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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Achaja, you aren't the only one...but I always notice other annoying little a clock that is incorrect because the one scene will, according to the clock, last for a few hours instead of a minute or so.

    Yay for Martin pics

    *walks of to do more homework*

    I want these weeks to be over!!!*pouts*


      Originally posted by Achaja View Post
      You're right.
      I appreciate that directors makes these tricks with cameos very gently (however Woohoos wanted to see more Martin), it means they are professionals
      They are. Yes, we wood love to see more of Martin........ but I really prefer his DS and MD's, because it's almost entirely him without the 'stars' blocking my view

      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      Achaja, you aren't the only one...but I always notice other annoying little a clock that is incorrect because the one scene will, according to the clock, last for a few hours instead of a minute or so.

      Yay for Martin pics

      *walks of to do more homework*

      I want these weeks to be over!!!*pouts*
      There was a thing in EDM where Martin had a problem with the floor numbers in the lift. Because the scene was so short, the numbers couldn't be counted down properly, so he did it so that we saw the number 3, then the camera moved a bit so that Daniel's shoulder was blocking the number so we didn't see that it suddenly jumped to 28 Because we all know that the lifts as the SGC don't actually work, don't we? They just change the numbers and then open the doors onto a different scene by moving fake walls about

      That's just the sort of 'cheat' that Martin loves to point out Although of course it's not a 'cheat', it's just a very simple but clever way of getting around the problem without most of us even knowing about it
      Last edited by Jumble; 07 June 2009, 04:18 AM.


        Hehe so you've got good eye Jann
        I only see the iris monitors - sometimes closed while in that time iris is opened - but I noticed it only one time

        Oh wow, very well done then! Watching stargate we didn't think of such details, right? Good that Martin cares for them for us
        sig thanks to Luci


          Originally posted by Achaja View Post
          Hehe so you've got good eye Jann
          I only see the iris monitors - sometimes closed while in that time iris is opened - but I noticed it only one time

          Oh wow, very well done then! Watching stargate we didn't think of such details, right? Good that Martin cares for them for us
          He's really very meticulous about getting the detail right. And if it didn't work out the way he wanted, or he isn't happy with something, he always says so. So honest, because really most people woodn't have seen anything wrong

          It's great this commentary thing, it's like being taken by the hand and guided through the Stargate and shown exactly how it all works and why things are done the way they are.

          And by such an entertaining and informative.......... not to mention gorgeous ..... guide


            Well said Jumble!
            sig thanks to Luci


              with Luciana's tutorial
              sig thanks to Luci


                Lovely icons Achaja

                Guess who fell asleep in the bath

                ...... and had a dream.......

                A few weeks back, this pic .....

                .... sparked a discussion because I said something about how giving your man a shave can be sexy..........
                I dreamt that I was at the Sanctuary studios. I'd been watching Martin direct a scene and telling us (there was a group of us, but I didn't know anyone) lots of interesting stuff about the green screen and such. Then we went to see him in his office. There was a lady there introducing us all, and when she said my name Martin said "Ah! I heard you were coming.......... hang on......" He was searching through all the pockets on his shorts, taking out pens, bits of paper, gum, coins etc and putting them on his desk. And I'm thinking "What the...??"

                Then he found what he was looking for and said to me "...... so I brought my razor!" and held out one of those 'cut-throat' razors that barbers use He rubbed his hand around his beard and said he'd been letting it grow specially

                And then......... the phone rang and woke me up.......... and finally the thing I've been dreading for months happened..........

                Hey Babe, how you doing? (Yes, he calls me 'Babe', despite my constantly reminding him that Babe is a piglet )

                Hi Martin! Doing fine, just fell asleep in the bath. Good thing you woke me up, the water's getting cold


                Michael? You still there?

                I'm here....... just wondering who you were talking to.....

                Er... what?

                Ok, I'm going to hang up and ring you back, and we can both pretend you didn't just call me Martin!

                *listens to dialling tone* Ooooooooops!
                Last edited by Jumble; 15 August 2010, 11:51 AM.


                  you fell asleep in the bath??? Are you crazy! You could drowned!
                  for the razor very interesting dream
                  dubble for the call
                  You think M. gets angry?

                  Oh, the circumstances are funny - you - taking bath - sleeping - Martin....
                  sig thanks to Luci


                    Originally posted by Achaja View Post
                    you fell asleep in the bath??? Are you crazy! You could drowned!
                    No, I'm too tall to drown. Either that or the bath is too small.........

                    for the razor very interesting dream
                    dubble for the call
                    You think M. gets angry?
                    Which 'M'?

                    Which of course is the problem

                    He's not angry, just surprised to hear my sleepy voice calling him 'Martin'

                    I'm only surprised he hasn't heard it before.........

                    And at least I didn't tell him off for ruining what could have turned into my best dream yet

                    Oh, the circumstances are funny - you - taking bath - sleeping - Martin....
                    Although I now have a few more wrinkles than usual
                    Last edited by Jumble; 15 August 2010, 11:50 AM.


