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You Know You're a Stargate Fan When...

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    ...even your friends who like Stargate are sick of you talking about it!


      I shouted when I heard Amanda Tapping was going to be a guest on Ghosthunters live tomorrow night, and my mom looked at me like I had lost my fron...


        when your calculus teacher says a section is nothing new just the old stuff dressed up all gaudily and your response is, "Since when has calc been a goa'uld?" (for which I got a dazed look from my teacher and a "you're a nerd" look from my friend who's into stargate)


          ...when you live on the GateWorld forum...

          ...when someone mentions the Legend of Atlantis, and you reply, "No! Atlantis is in the Pegasus Galaxy!"

          ...when you dream about Stargate

          ...when everything you do or say has something to do with Stargate (This morning I shouted to my friends, "For cryin out loud!")

          ...when all your usernames are Stargate related


            Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
            ...when you live on the GateWorld forum...
            Welcome to the home of STARGATE!

            Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
            ...when you dream about Stargate
            Is there anything on T.V. better to dream about?

            Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
            ...when someone mentions the Legend of Atlantis, and you reply, "No! Atlantis is in the Pegasus Galaxy!"

            Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
            ...when everything you do or say has something to do with Stargate (This morning I shouted to my friends, "For cryin out loud!")

            Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
            ...when all your usernames are Stargate related
            For me, not so much. . .

            To continue on. . . :

            When you compaire the Ancients to the Vorlons from Babylon 5 (both our very powerful, ancient races, both made ****loads of mistakes with the best of intentions, etc).
            Last edited by akren; 30 October 2008, 02:48 PM.


              Originally posted by akren View Post
              When you compaire the Ancients to the Vorlons from Babylon 5 (both our very powerful, ancient races, both made ****loads of mistakes with the best of intentions, etc).
              ..when you know the Ancients are better


                when you spend over 2 hours looking for stargate pumpkin designs only to discover there aren't any


                  Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                  ..when you know the Ancients are better
                  ya think?

                  ..when you watch Simpsons becuase it's an awesome show (but not as awesome as SG) & becuase it's / RDA's fav' show, too (& your fav' ep is where Patty & Selma kidnap RDA ).

                  Heya heeroyue, just make your own. You cna print a pciture & make a cut out/senticil of it, put it over the pumpkin & carve it out that way?


                    ...whe the only thing you can draw is a Stargate.

                    It's true! I make them in all diferent colors, too!


                      When you can sum up your lifein one word: "STARGATE".

                      When people automatcially ask if you want SG stuff for Xmas (sepcifcally DVD's) & ytou reply you have alot of SG memorabilla already & could they buy you <INSERT NAME OF SG ITEM HERE> on eBay or at<INSERT NAME OF STORE HERE>. :d

                      When your whole life - everything you think, say, do & are - relates to STARGATE in some way (that would be me! )
                      Last edited by akren; 30 October 2008, 04:07 PM.


                        ...when you want to go into the Air Force just to see if there's a Stargate under Cheyenne Mountain *whistles innocently*


                          When you're a consipracy theorist whom KNOW's STARGATE, SG-1, ATLANTIS & UNIVERSE are just cover stories (plusable deniability) fir the REAL Stargate Programme.


                            ...when you swear you're going to get yourself on the Atlantis Expedition after you join the Air Force.

                            I wanna shoot some Wraith! Beckett better give me the Ancient gene if I don't already have it. Now if only I can fly the frakkin Jumper in a straight line...


                              When you refer to meetings as briefings ...more than once.
                              Sig by ME.


                                ...when your signature on text messages is "Starg8 Atlantis!"

