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things you would not want to hear on the SGC's intercom

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    Originally posted by Elles
    Landry: Your attention please, due to the tragic *sniffle* death of Dr. Lam, we have been forced to bring in a new doctor. His name is Dr. ... Gregory House!
    Dr. House: Hi, I'm Dr. House... I only took this job because no one else would hire me. You will find that I will find all of your cases diagnostically boring unless it involves lying or if it's an exciting new Ori plague. Hear this bottle? *shakes medicine bottle* It contains Viactin, if you annoy me to much you will see me taking it in excessive amounts because I'm an adict. I have no ethics, you are not guaranteed to survive my treatment. Thank you, and goodbye.
    *Two Days Later*
    Walter: Medical team to the gate room!
    Random Medical Personnel: Don't worry, we're taking you strait to Dr. House.
    Sick SF: No! NOOOOO!!! Take me somewhere else! Not to House! Please not to House!
    House: Seeing as my patient won't accept treatment, it's time for me to go watch General Hospital. Huzzah...
    ahhhhh the good ole days......I call the days where House was snarky and not so over the top with it either....the BS days....*Giggle* or the before Stacy days.........


      Brain: I have been made the new commander of this base.
      Everyone: But you're a rat.
      Brain: No, I am a mouse.
      Pinky: Narf!
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by Morgania
        Brain: I have been made the new commander of this base.
        Everyone: But you're a rat.
        Brain: No, I am a mouse.
        Pinky: Narf!
        Landry: No! My evil plan has failed again! I've lost control of the base to a mouse! Ah well...
        Cameron: It's Ok...
        Landry: Yeah... I guess...
        Cameron: So what are we going to do tonight, Landry?
        Landry: What we do every night, try to take over the world!

        To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


          Originally posted by Elles
          Landry: No! My evil plan has failed again! I've lost control of the base to a mouse! Ah well...
          Cameron: It's Ok...
          Landry: Yeah... I guess...
          Cameron: So what are we going to do tonight, Landry?
          Landry: What we do every night, try to take over the world!
          ha!! I loved tht sad it's gone


          Originally posted by penguininablender
          hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
          Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
          OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

          - RSF

 Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


            Yeah... I remember watching it too...

            To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


              landry: Aww....the rash is back again, gosh darnit...Walter, bring me my ointment!


              Originally posted by penguininablender
              hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
              Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
              OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

              - RSF

     Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


                Walter: But sir... Dr. House went on a rampage and destroyed all canisters of your ointment...
                Landry: No!!!

                To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                  Walter: Don't worry, we ordered an industrial-sized case of it, figured it might come in handy.


                    Walter: Our only fault however... was we forgot to order enough hair gel for Colonel Sheppard...
                    *Meanwhile in the Pegasus galaxy*
                    Sheppard: NOOO!!! GIVE ME HAIR GEL! *goes on murdering rampage*

                    To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                      Originally posted by Elles
                      Walter: Our only fault however... was we forgot to order enough hair gel for Colonel Sheppard...
                      *Meanwhile in the Pegasus galaxy*
                      Sheppard: NOOO!!! GIVE ME HAIR GEL! *goes on murdering rampage*
                      random tech: Ohhh!!! that explains it...I had been meaning to ask do you get your hair to go like that?...but the secret is hair gel, I see.


                      Originally posted by penguininablender
                      hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
                      Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                      OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

                      - RSF

             Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


                        Originally posted by penguininablender
                        random tech: Ohhh!!! that explains it...I had been meaning to ask do you get your hair to go like that?...but the secret is hair gel, I see.
                        *Bursts out laughing* Ohh my Penguin.....I got it....I really got it.....must go watch Atlantis again......for the 5th time


                          O'Neill: Daniel, are you sure you want to enter the Miss Photogenic competition?
                          Daniel: Yes, now hurry up and take the fracking picture.
                          O'Neill: Ok...
                          *five seconds later*
                          Carter: Oh my God, sir! What are you doing?
                          O'Neill: Taking pictures of Daniel for the Miss Photogenic competition...
                          Carter: Sir, that's not a camera, it's a gun!
                          Teal'c: Indeed.
                          Carter: Oh my God! You killed Daniel!
                          Teal'c: You b*st*rd!

                          To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                            Originally posted by Puddle_Jumper_One
                            *Bursts out laughing* Ohh my Penguin.....I got it....I really got it.....must go watch Atlantis again......for the 5th time
                            I know!!! I don't get why so many people hated that ep...I laughed until coke came out of my nose. It was a brilliant stand alone ep if I may say so myself...and I do .


                            Originally posted by penguininablender
                            hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
                            Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                            OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

                            - RSF

                   Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


                              Originally posted by penguininablender
                              I know!!! I don't get why so many people hated that ep...I laughed until coke came out of my nose. It was a brilliant stand alone ep if I may say so myself...and I do .
                              I thought it was excellent....."no more lingering deisres...longing for his touch" oh my....he reminded me of Urgo


                                Originally posted by Puddle_Jumper_One
                                I thought it was excellent....."no more lingering deisres...longing for his touch" oh my....he reminded me of Urgo
                                Yeah, a cross between urgo and Hathor ( never thought I would enjoy that crossover *shudder*)

                                *singing* Who's that pretty general in that mirror there?
                                Walter: *also singing* What mirror where?


                                Originally posted by penguininablender
                                hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
                                Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                                OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

                                - RSF

                       Sign the petition to bring back Ford!

