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Original Starship Design Thread

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    New WIP, I might not be a ship but its still a 3D Model. A Boat House for camp Public Camp.



      You planing on launching submaries Boberth?


        Originally posted by tjoflojt View Post
        don't know why everyone (2 people so far^^) is making these really high and thin ships, but i don't like it... however, i like the design otherwise.
        Maybe we're sick and tired with flat ships? A change every now and then improves creativity


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          it looks... sick


          Originally posted by ijffdrie View Post
          that is one nice ship
          Thanks guys, always appreciated.

          Originally posted by Semmer View Post
          New wip


          Looking good. Should look quite mean when you've got it detailed.

          How long would you say it will probably be?

          Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
          New WIP, I might not be a ship but its still a 3D Model. A Boat House for camp Public Camp.

          Nice house. Looks practical and functional haha. Strap a hyperdrive to it and you'll be taking down Ha'taks from the comfort of your couch.

          "Launch the Bayliners!"


            looks more like a secret launch facility


              Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
              New WIP, I might not be a ship but its still a 3D Model. A Boat House for camp Public Camp.

              Very nice.....Will you be adding in the boats?

              'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                looks more like a secret launch facility
                The pool slides aside to reveal a 302 runway.


                  Originally posted by Finger13 View Post
                  Looking good. Should look quite mean when you've got it detailed.

                  How long would you say it will probably be?
                  I think it will be from 60 to 70m long and around 22m wide, height around 15m


                    Ok, my idea is based, not on, bigger is better, but smaller is better.

                    I rather like the big bad a$$ warships, but those simply do not fit, the right profile.

                    D-101 / Battle Bird
                    Length: 68m
                    width: 75m
                    height: 12m
                    decks: 4
                    crew: min 6, normal 12, max 50
                    marines: min 0 normal 20 max 60
                    used by: Earth Nations, mostly Dutch Royal Navy and Belgian Defense Force. Travelers.
                    ----energy: 2 forward Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons, 1 rear APBW, 8 forward Al'Kesh Staff Canons (anti fighters)
                    ----ballistic: 2 forward Torpedo Launcher, 1 rear Torpedo Launcher
                    defenses: Asgard Shields, enhanced Al'Kesh cloak
                    engines: Asgard hyperdrive, sublight engines comparable to an f-304, maneuvering thrusters
                    fighters: none
                    additional systems:Asgard Transporters, Rings, 8 chevron DHD, Asgard Computer Core Replica, Neural Weapons Interface
                    power core, 7 Naquadah generators, capability of being powered by a ZPM


                    It's based mostly on a Romulan 22th century Bird of Prey. A nice sleek body, with up going wings ( V style) like those utilized bye a K'Vort class, also with the down going tips normal for a Klingon BoP (2 Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons mounted on the tips, in the upgoing wings the modified Staff Cannons are mounted.
                    A head (on the from of the ship) somewhat looking like a Goa'uld Staff weapon with the forward torpedo launchers in it, at the rear of the ship a Rear Castle like a Fluyt class ship utilised by the VOC with the rear torpedo launcher.

                    Its a highly maneuverable ship, small but powerful for its size. She's meant for short range tactical missions, but capable of surviving on its own for 3months if required.

                    Battle tactics,

                    She's not meant for a full assault, she's meant for hit 'n run tactics, she can handle a full scale assault if in a combat croup of 3+ ships, but alone she's to vulnerable, for she cant defend herself against ships flanking her. Her shields are strongest head on and she can handle large poundings on her rear.


                    Frankly these torpedoes are Naquadah casings with an engine pod and a Naquadah enhanced Nuclear warhead, controlled by a neural interface.
                    They are not that maneuverable but will follow the target they were launched at.


                    These ships have an 8 chevron DHD, utilized when a base needs bombing throe the Star Gate. Torpedoes are then fired throe the gate to detonate when rematerialized. This is to take out a base if its defenses are to strong to take out with a normal attack, like with the ZPM powered Hive Ship. This way the target can be taken out from the inside.

                    Atmospheric flight,

                    These ships can like Al'Kesh enter the atmosphere of a planet.


