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things you would not want to hear on the SGC's intercom

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    Landry: Your attention please, due to the malfunctioning cable, we are evacuating the base and going to Vala's house so that we can watch Stargate SG-1 this Friday.

    To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


      This is Carl Tucker, owner and general manager of Carl Tucker's Used Cars! Do you own a lemon? Trade it in, right here at Carl Tucker's used cars, the largest automobile dealer in Cheyenne Mountain!


        Samus Aran: I am now in command of Stargate Command, everyone is going to recieve a raise of 500% after I get done "negotiating" with the IOA.
        Everyone: YAY!!!!!

        Guess what, I had an affair with nirriti and it was great!
        SG1: Don't even describe it to us you weirdo.

        Gen. O'Neill: Here is a music video of Star Trek: Nemisis
        Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


          Landry: Your attention please, this week is poetry week. Everyone is required to write a poem to share when the President visits on Wednsday.

          To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


            : roses are red.....violetts are purple.....kittens are snuggly....and I ate something purple


              Landry: We'll be putting on a musical to raise funds for the SGC- anyone seen my broom? Walter?


                EEWWWW! Kinsey's with Hathor!
                I KNEW there was a reason I hated that wench...
                Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

                I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


                Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


                  Carter: Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way?
                  [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                    Come on, Felger, good, no, don't touch that!
                    BAD Felger, BAD Felger!
                    *whimpering Felger*
                    I love it when Danny's all assertive...
                    Someone help me!
                    Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

                    I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


                    Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


                      a fart
                      Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                        farting contest in the mess hall, the winner gets all the blue jello


                          Originally posted by gatebuster64
                          farting contest in the mess hall, the winner gets all the blue jello
                          Sam: muahahahaha!!! *begins gorging herself on baked beans*


                          Originally posted by penguininablender
                          hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
                          Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                          OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

                          - RSF

                 Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


                            Jack: Dr. Jackson, please remove your collection of artifacts from the armoury. As you should know, it is a very dangerous place and explosions are very...
                            ... common.
                            Daniel: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

                            To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                              Jack: "Um, this is an announcement for whoever screwed up... next time supplies come in, do NOT get the Jell-O and laundry soap confused. I don't know what's worse... the purple uniforms or the pink underwear!"
                              [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                                (singing): O Freun--de, nicht die-se Töne! Sondern lasst uns an--------ge--nehmere an-stimen..

                                : is that Jaffa opera??!!

                                : nope, Beethoven.

                                : Freude schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium,
                                wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlischedein Heiligthum!
                                Deine zauber binden wieder, was die mode streng getheilt; al-
                                le menschen werden brüder, wo dein sanfter flügel weilt.

                                : I told you not to get him that classical music's greatest hits CD!!!

