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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Originally posted by nell View Post
    Thanks for sharing this with us! Here's hoping we get this righted...soon!
    Raimond has updated his program. Go to for the latest version.
    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


      Originally posted by Petra View Post
      Some time ago I promised to post my favourite "oldies" - several years-old fics whose authors, in majority, no longer write for SG-1, but whose fics are simply classic. So without further ado, here's the first instalment:


      The A'garja series extremely long S/J fic featuring hero!Jack (and it really is shameless hero!Jack; take this warning seriously) and an absolutely mind-blowing universe spanning whole galaxies and all the races we came to love, including Furlings


      Wow, that was a great story Thank you so much for the rec! It took me about a week to read it and when I finished I wanted to go back a read it again
      Stargate Distinguished Service Medal

      sig by me


        I'm still working on The A'garja series and enjoying it very much. It's a great story if you like Jack whump!!! The poor guy doesn't catch a break.


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
          No bites? I realize this is rec site, but just thought someone would remember it.
          I don't recognize it, but if someone does, I hope they post cuz it sounds interesting!
          Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


            Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
            No bites? I realize this is rec site, but just thought someone would remember it.
            You might want to post your request in the "Fic Search Thread", too. This is the "Fic Rec Thread" for stories people want to recommend to others to read. At the least, it would expand your search a bit.


              Not an already existing fanfic, but how about an idea for a fanfic.

              I would be so excited if someone wrote a really long action story based on this premise:
              Stargate:Camelot (Merlin/SG-1 Crossover)

              Video Premise:
              The video:

              0:00/0:38- Daniel has a dream where he is talking to an ascended ancient named Morgan le Fay a.k.a Morgana. She has decided to break the rules and help SG-1 find the Sangraal a.k.a Merlin's weapon. Morgan gives Daniel back all his memories of Camelot and Merlin which he gathered while he was ascended.

              0:38/1:01-Daniel tells the rest of the SG-1 team about his idea to use their time machine jumper to go back in time and acquire the weapon they've been searching so long for at its origins. With misgivings they proceed with the plan. When they arrive, Merlin sees them landing the jumper and he knows why they are there. Unfortunately a local also sees them.

              1:01/ 1:25-SG-1 witnesses an execution at the hands of Uther and they decide it's best to lay low until they have a chance to find the Sangraal. Unfortunately they are caught by Arthur but then freed by Merlin.

              1:25/1:46-Merlin and SG-1 discuss the Sangraal at which point Merlin offers to help them aquire it. Morgana (Morgan le Fay) finds out and reminds Merlin that it's against the non interference rule to help SG-1. He ignores her. SG-1 has a run in with the guardian of the Sangraal, the Great Dragon who is unwilling to give it up.

              1:46/1:52-Morgana(Morgan) takes it upon herself to stop Merlin so she steals the Sangraal and follows the SG-1 team as they attempt to return in time with the jumper. She wrecks the jumper, grounding them. Merlin finds out and threatens to stop her from destorying SG-1 at which point she dares him too.

              1:52/2:12-Morgana sends a magic black knight to expose SG-1, forcing Cam to fight it. He has nearly lost the fight when Merlin steps in and uses magic to defeat it. At this point, Uther now believes strongly that SG-1 are magic users and he has them hunted down, despite Daniel's attempt at reasoning. One by one they are captured and sentenced to death.

              2:12/2:28-Morgan le Fay expresses to Daniel that there is no way for her to interfere in history in order to save them. Jack faces execution at Arthur's hand and Sam must decided if changing the future is worth revenge on Uther.
              Last edited by SamJackShipper93; 20 June 2010, 12:00 PM.
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                Originally posted by nell View Post
                I'm still working on The A'garja series and enjoying it very much. It's a great story if you like Jack whump!!! The poor guy doesn't catch a break.
                I find searching through the novel archive daunting so I hadn't read this one.

                That said, I just couldn't get through it. There was just too much that was glossed over. The characters weren't really in character a lot of the time and the situations not really believable. The other universe was rich with potential but it was fairly glossed over in an attempt to get to the Jack bits.

                But, I'm very picky and hard to please
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                  I find searching through the novel archive daunting so I hadn't read this one.

                  That said, I just couldn't get through it. There was just too much that was glossed over. The characters weren't really in character a lot of the time and the situations not really believable. The other universe was rich with potential but it was fairly glossed over in an attempt to get to the Jack bits.

                  But, I'm very picky and hard to please
                  I have difficulty with long text fanfic. I know older fic was done like this but with the advent of the chapter system on (or hey, various links to different chapters), I'm spoiled. I usually end up not reading anything that's not broken up because I usually just bookmark the chapter I'm on.

                  :: shifty eyes :: But I didn't read the story so I can't speak to the rest of it LOL


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Despite being terribly out of character, this is worth reading just for the 'Movie Time' chapter.
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                      Somewhere in Time by Ziva/Amy Sithens
                      Many thanks.


                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        I find searching through the novel archive daunting so I hadn't read this one.

                        That said, I just couldn't get through it. There was just too much that was glossed over. The characters weren't really in character a lot of the time and the situations not really believable. The other universe was rich with potential but it was fairly glossed over in an attempt to get to the Jack bits.

                        But, I'm very picky and hard to please
                        I, too, struggled with the story. I had a problem with the initial premise, too. I can usually get over that with good writing (and this is good writing), the end I gave up.

                        Too bad, 'cause I LOVE losing myself in long, well-written fics.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          Annerb has just finished "Convergence". It's AU, but soooooo good! Of course it is--being by Annerb! Not a direct link as it is rated M, Convergence. Enjoy!
                          Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                            Chiming in about fanfic's range of writing abilities! I first discovered fanfic in 2004 and that was Sam and Jack ship fanfic. I was giddy with the quantity and quality. One thing I learned early on is that some writers have a knack, gift, or talent for capturing the essence of Sam, Jack, and the other Stargate characters in the dialogue as they move through the story. And some are more proficient in plots, action/adventure, technical aspects, and so on but less so on the characterizations. And then some can do both...that's a treat!

                            And then there is everyone else. And within this group are 'diamonds in the rough' that through writing and feedback and writing and constructive criticism and Beta support will grow in each successive story that they post. We've all seen these writers and I salute them for continuing to write Sam and Jack fanfic even though our favorite couple have not been together in an ongoing series for several years. I know these stories keep me going until we get our movie!


                              Originally posted by nell View Post
                              Chiming in about fanfic's range of writing abilities! I first discovered fanfic in 2004 and that was Sam and Jack ship fanfic. I was giddy with the quantity and quality. One thing I learned early on is that some writers have a knack, gift, or talent for capturing the essence of Sam, Jack, and the other Stargate characters in the dialogue as they move through the story. And some are more proficient in plots, action/adventure, technical aspects, and so on but less so on the characterizations. And then some can do both...that's a treat!

                              And then there is everyone else. And within this group are 'diamonds in the rough' that through writing and feedback and writing and constructive criticism and Beta support will grow in each successive story that they post. We've all seen these writers and I salute them for continuing to write Sam and Jack fanfic even though our favorite couple have not been together in an ongoing series for several years. I know these stories keep me going until we get our movie!
                              Nicely said, and I especially second that last part
                              Stargate Distinguished Service Medal

                              sig by me


                                After more than a year, Rocza has started posting the sequel to You Can't Always Get What You Want - You Get What You Need

                                Both stories are also available on ff-net and Heliopolis
                                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.

