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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Morning Woohoos! *yawwwwn* I see you've already had a riotous morning! *stumbles to kitchen for breakfast*


      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      Yep. A skip. One of these

      *skips out giggling*
      Lmao! you don't see those too often! ...and have spend too much time there...
      It wouldn't be good if I would see one flewing by my window...sinec I'm on the first floor


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        All advice is welcome

        Ah, the five year plan that my daughter-in-law is so fond of

        About the 'dependent' thing. I probably used the wrong word there, because what he means by that is he wants me to trust him to always be there and depend on him for love and support no matter what. I have a hard time with that because whenever I've put myself in that position in the past the person concerned has either let me down or turned into a monster I'm too cynical, and I know that, but it's hard to change that

        I'd need a guided tour first, just so I know what I'm letting myself in for Reality? What reality?

        Don't apologize, you have every right to be sad. Tbh, that puts my little problem right back into perspective

        Indeed it wood *huggles Martin, if for no other reason than that he brought us all here together* *huggles Martin again, because I like to huggle him*

        Had a looooooooong talk with Michael last night......

        resulting in a lot of stuff to think about, and a much calmer approach now that the world has stopped rocking

        ((((Jumble)))) Glad things are calmer and things today I'm sure it'll all work out, somehow But you always have to get through the initial panic before you get to that point

        And love the new sig!

        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        Morning Woohoos

        Good to hear the world makes a bit more sense Jumble .

        *sigh* Seem to be setting up shop in the library these days. Wood it be going too far to bring a pic of Dan and stick it to the computer I like to use...?

        Well, if you were in my library I would happily let you But I'm not sure what the Leeds librarians' policy is on thunking
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          ((((Jumble)))) Glad things are calmer and things today I'm sure it'll all work out, somehow But you always have to get through the initial panic before you get to that point
          Yes, that's always my first instinct PANIC

          And love the new sig!
          Thanks That's my second instinct, make a sig of it

          Well, if you were in my library I would happily let you But I'm not sure what the Leeds librarians' policy is on thunking
          If she were in your library, Dan wood have to fight for space with Jack

          Snurched from Joe's blog...

          I could do with some of that chocolate........ that's my third instinct


            mmmmmmmmm chocolate.

            I don't like Joe with his chocolate blog...because of it I bought chocolate yesterday...and my brother was even helping me with buying it


              *huggles Joe* Second instinct. First was snurching them from the blog last night! The lovely and wonderful APA and I were talking about what a great idea the chocolate party was, because it allowed the new SGU people to feel like part of the SG family. Nothing makes you feel more at home than a delicious meal and mountains of chocolate!


                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                Well, if you were in my library I would happily let you But I'm not sure what the Leeds librarians' policy is on thunking
                Darn, why oh why am I not in Oxford .

                (Oh yeah, that's right, not clever enough )

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                If she were in your library, Dan wood have to fight for space with Jack
                What an impossible choice!!


                  True LJ, but I have a yearning for liquorice......

                  .. and peanut butter........

                  .... and red shirts.......

                  .....and demonstrative arms........

                  .... or just a huge dollop of Martin *sigh*


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post

                    Ooooh! Nice. I get very proud when seeing 'my flag' in the same artwork as Martin

                    Originally posted by starlover View Post
                    mmmmmmmmm chocolate.

                    I don't like Joe with his chocolate blog...because of it I bought chocolate yesterday...and my brother was even helping me with buying it
                    See, I think I'm one of the few women in this world who do not like chocolate very much. I like some of the very dark stuff on occasion, but that's pretty much it.

                    I do, however, love the idea of chocolate covered PTB.
                    Like the 'say action' figures, only edible. One could play with them and eat them afterwards. Right before they start melting in your hands and make a mess of the place.

                    EDIT: Eh...
                    That came out wrong?
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      *dies laughing*


                        OMG ROFLMAO! Nad

                        I like chocolate...but it's not my favorite sweet


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          Ooooh! Nice. I get very proud when seeing 'my flag' in the same artwork as Martin

                          See, I think I'm one of the few women in this world who do not like chocolate very much. I like some of the very dark stuff on occasion, but that's pretty much it.

                          I do, however, love the idea of chocolate covered PTB.
                          Like the 'say action' figures, only edible. One could play with them and eat them afterwards. Right before they start melting in your hands and make a mess of the place.

                          EDIT: Eh...
                          That came out wrong?
                          Out of the gutteriest mind on the thread

                          This is my favourite sweet...


                            Joe, Joe
                            he's our guy!
                            All his chocolate
                            I'd like to try!

                            Joe, Joe,
                            he's our man
                            He eats chocolate
                            like no one can!

                            Joe, Joe,
                            he's so cute!
                            He makes me squee
                            till I go mute!

                            Bekki and Nad are so much better at those than I am. Alas. *sigh*


                              Can't say I've noticed the mute effect there LJ

                              And make sure your hands are cold before you go trying his chocolate, you woodn't want it to melt too soon...........


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Can't say I've noticed the mute effect there LJ

                                And make sure your hands are cold before you go trying his chocolate, you woodn't want it to melt too soon...........
                                Why, jumble! I'm sure I have no idea what you could mean!

                                EDIT: *mutters to mods* Nothing to see here...move along, move along...