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      That's an interesting thought to send me to bed with

                      btw, what does your name mean, if you don't mind me asking?
                      Edit: Time to sleep, Woodnight (((((WooHoos)))))
                      Not at all. I'm a big AT fan and I started lurking in the Sam's a great character thread. I'm also Canadian. My name is a bit of a play on both those things. The stereotype is that Canadians say "eh" a lot although we don't really. "Eh" is pronounced like the letter "A" so "EH-T" sounds like Amanda's initials "AT". Amanda asked us at lunch about our online names so I had to explain it to her as well. However, it was funny because SamJackShipLover was too embarrassed to give her name so PengYn yelled it out.

                      What is the origin of "jumble"?

                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      He's really very meticulous about getting the detail right. And if it didn't work out the way he wanted, or he isn't happy with something, he always says so. So honest, because really most people woodn't have seen anything wrong

                      It's great this commentary thing, it's like being taken by the hand and guided through the Stargate and shown exactly how it all works and why things are done the way they are.

                      And by such an entertaining and informative.......... not to mention gorgeous ..... guide

                      He even admits when he makes mistakes or if he thinks he directed a scene poorly. Love his commentaries, especially those with AT. I'm hoping we get a lot of that combo for the Sanctuary DVDs.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Not at all. I'm a big AT fan and I started lurking in the Sam's a great character thread. I'm also Canadian. My name is a bit of a play on both those things. The stereotype is that Canadians say "eh" a lot although we don't really. "Eh" is pronounced like the letter "A" so "EH-T" sounds like Amanda's initials "AT". Amanda asked us at lunch about our online names so I had to explain it to her as well. However, it was funny because SamJackShipLover was too embarrassed to give her name so PengYn yelled it out.

                        What is the origin of "jumble"?
                        Ah, that makes perfect sense now I say it out loud

                        Er, Jumble? Hmmm. Long boring story..... I used to play a lot of pc games, and used my initials (JPM) as my player name. One day I mistyped it as JUM, so I became JUM. Most games, if you want to start again without deleting your finished game, they make you choose another name. So I started adding different letters.... Jump, Jumper, Jumpster..... one day I ran out of p's, so I asked Suz (daughter) for a suggestion, and she said why not 'Jumble' because it fitted me she said

                        So from then on I was Jumble..... my grandsons always make a point of calling me that when I see them at the school (loudly ) or in front of their friends. They find it amusing

                        I actually prefer it to my real name, which I dislike intensely, so I'm pretty much Jumble to most people

                        He even admits when he makes mistakes or if he thinks he directed a scene poorly. Love his commentaries, especially those with AT. I'm hoping we get a lot of that combo for the Sanctuary DVDs.
                        He does, which I think speaks volumes about him both professionally and personally

                        I actually can't remember the last time I watched an ep of his without the commentary......... in fact I can't remember when I last watched an ep that wasn't his


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          He's really very meticulous about getting the detail right. And if it didn't work out the way he wanted, or he isn't happy with something, he always says so. So honest, because really most people woodn't have seen anything wrong

                          It's great this commentary thing, it's like being taken by the hand and guided through the Stargate and shown exactly how it all works and why things are done the way they are.

                          And by such an entertaining and informative.......... not to mention gorgeous ..... guide
                          You remind me that I should listen and watch and episode soon again!

                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          There was a thing in EDM where Martin had a problem with the floor numbers in the lift. Because the scene was so short, the numbers couldn't be counted down properly, so he did it so that we saw the number 3, then the camera moved a bit so that Daniel's shoulder was blocking the number so we didn't see that it suddenly jumped to 28 Because we all know that the lifts as the SGC don't actually work, don't we? They just change the numbers and then open the doors onto a different scene by moving fake walls about

                          That's just the sort of 'cheat' that Martin loves to point out Although of course it's not a 'cheat', it's just a very simple but clever way of getting around the problem without most of us even knowing about it
                          Ah cheating that's good And Martin should point it out...he should be proud of it! and we need to know it!

                          The lifts don't work I thought the SGC was real I always find it cool how they direct everything and it's fun to find out how stuff fits together!

                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          He even admits when he makes mistakes or if he thinks he directed a scene poorly. Love his commentaries, especially those with AT. I'm hoping we get a lot of that combo for the Sanctuary DVDs.
                          I like that as well. That's a good characteristic IMHO!

                          The commentaries with AT are really good; my favs' actually!


                            *waves to Jann* Having a good week-end?

                            I wonder where Sarai has got to? Last we saw of her she was off to the Ball, and I think that was Friday night?

                            Maybe she lost her glass slipper and the Prince found it and tracked her down and whisked her off to his castle

                            No? Ok


                              Wood afternoon, Woohoos!


                                Hey LJ

                                Did you enjoy your week-end? How's Mom?

