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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
    *insert evil laughter*


    Ok, I've succumbed to the icons

    But I'm depending on you to tell me honestly which are good and which are not

    I'm not sure of the Covenant one, but I really love the TabRasa one


      Originally posted by jumble View Post

      Ok, I've succumbed to the icons

      But I'm depending on you to tell me honestly which are good and which are not

      I'm not sure of the Covenant one, but I really love the TabRasa one
      The only problem I have with the Covenant icon is the text, cause it's a little hard to read. When working on something so small it's best to use clearer fonts, IMO.

      I do love the frame on the other one.


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        The only problem I have with the Covenant icon is the text, cause it's a little hard to read. When working on something so small it's best to use clearer fonts, IMO.
        Ah, constructive criticism, thanks Yes, I'll have to get used to not using fancy fonts

        I do love the frame on the other one.
        Me too, and for some reason I find that particular pic very....... thunkworthy? Sexy? Cute?

        Or all of the above

        Edit: Is this better?

        And one for Abyss

        Last edited by Jumble; 17 June 2009, 04:30 AM.


          Yup much better.

          Great composition the the Abyss one. I think it's my fav so far. See how fast you're getting it.


            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
            Yup much better.

            Great composition the the Abyss one. See how fast you're getting it.
            Thanks I really like that one

            Still trying to put waaaaay too much stuff in though But it does work sometimes


              Aw! How cute is Joe!?



                *iz too tired to run through thread nekkid*


                  *huggles LJ* Poor thing....she is even too tired to run through the thread nekkid...

                  Oh and back from exam...and learning on school isn't an wonderful idea either...certainly not when multiple people from your class have that idea and we end up in the cafeteria!


                    *hugs LJ too*
                    So how did the exam go Jann?
                    And I agree with Jas, Jumble, the Abyss icon is particularly good Didn't we tell you you could do icons??
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      *hugs LJ too*
                      So how did the exam go Jann?
                      And I agree with Jas, Jumble, the Abyss icon is particularly good Didn't we tell you you could do icons??
                      Thanks Why is it the one that took about ten minutes turned out better than the ones I've been playing with for hours?

                      Ok, I give in, I can do icons..... but only if it's Martin


                        *runz through thread nekkid*


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          *hugs LJ too*
                          So how did the exam go Jann?
                          And I agree with Jas, Jumble, the Abyss icon is particularly good Didn't we tell you you could do icons??
                          I think it went well, but I don't know for sure! It's always hard to say...I just have to wait for the result!

                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          *runz through thread nekkid*
                          Woohoo LJ is happy again...

                          And grrr...there is a very annoying fly on my room and it won't go away


                            *runz nekkid through thread again*


                              Jumble made icons (very cool!), LJ was too tired to run nekkid, Jann has a stalker fly...
                              Something's wonky on this thread and I have taken it upon myself to find out what!
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                Jumble made icons (very cool!), LJ was too tired to run nekkid, Jann has a stalker fly...
                                Something's wonky on this thread and I have taken it upon myself to find out what!
                                *Awaits Nad's findings...munches a Twinkie*

