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Who's Your Favorite Goa'uld?

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    I chose Anubis. He is the man!

    I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
    [Revelations 22:13]


      Gotta go with other. Man, there's no Sokar up there! That guy was creepy, playin with the fire and such. Just look at "Jolinar's Memories" and "The Devil you know" Those two episodes were enough to freak me out. I with Sokar would have been around a little longer, I was always interested in him.

      Not so happy that Daniel died now, are we Jonas?


        Well,you see,this is what happens when a committee of 3 Posters request a Poll .We jointly agreed the list,then asked David, (very nicely) to create the Poll !

        Hence the "Other" choice.

        (I have to admit,IMO,Sokar would have been a far better option than Seth ! )
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          I too vote for Anubis. I enjoy a good mystery, and he's as mysterious as they come. Besides, lok at my rank so: "I...sserve....Anubiss..."
          Last edited by Ancient 1; 11 August 2004, 07:24 PM.

          "We'll keep the light on for you."


            Man, what a choice... Each one is cool in their on certain way...

            I chose Baal because he's just the coolest all around. Of all the guys, he's the best-looking one. He just looks cool. He looks like the one you wouldn't want to mess with.

            Apophis left a bad impression on me. In the first season, he was just fruity... and I mean FR00TY! He didn't become really cool until like 4th season, just before he died.
            Heru'ur I liked, he could have done with a change of wardrobe.
            Hathor was just a freaky b*tch.
            Nirrti was hot in Metamorphosis... and I mean hot hot hot hot hot!
            Sokar had the best voice effect I've ever heard, I would have liked to have seen him more.
            Anubis was cool for the same reason, but he came across as the Grand Admiral Thrawn of Stargate (reference to the Star Wars villian created by Timothy Zahn).
            Cronus was just meh...
            Yu is cool, he's by far the most intricate and complicated, and the most level-headed.
            I LOVED Osiris' attitude. "I hope I'm not missing all the fun." I loved that accent too.



              Too bad Amaterasu wasn't introduced yet before this poll was made, or else i would have voted for her
              Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                She really is soooo cool,and I hope she appears again,lmj !
                My apologies......I hadn't seen much about New Order back then.
                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                  This is tough... either Hathor or Mr. Ghost of Christmas Future himself, Anubis. Osiris is in a close 3rd though, the voice is definitely the best.
                  Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                  RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                  And to the Sci Fi Channel...




                      Baal is my favorite because I actually take him more seriously, and I like his style. By that I mean his personalized way of conducting business (the whole thing with Jack etc. etc.) and his fashion sense. Yeah, Apophis came close to destroying Earth and SG-1 had a more personal relationship with him more than most others, but his fashion sense was just too out there for me. The head wear in the first season did me in. I found it hard to take all his posturing seriously. Though it’s hard to take any of them seriously but…..Baal’s got the attitude and the outfit that says to me “I not just here to hear myself talk and espouse big fancy words.” Or at least most of the time I'm not here just to do that.

                      Moreover, he’s got some half decent intelligent flunkies with initiative working for him since he was able to discover and modify the Avenger virus, which then provided him with the opportunity to take advantage of the gate system not working by using his massive fleet to attack weaker system lords. Hopefully someone got a promotion for that. Though I always enjoyed Anubis’s first prime, Herak. Too bad he couldn’t have defected to Baal before his sad demise. *sniff*

                      I have other more shallow reasons for liking Baal but that’s for another thread.

                      Course I also liked Tanith since it was so personal between he and Teal’c.
                      IMO always implied.


                        Originally posted by LoneStar1836
                        Baal is my favorite because I actually take him more seriously, and I like his style...Baal’s got the attitude and the outfit that says to me “I not just here to hear myself talk and espouse big fancy words.”

                        I have other more shallow reasons for liking Baal but that’s for another thread.
                        I absolutely agree with these remarks. I love to hate Baal best because he always has a plan brewing, and he seems to enjoy the torturing and causing mayhem as an aside to his larger, darker purposes.

                        And I'm also proud of my more shallow reasons for liking him -- that sneer!


                          It was between Apophis, Anubis and Baal, but I eventually chose Anubis since he is so much differant to the other Goa'uld.


                            i'd have to say Yu. I dont know, for some reason, he just strikes me as a fave. its like, he's so old, he can't necisarily be extreamly bad, cause he's kinda loosing a few marbles. but at the same time, he IS a gou'ald. a 2nd would be Baal, but thats only cause i think he's kinda cute..i said KINDA. i can't look at him for long with that train of thought because he looks WAY too much like backstreet boy kevin richardson.


                              Lord Yu is unbearably cool... a Goa'uld so inscrutable he was actually known as a harsh but friendly ruler of mankind during his sojourn on earth.

                              Anubis is impressive too. A Goa'uld so clever he managed to ascend.. and keep his membership card even after he got booted out.

                              However, I'm absolutely smitten with Nirrti. She gets my vote on sex appeal alone... even without the invisibility screen and the genetics experiments. Too bad they had to finish her off. She was the best eye candy in SG-1 of all time by my standards.
                              Last edited by Darth Buddha; 12 January 2005, 11:32 AM.


                                I was gonna go for Apophis because he's just obviously the bomb, but then I remembered the ultimate Goddess of Smut, Hathor. I just love her! I think she's hilarious, haha. Plus I really admire Suanne Brown, she's gorgeous and very talented in both acting and singing!
                                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||

