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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by titan_hq View Post
    Is this so badly designed that it doesn't even deserve a single reply, not even someone telling me its a lump of crap... just wondering?
    It would be nice to know if what I've done is at all any good.

    I liked it.

    Its your version of what a BC-305 would look like.

    You kept the design of the other 304's while still modifying them. Pretty good.

    It looks like a prommie and daedy mix.

    good job.
    Visit my Website


      Originally posted by Semmer View Post
      Ok. Here's some WIP's of mine.

      Double barrel ion cannon:

      And a 300m long battleship (class?):

      And her main cannons:

      Comments and ideas are most welcome.
      Nice design.

      I love how you make weapons and then you blow me out of the water by posting a video of them in action.

      Green for you
      Visit my Website


        Thanks guys!

        Indeed it might be a cruiser, or scaled upwards don't know yet.

        Im having some serious troubles detailing it, because the model ended up with several several triangles, which is really really annoying.


          Looking great Semmer.

          Well here are some underside views of my ship.

          "Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle
          Feel free to visit my Art Work.


            Originally posted by RJB View Post
            Looking great Semmer.

            Well here are some underside views of my ship.

            :O that's amazing!!!!

            Seriously my heart skipped a beat when i saw it! Fantastic!
            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


              Technical Spec



              LENGTH -1600M
              WIDTH -800M
              HEIGHT -400M

              OPERATIONAL CREW



              Hyper drive
              -Asgard Designed, Tau'ri Built

              Sublight Engines
              -Asgard Designed, Tau'ri Built Ion Drive

              Power source
              -Asgard Powercore

              -34 RailGuns
              -32 Missile Silos

              -Refurbished Lantean Shield

              HULL MATERIAL
              -Trinium / Naquadah Composite

              Other Tech
              -Asgard transporters
              -Lantean closet transporters
              -Asgard long range sensors
              -Asgard short range sensors
              -Emergency decompression shields
              -Asgard hologram communications

              LENGTH -400M
              WIDTH -80M
              HEIGHT -20M

              -32 MARK XI NUCLEAR WARHEADS
              -160 MARK VII NUCLEAR WARHEADS
              -2 Asgard Intensified Ion Beam Weapons

              Upon studying the Atlantis database, scientists uncovered detailed schematics of the Aurora class warship. With these details, scientists and military commanders began work on designing a new ship, with similar design. A Lantean City Ship shield had been recovered from a heavily damage City Ship, although the shield generator was damaged, scientists were able to refurbish it. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the Lantean design, it was not restored to its former strength, although it was still more powerful than any shield Earth currently possesses. The shield was fitted into the prototype, as it was fitting that a Lantean designed shield be put in a ship based on Lantean schematics. Due to the size and complexity of the systems, it took 7 years to design and build. When the time for the maiden voyage came, everything was working perfectly. The Lucien Alliance had spies in the Military, and had alerted the Lucien Alliance. They sent 6 Ha'taks to intercept and capture the Alastrina.

              The attack caught the ship off guard, which knocked out the main Asgard beam weapons. The Alastrina immediately raised her shields. The battle was intense pressure on the inexperienced crew, but the perseverance and the superiority of the Alastrina's systems won her the battle, but not without damage to communications and hyperdrive. The Alastrina had no way of contacting earth, and it took 4 months to return to Earth. Of course, knowing something wasn't right, Earth sent a ship to find out the delay, but they had no way of knowing where she was. She was officially declare MIA 1 month after her disappearance. When she exited hyperspace in Earths orbit, everyone was in disbelief.

              Since then, the WS-409 has been put into continuous production, although due to the Alastrina having a Refurbished Lantean City Ship shield, she was christened the flagship. All other WS-409s had Asgard Designed shields. At current rate, Earth is able to build 1 WS-409 in 2 years.


              Comments and Opinions welcome
              Last edited by therealdb; 21 June 2007, 08:33 AM. Reason: wrong top pic


                Not bad, Its not bad atall I like it, but it wouldnt take 7 years to build and its smaller than the deadalus. But still its quite cool.
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                  Not bad, Its not bad atall I like it, but it wouldnt take 7 years to build and its smaller than the deadalus. But still its quite cool.
                  dude his ship is 1600m long the deadalus is 450 - 750m long
                  Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                    Sorry i was looking at the hanger length
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                    Stargate : Genesis |
                    Original Starship DesignThread
                    Sanctuary for all |
                    11000! green me


                      Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                      dude his ship is 1600m long the deadalus is 450 - 750m long
                      is that too long? should i change it? wasnt quite sure on how long it should be, wanted it to be big, but not too big lol


                        Originally posted by therealdb View Post
                        is that too long? should i change it? wasnt quite sure on how long it should be, wanted it to be big, but not too big lol
                        It's very long for Tau'ri ship but the build time makes up for it as well as the history.
                        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                          Hi I am new here and this is my ship its not done yet
                          Attached Files


                            Originally posted by JoNzA View Post
                            Hi I am new here and this is my ship its not done yet
                            That's a good start. Remember to pay attention about face headings. Reverse all blue faces (few blues at the engine nozzles) by using "reverse faces" -tool, which can be found on right click menu.


                              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post

                              The final product of the Ancients intelligence before they left this plane of existance, this war ship prototype is hidden somewhere on Earth, waiting to be discovered by a team of galactic explorers in need of a better defence for their planet from impending threats.

                              After the ancients left Atlantis and the Pegasus Galaxy and returned to the Milky Way, they found themselves with no real empire, and some split off into smaller groups. The largest group of ancients went on to forge an alliance with three other great races, and it was agreed that the people of Earth were of huge importance. This came about through meeting with a human named Elizabeth Weir who the ancients had met before leaving the Pegasus Galaxy. She had travelled back in time from 10,000 years in the future, and informed the Ancients that Atlantis had been found and inhabited by her expedition of humans.

                              The interest and time the Ancients invested with the flourishing humans led to the basis of several powerful civilisations. Centuries after the great alliance was founded however, a powerful race arrived in the Milky Way, searching for the preserved mind of an emperor who had previously ruled over them and whose people they had evolved from when time began. They battled with the alliance while searching the galaxy, until the Furlings and Asgard left once more for their home galaxy and the Nox went into hiding on their own planet. The Ancients were left to fight alone in the face of another overwhelming enemy.

                              They began construction on a warship that would be able to turn the tide in their favour. The ship was to be the culmination of all they had learned and how far they had come in terms of technology over the years of their existance. As the ship came to be finished though, the Ancients came to such an understanding of the universe that they began to Ascend. They managed to complete the ship beforew they all left this plane of existance, but it was never used, as the enemy left this galaxy and moved on to another after not finding the sacred mind of their leader. The last of the Ancients knew though that the ship would be needed in the future, and left it for the humans to find. They knew this, because they had located the sacred mind themselves, and realised that one day, their enemy would return to take it.

                              The warship lay hidden on Earth for thousands of years, until the 2030s, when the alien enemy returned, and a team of humans that were tasked with locating alien technology to defend against this threat discovered clues leading to the entrance of a massive cavern containing the final legacy of their ascended ancestors.
                              I have done the first few ships for the enemy I mentioned.

                              The 'Stalker'

                              Scout Ship

                              And my favourite, the Cruiser

                              Anyone fancy suggesting a name for the enemy? I can't think of one. Their working name was the Reticulan, but they are already 'real' aliens, so... I also thought of the name 'the Scourge', but I wasn't so sure on that either


                                thanks Semmer And I must say your design is amazing and the guns are very cool
                                Last edited by JoNzA; 26 June 2007, 06:17 AM.

