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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    This one always makes me laugh.
    First Comes Love by Nanda
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      Originally posted by roni123 View Post
      any sam/jack fanfiction (new stories)
      in this site?
      i'm looking for stories post enemy at the gate/continuum

      I think it depends on what you're looking for--if you want Jack and Sam established and together and "Happily ever after", or if you're looking for adventure or angst or fic that prolongs the ship without showing resolution. What exactly are you wanting to read? The fic that Skydiver recced above (which is mine) is a relationship-resolved post-Atlantis fic that shows Jack and Sam as being married (and a little frisky--don't tell my mom or my kids ) while Jack is at the Pentagon and Sam is back from her stint on the Hammond.

      There are a lot of fic like this--but if you are looking for something specific, indicate that. And right now, there will be more being posted on various forums as people make their offerings for "Shipmas 2010", which takes place tomorrow, and for which people have written a lot of stories.

      I'd love to be able to give you some recs, but I'm not certain what kind of story you're wanting to read.

      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        thanks first of all
        the stories i would like to read can be from any kind... just new stories post continuum/enemy at the gate
        i can't find nothing on the websites exept
        are there anothers sites?
        what is the shipmass 2010?
        is it something new?


          are there going to be some new stories?
          where can i find them?


            Shipmas is a Shipper's Christmas celebration where we take 24 hours and have a special thread specially devoted to Sam and Jack. People post all kinds of fun things--videos, story links, gifs, and other fun little things that celebrate the relationship between these two. Usually, it's centered around a holiday--so if it's Shipmas, then most of the items are going to be Christmas-themed. There are also other ones--Valenship, and Ship Day, among others.

            It will start in around 11 hours--depending on where you live, and go for 24 hours, and they will compile a list throughout the time that will have all the links to fic.

            Also--try clicking on the links found in people's sigs on GW. For example, just below my sig, there's a link to All my fic is found there on my profile, and you don't have to go searching for it. My stuff is pretty much split evenly between established Post-Atlantis Sam/Jack, and angsty season four-ish Sam and Jack. There are always new stories posted. And I know we've had this discussion before, but I think that is a great resource, and I know that lots of people archive on LiveJournal.

            And if you're a shipper, come join us on the Appreciation thread. People post their new fic there all the time.

            Link HERE.
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Title: An Unexpected Christmas Present

              Category: Stargate: SG-1
              Character(s): J. O'Neill & S. Carter

              Words: 12,334
              Genre(s): Romance/General
              Rating: Rated: T
              Summary: Sam's change of Christmas plans may mean Jack needs to change his

              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Happy First Day of Winter!

                I'm pretty sure this has been posted earlier but just in case you missed this sweet little wintery/Christmasy short fic, well, enjoy.

                by Nanda
                Rated G for "gosh it's adorable"



                  Looking for an older S/J fic. It starts with SG1 on a mission and they're under attack. Jack hurts his knee, and after they go back he has surgery but he can't go back to active duty so he retires. At the retirement party he and Sam hook up. I don't remember what happens in the meantime, but a while later the have a daughter and Jacob is teasing Jack about the times when she grows up and she starts dating.
                  Then I'm not sure if it was an epilogue or a separate story, 20 years later S/J's daughter (forgot her name, might have been Stella) is all grown up, an AF cadet and with a group of other cadets (including her boyfriend) she visits the SGC for some training, they go to the Alpha site, the guys are giving the boyfriend a hard time etc. I read it either on or on the novel site. Ring any bells?


                    Apparently I got a pressie! It's a ficlet to accompany my S/J drawing (

                    I still don't know who wrote it, but altho the author claims to be unexperienced, the writing is SUPERB and the story is full with my beloved angst and humor

                    O'Neill & Carter. In a ditch. Surrounded by Jaffa. Things go horribly wrong.
                    "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                    "I am quite sure they will say so."


                      Originally posted by es! View Post
                      Apparently I got a pressie! It's a ficlet to accompany my S/J drawing (

                      I still don't know who wrote it, but altho the author claims to be unexperienced, the writing is SUPERB and the story is full with my beloved angst and humor

                      O'Neill & Carter. In a ditch. Surrounded by Jaffa. Things go horribly wrong.
                      Excellent drawing, and excellent fic. I hope she writes more.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        Excellent drawing, and excellent fic. I hope she writes more.
                        Thank you

                        Apparently I've been pranked
                        I know the author and she is not new to writing, only to S/J angst. I am glad you liked the story, I'm all giddy now after re-reading it
                        "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                        "I am quite sure they will say so."


                          Originally posted by es! View Post
                          Apparently I got a pressie! It's a ficlet to accompany my S/J drawing (

                          I still don't know who wrote it, but altho the author claims to be unexperienced, the writing is SUPERB and the story is full with my beloved angst and humor

                          O'Neill & Carter. In a ditch. Surrounded by Jaffa. Things go horribly wrong.
                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          Excellent drawing, and excellent fic. I hope she writes more.
                          MuHA! Twas me, the ever sneaky Polo

                          Another brilliantly executed sneaky santa secret fic delivery (if I do say so myself) that would not have been possible without the help of the most excellent WraithCat!
                          So, I thank her, and I thank you ES! for the inspiring drawing.

                          Thanks dipsofjazz, and anyone else from this thread that left feedback on


                            Originally posted by es! View Post
                            Apparently I got a pressie! It's a ficlet to accompany my S/J drawing (

                            I still don't know who wrote it, but altho the author claims to be unexperienced, the writing is SUPERB and the story is full with my beloved angst and humor

                            O'Neill & Carter. In a ditch. Surrounded by Jaffa. Things go horribly wrong.
                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                            Excellent drawing, and excellent fic. I hope she writes more.
                            Originally posted by es! View Post
                            Thank you

                            Apparently I've been pranked
                            I know the author and she is not new to writing, only to S/J angst. I am glad you liked the story, I'm all giddy now after re-reading it

                            muha! xD


                              I'm in the middle of this one, and loving it so far: Slow Dances by KissHerJack.

                              I tried reading one that got a high rec recently where Sam is writing a diary because she is pregnant and jack is missing. Can't think of the title off hand, but it's the third or fourth pregnancy fic I've had to stop reading in the middle. Sometimes being a midwife makes reading fics very challenging!

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                something like the banana smoothie???
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