                    A few of these babies have seen action in the blocking of the Kassa trade. At first the Dutch Ryal Navy sent them on patrol alone but after destroying 5 Kassa Krains the Trains started to travel in packs and were defended, by some warships. The Lucian Alliance even joined the Ori for defense, and now the trains were also protected by the Ori.
                    Since then, the Dutch Royal Navy started to sent them in groups of 3. So far only 1 has been destroyed.

                    Also a few groups were sent to start hit and run attacks on the wraith, mimicking wraith or Genii weapons fire the wraith have not yet destroyed one of the ships. Some wraith factions that once were in alliance with each other are now at each others throats.


                    These ships have been developed by the Dutch Royal Navy, The Belgian Defence Forces have also contributed large quantities of help developing these. The ships are manufactured on a planet under shared control (Dutch and Belgian).
                    Once the first successful ship was created and proved to be an asset, both the Royal Navy and the American Air force thought of making there own, but after careful consideration, it was decided not to, because these ships wouldn't uphold there image.

                    After the first ship that got destroyed America was sure they didn't ever wish one of these ships. They rather have there carriers.

                    please tell me what you think of it.

                    Last edited by locutes; 16 February 2009, 10:06 AM. Reason: created more info


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      the 7 generators is a bit overkill for such a small ship, and it's a bit overarmed, but otherwise nice

                      Originally posted by IMDB
                      Revealing mistakes: Throughout the series, the IDC is received by the SGC before the wormhole has been established.


                        ~Design Specifications~


                        -Designation: HC-305

                        -Type: hyperspace-capable warship

                        -Role: Cruiser

                        -Users: Tau'ri (europe)

                        -Length: 665 meters

                        -Beam: 250 meters

                        -Height: 160 meters

                        -Hull: Steel/Titanium

                        ~Crew: 250
                        ~Maximum: 600

                        ~2x Asgard powercore

                        ~2x Large Plasma Drives
                        ~4x Medium Plasma Drives
                        ~1x Asgard Hyperdrive

                        ~8x Asgard Plasma Beam Cannon
                        ~6x ELS (Electromagnetic Launch System)
                        ~14x Asgard Pulse Weapon

                        -Fighter Complement:
                        ~18x F-302s (optional)

                        ~12x 20mm Computer-Linked Point-Defense Railguns
                        ~Advanced Shield generator (made by the ACC, specially for this ship)
                        ~6x Asgard Shield Emitter
                        ~Sensor Jamming - Active and Passive

                        -Additional Technology:
                        ~Asgard Beaming Technology
                        ~Asgard Communicator Array
                        ~Asgard Sensor Array
                        ~Asgard Explosion Surpressors
                        ~Asgard Subspace Locater Beacon
                        ~'Black Box'

                        ~History and Technical Notes~
                        The (X)HC-305 was the first new ship incorporated with asgard technology. utilizing the advanced NIG technology, it can generate much more power than the Deadalus, and consequently has more powerfull engines, shields, weapons and hyperdrive. it is equipped with explosion surpressors, and its shield generator and its shield emitters prevent damage leak untill the shield is almost depleted.
                        8 APBW's make up its main armament, while the 14 APPW's give it a powerfull secondary armament



                          Woot woot, it's certainly a Gunstar hahaha. I took the cannons from a Pegasus model done by AdrikG on SciFi Meshes and put them onto my ship just to get a feel for the weapons layout and scale.

                          I will probably end up modelling my own cannons later though, just so that it remains 100% my work.

                          And forgive me for wasting half of your monthly bandwidth with that picture hahaha.


                            I didnt have any reference for how much reactors would be needed for a Daedalus class and im kinda fond of number 7.

                            But since there are still Ori Warships in the milky way, should it not have large power generation capacities to if they are charged by an Ori Warship they can defend themselves with large quantities of power sent into the shields?


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                              omfg, that ship is awesome

                              Originally posted by IMDB
                              Revealing mistakes: Throughout the series, the IDC is received by the SGC before the wormhole has been established.


                                Finger, excellent work.

                                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database

