how backup shield would work? a second set of shield emitters on the standard generator would do the same thing, and the city-shields aren't supposed to be depleted untill the powersource is, which makes more shield emitters useless. and to put the cityshields on a vessel powered by generators won't work either. since they are designed to take all the power they need at any given time, not to be fed a constant stream of power, which is what the naquadah generators provide.

              Originally posted by IMDB
              Revealing mistakes: Throughout the series, the IDC is received by the SGC before the wormhole has been established.


                1. have you seen enemy at the gate
                when atlantis was fighting the zpm powered hive, one guy in the control room was saying that the shields were droping.

                city-ship shields are only "all powerful" if the are on a planet with an atmosphere

                2.the sheilds are reverse enginered, meaning they wont always do the same thing as the original
                3.the back-up shields are redundant, they probaly wont even use them
                4.that why there are plugs for z.p.m.s in the design
                5.the shields were'nt stolen from a abondoned city-ship, they would adapt the city-ship instead as an alpha-site cause it would be easier to defend.
                6.and the primary power is provided by a naquadah fuel CELL not a generator, the generators are for powering life support, lights, artificial gravity, weapons. the sheilds are powered by a naquadah fuel cell which is like a battery, you use it when you need it, and you can adjust how much you use up to the max output.
                7.this ship is going to be finished in 2030, so i promise you that we will have more reliable energy sources by then.

                Im designing these ships with the time-line of the stargate universe, and the praticallity of designs, like on my f-308 fighter, remove the hyperdrive and you have a whole lot more room to put weapons in.

                I´m not gonna hit you, tjoflojt ... I´m gonna shoot you!
                and i'll do it to, im crazy


                  its still fanky


                    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                    its still fanky
                    You get some green, just becouse

                    Originally posted by IMDB
                    Revealing mistakes: Throughout the series, the IDC is received by the SGC before the wormhole has been established.


                      i was going to design a civilian transport for after the stargate program was reveled to the public, but im thinking maby thats a bad idea.

                      and that last thing about me shooting tjoflojt was a modified jack o'neil quote(not the crazy part)
                      Last edited by timstro59; 18 February 2009, 08:42 AM.


                        Where in tarnation do you get the evidence for Atlantis having 10 shield emmiters?

                        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                          Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                          Where in tarnation do you get the evidence for Atlantis having 10 shield emmiters?
                          'The Return' Part 2.

                          Fav Stargate Quotes

                          Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park ... a very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me.

                          I like the yellow ones.

                          Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

                          OH CRAP!!!

                          You need someone dumber than you are.... You may have come to the right place.


                            Really? I must re-watch...

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              multiple shield generators working in tandem is as far as we know-impossible. using a shield generator with shield emitters, makes it much more possible. atlantis has, so far know, 1 shield generator and 10 emitters. my design had 6 emitters or so. emitters allow strenghtening of the shield in certain parts so it can take a bigger beating. IE, not leak like a siff
                              I dont care about all that. All i want to know is if having shields that can take a bigger punch then the 304 can with out a zpm is fanwak. m not saying they are uper storng just that they are stronger and are able to take punishment and then dish out some of its own.
                              Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


                                Certainly not, as long as it's within reason. There are plenty of good ships with shields that are better than the Daedalus's. Of course, saying that a ship has Atlantis-strength shields without a ZPM is probably fanwank. But I doubt you mean anything like that.

                                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database

