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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Originally posted by Seaboe Muffinchucker View Post
    It is canon, to everyone but you.
    Sorry, it's not. As I said, I don't believe in prop canon because it's simply wrong.

    And to prove I'm not the only one thinking this AND to prove how often prop canon is not only wrong but even self-contradictory, take a look at this:

    Some relevant bits:

    As of Fair Game is wearing an AF Longevity medal with, apparently, three bronze clusters. This can't be right. The medal is for four years of service, and each cluster represents an additional awarding. This would mean he's been in in the AF for at least 16 years, but less than 20, as of 1999.

    Jack didn't turn 18 until 1975 (canonically born in 1957--Brief Candle), which was the year that all US troops were finally pulled out of Viet Nam. Even if he'd lied about his age to get in younger, we weren't still sending troops to 'Nam at that point. The 'proof' given for this fanon is that Jack wears at least one Viet Nam medal.

    Given the aired canon on Jack's age, the Viet Nam medals are simply a mistake. The two Viet Nam medals given were both given only up to 1973 -- Jack would have been 16 in 1973, and certainly couldn't have served in action long enough to have earned the medals. He would have to have joined when he was fifteen. (For specifics on the medals Jack appears to be wearing, see the Air Force descriptions: Vietnam Service and Republic of Vietnam.)

    Since prop canon is only valid in the absence of aired canon, this basically doesn't count. (Moreover, a closer look at the medals Jack and Sam are wearing during her promotion (Fair Game, third season, 1999) shows that she's not wearing the Air Medal -- which she earned a year earlier (Secrets, second season, 1998). So I'm looking at these medals as a guide, but not cast in stone.)

    I've seen the images from eighth season showing that Jack graduated from the academy in 1974. While that is further (unsupported) prop canon implying that he was born in 1952, it also supports my assumption that he can't have the Vietnam medals, since he wouldn't have been serving in active duty in 'Nam while attending the academy. Neither of those medals were awarded to anyone who hadn't served in-country before March 28, 1973.

    So, at the very least it's open to interpretation and up for a debate - which hedwig and I have been doing.

    You are free to believe what you want, but please remember that your belief doesn't magically transform itself into canon, which by definition relies on facts. And finally, since I know quite a few people here on GW sharing my view on this, you can hardly claim it's "canon for everybody but me". Ugh, no.

    One of the medals on his class As is for Vietnam. Let's see if this post links correctly...

    Thread you linked conveniently doesn't say which episode the screenshot is from nor does it cover remaining episodes. As I've been saying, apparently the ribbons and medals differ from episode to episode, so that's hardly any proof. *shrug*
    Last edited by Petra; 15 May 2013, 01:06 PM.
    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
    awesome sig by Josiane


      How about a fic rec? Fluffy, fluffity, fluff.

      Clocking Out by nandamai.
      Summary: It’s Jack’s last day at the SGC. Naturally, something goes horribly wrong.
      Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


        Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
        Is there? I'd love to read this if you can remember what it is.
        Can't remember at this time, but I'll try to see what I can do.


          Ages ago I asked if anyone could recall a fic where Sam was taken by Her'ur and made to have his baby...well I found it in Heliopolis last night.
          Slipping into Darkness by Kate
          It has an adult rating. Unfortunately it's also not finished.

          Slipping Into Darkness by Kate
          Summary: A lot of you probably won't like this and I'm warning you that it leaves you just kind of hanging at the end.
          Series: None
          Rated: MA Chapters: 6 Word count: 17789
          Characters: None
          Categories: Jack/Sam
          Episode Related: None
          Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama
          Holiday: None
          Season: None
          Warnings: None
          Crossovers: None
          Completed: No Published: 2000.11.25 Updated: 2000.11.25
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            I was wondering if anyone knows a fic where Sam gets hit by a staff weapon but isn't injured because of the new vests which didn't save Frasier but she is in a lot of pain and they can't figure out why...ring any bells? I've been looking at fics all week and can't find the other one yet and this one has eluded me too.
            FOUND IT! I knew I had this one, checked my downloaded fics and there it was.

            I'm pretty sure that the fic you're looking for is Three Quarters, by Kate1013. It is a sequel to Half Light.


              Does anyone remember the title of this fic?

              During a mission Sam and Jack wake up and there's a newborn baby next to them. Sam is surprised that she can breastfeed her.
              Later they discovered that she really gave birth to the baby. She's Grace, the child they had in Ancient Egypt. After her parents' death she chose to ascend and now she came back but to do that Sam was pregnant only for some hours before Grace's birth.
              The story then deals with the fall out of this event. It does have a happy ending.
              My vids Sig made by me


                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                Does anyone remember the title of this fic?

                During a mission Sam and Jack wake up and there's a newborn baby next to them. Sam is surprised that she can breastfeed her.
                Later they discovered that she really gave birth to the baby. She's Grace, the child they had in Ancient Egypt. After her parents' death she chose to ascend and now she came back but to do that Sam was pregnant only for some hours before Grace's birth.
                The story then deals with the fall out of this event. It does have a happy ending.
                Wishes of the Heart by Kelleth Metheus

                Has two completed sequels, Dreams of the Soul and Agony of the Spirit
                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                  My vids Sig made by me


                    The Importance to Properly Fold Clothes by erin80. Sam's thoughts after her father's death.


                      Of Pillows and Marshmallows by Simlead. 'They're on leave. He's bored. She's intent on working. It never was a good combination...' A little fluff piece set after SG-1 finishes but before Season 3/4 of Atlantis.


                        hi I was just wondering if there are any stories out there about Sam's mom not being dead


                          Originally posted by themeggie View Post
                          hi I was just wondering if there are any stories out there about Sam's mom not being dead
                          One for sure that I know about is String Theory by Annerb. Very well done, as nearly all of Annerb's are. There may be others on here List of Sam/Jack AU Fics that I haven't gotten to yet.


                            Originally posted by brendini View Post
                            One for sure that I know about is String Theory by Annerb. Very well done, as nearly all of Annerb's are. There may be others on here List of Sam/Jack AU Fics that I haven't gotten to yet.
                            thank you


                              Originally posted by Arashi View Post
                              FOUND IT! I knew I had this one, checked my downloaded fics and there it was.
                              I'm pretty sure that the fic you're looking for is Three Quarters, by Kate1013. It is a sequel to Half Light.
                              Thank you!!! I actually had them book marked but I didn't get to them yet. I've had a few million things happening here in RL so thank you for taking one thing off my list of things to look for.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                Thank you!!! I actually had them book marked but I didn't get to them yet. I've had a few million things happening here in RL so thank you for taking one thing off my list of things to look for.
                                It was a pleasure, I love re-reading good fics! Don't forget there is a sequel to Three Quarters as well.

