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Oh My God, They Killed Daniel!

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    i hate umpa lumpas scary

    *shoots daniel*
    you shot me!!
    *looks at his gun* and yet you didn't die, odd ???
    odd?? yes of course its odd, bullets tend to be fatel
    ok hold still i'll try again * shoots daniel*
    it kinda tickled that time
    *getting annoyed* somethings wrong with my gun *sobs* its not killing as it usually does!!
    april fools, we replaced all your bullets with jelly, hahahahaha
    thats a horrible joke,
    how mean *beams daniel into space*
    you killed daniel, now thats a funny april fools joke,
    he was such a *******






          Hi back


            Originally posted by jesserella
            i hate umpa lumpas scary

            *shoots daniel*
            you shot me!!
            *looks at his gun* and yet you didn't die, odd ???
            odd?? yes of course its odd, bullets tend to be fatel
            ok hold still i'll try again * shoots daniel*
            it kinda tickled that time
            *getting annoyed* somethings wrong with my gun *sobs* its not killing as it usually does!!
            april fools, we replaced all your bullets with jelly, hahahahaha
            thats a horrible joke,
            how mean *beams daniel into space*
            you killed daniel, now thats a funny april fools joke,
            he was such a *******
            hahahaha i absolutely loved that jess!

            I'm not dead. Yet.


              yea i've been a tad busy, need to catch up on killing daniel

              me *shoots daniel*
              i hate you
              me: nah you love me really


                ME *walks into Danny Dungeon* OHH GOD!!! where'd they go!!!!
                : well the real Daniel decided to take a vaction
                Landry: and we needed to pratice our hunting skillls for this weeks ep.
                : so we borrowed them
                Me: *looks at mess of dead Daniel's* I'm not cleaing this up
                Landry: me neither
                : dang I aleays get the dirty jobs


                  im plumb out of ideas! *sob* i cant think of anything funny!

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    Try killing John a few times.


                      maybe that'll work lets see...
                      : has anyone seen my hair moose?!
                      : i saw shepperd with it erlier
                      : ill kill him!
                      : calm down ronon you can use mine....
                      : thats not thepoint i had private stuff in my room and he barges in
                      : hey guys!
                      : *shoots shepperd dead*
                      : omg he killed shep!
                      : im not saying it...
                      : that b*s*erd saw all my p*rn!

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        Originally posted by susanne
                        maybe that'll work lets see...
                        : has anyone seen my hair moose?!
                        : i saw shepperd with it erlier
                        : ill kill him!
                        : calm down ronon you can use mine....
                        : thats not thepoint i had private stuff in my room and he barges in
                        : hey guys!
                        : *shoots shepperd dead*
                        : omg he killed shep!
                        : im not saying it...
                        : that b*s*erd saw all my p*rn!
                        hahahah reminds me of calwell's P*rn in my fic....he rushed from the get it...he left it in Weir's office....Sheppard heard him thinking it ....


                          <<banging head against gate shield>>
                          dude... DUDE.... WTF?
                          i forgot my ipod back in the milky way
                          hmm.. interesting...
                          not really... its an ipod and i had kelly clarkson on there...
                          nonononono... interesting that we can actually say now that we left things or used to live in the milky way... <<goes off on pseudo-philosophical rant about space travel>>
                          what the hell are you talking about?
                          <<continues blabbering similar to but much worse than daniel>>
                          <<pulls out pocket-size DHD, dials gate, removes shield, sticks head into gate, turns off gate>>
                          so now that we're in pegasus, john...... john? wtf? <<slinks away slowly after seeing sheppard's beheaded body>>
                          <<walks into gate room>> hmm... some b*****d killed sheppard... oh well... his hair was getting annoying...... damn kirker
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                            Daniel: (relaxing at the beach, mai tai in hand) Ahhh... THis is the life. Not dying every five seconds.
                            Vala: Daniel, would you care for a backrub?
                            Sam: Hey, you gave him a backrub last time!
                            Daniel: (grin) Oh yeah...

                            (In Atlantis...)
                            John: *******it! Why do I keep dying and coming back to life every five seconds?!
                            Carson: (has John hooked up to many, many monitors) Well, that's what we're trying to find out, lad. Just relax, it'll be allright.
                            John: (sigh) I mean, I'm not even wearing an orange parka...
                            (An electrical surge goes through the city, and through the wires connected to John)
                            John: Oh sh-! (ZAP!)
                            McKay: (pokes his head in) Oh my God, they killed Sheppard! ... Again!
                            Carson: Those bloody b*stards!


                              Me *opens T.V. Guide* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hunter look who's ni my magazine!Q! It's Daniel...he's sharing *drooool*
                              Hunter (a.K.A. jerk brother) *Burns it*
                              Me: oh my God!!! Hunter Killed Daniel....B******
                              Mom: don't use that language in my house


                                Daniel: (studying some artifacts) Hm hm hmm...
                                Kenny: (descends) Daniel Jackson!
                                Daniel: Uh... Yes?
                                Kenny: You lifted your curse.
                                Daniel: ... Yes?
                                Kenny: Well, I want my curse lifted too!
                                Daniel: Okay... But how can I help you?
                                Kenny: Well, just do the same things you did for yourself on me!
                                Daniel: It's... Not that easy...
                                Kenny: C'mon, please...?
                                Daniel: Oh, allright... Oma?
                                Oma: (appears) Oh dear... You two?
                                Daniel: Can you help him too, Oma?
                                Oma: Well... I can. But there will be a price.
                                Daniel: Can't be much worse than what he's going through.
                                Oma: Very well! (vanishes, and Kenny is restored to life)
                                Kenny: Woah! Awesome!
                                Daniel: I'm glad too! Now, what was that price she mentioned anyway...?
                                Kenny: Ummm...
                                (Daniel's coffee machine explodes suddenly, impaling Daniel with glass and killing him)
                                Kenny: Oh my God, they killed Daniel!
                                Jack: You b*tch Oma!

