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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Everyone should!
    The world probably woodn't be better, but we'd all be having much more fun.
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Oh, I think the world wood definitely be better! Everyone should live by the WooHoo Code and Logic - then they'd be too busy having fun and doing things they always wanted to but didn't because they were too worried about what everyone else wood think that they woodn't have time for the negativity and misery that abounds all around us.

      Last edited by Jumble; 15 August 2016, 11:25 AM. Reason: Comes a point when you've corrected the spelling and grammar enough times that it makes more sense to leave it alone!


        I can get with that logic too

        Haven't seen the extras yet, but I thought it looked like it was just the Secrets of the Musketeers vids which they already posted online They did the same on the S2 DVDs, I remember. Poor show, BBC, but then again rather par for the course with they way they tested the series in general

        If only I could think of a way to take the DVDs on the plane with me to New Zealand next week... That might make the journey more bearable!
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          True, I guess. Though no one wood be doing the adulting... We need some adulting people in the world.

          Also. A Dutch gold medal in gymnastics?
          How cool! Unexpected medals are so much more fun.
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            I saw that! Delighted for her

            And I know exactly what you mean - we won two gold medals in the gymnastics yesterday, the first of which was completely unexpected (the second we thought was likely but you never know). I was bouncing round the living room Unexpected medals are definitely more enjoyable!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              I can get with that logic too

              Haven't seen the extras yet, but I thought it looked like it was just the Secrets of the Musketeers vids which they already posted online They did the same on the S2 DVDs, I remember. Poor show, BBC, but then again rather par for the course with they way they tested the series in general
              That's about right

              If only I could think of a way to take the DVDs on the plane with me to New Zealand next week... That might make the journey more bearable!
              You never know, they might have some Muskies eps available on the in-flight movie/tv player? Or take your laptop? There must be a way!

              Business or pleasure in NZ? *tries not to turn green with envy*


                Taking my iPad but can't watch DVDs on that I may have downloaded Knight takes Queen onto it but no room for any more Don't actually own a laptop any more

                And pleasure Off for my holidays and visiting my friends, with a stop in Hong Kong on the way back It's going to be awesome, once I get past the 28 hour journey
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                  True, I guess. Though no one wood be doing the adulting... We need some adulting people in the world.
                  It's the 'adults' in this world that cause all the trouble IMO

                  Watching 'This Morning' this morning (that does make sense here in the UK ), the discussion was about young children being addicted to technology. One woman rang in and said that her 2yr old (yes, that's TWO years old) won't go to sleep at night unless he can have his DS (or whatever) to play with in bed, and in the morning he demands (yes, I said DEMANDS!) to play games whilst eating his breakfast, and if the battery goes flat he DEMANDS to have his mother's phone instead. If his mother tries to say 'no' or takes it away he has a massive tantrum - screaming, kicking and hitting her! The advice she was given (put more politically correctly ) was to throw the darn thing away and refuse him the phone. The mother said (tremulously) that she didn't think she could do that! Seriously? It never ceases to amaze me how many parents don't say 'no' and mean it! They don't seem to realise that they are teaching their children that if they scream, kick, punch and say 'I hate you!' they will be given what they want. Ten years down the line they will find themselves with a violent nightmare teenager on their hands My little ones learn very early that 'No means No' and I will take no notice whatever of their tears and tantrums. I know it's easier for me because I'm not their mum, but it doesn't make them love me any less and 99% of my kids ( oh come on! There's always one ) are very happy with me and go on to do well in school and life in general. Unfortunately a lot of today's parents are second or third generation kids that suffered from a lack of discipline and therefore stability, which is very sad for them and their children


                  Also. A Dutch gold medal in gymnastics?
                  How cool! Unexpected medals are so much more fun.
                  Well if you're going to talk about sport/the Olympics I'm off back to the cellar with Athos

                  I don't watch it (I won't do my usual rant about sport interfering with 'my' tv shows ) and have no interest in it, but I do realise that it means a lot to other people and that all these gold medals are hard won and well deserved, so congrats to them all


                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    Taking my iPad but can't watch DVDs on that I may have downloaded Knight takes Queen onto it but no room for any more Don't actually own a laptop any more
                    You don't own a laptop?

                    And pleasure Off for my holidays and visiting my friends, with a stop in Hong Kong on the way back It's going to be awesome, once I get past the 28 hour journey
                    Oh, lucky you! Hope you have a fabulous time *hugs*

                    Have to say, the child playing the Dauphin is either an incredibly good actor or the Director bribed him with sweets The bit where Anne went to kiss him and he ducked away towards Louis was brilliantly well timed for so young a child


                      Nope, iPad and desktop PC only now

                      And he did a good job, didn't he? Plus he was pretty cute
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        He did, and he is

                        Hippy Sunflower nails............


                          I love those hippy nails, Jumble!

                          Started my new job this week. I'm loving it so far, and getting into the swing of things with regular hours and developing a routine. It's only day 3 but I can say for certain that this is one of the best decisions I have ever made!

                          And I just wanted to bounce in with that excitement.

                          I haven't got the Musketeers Season 3 DVDs yet but I can't wait to watch them all back to back!

                          Josi, I only have a laptop and iPad, but I wish I had a desktop PC.
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            *bounces with Wendy* So happy for you!
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Oh, so happy the new job is working out well Wendy

                              I'm having a good week so far - Monday, dentist confirmed that the problem I've been having is now under control. Tuesday, doctor confirmed that my blood pressure is waaaaay down to what it was and is now back in the 'normal' bracket. Today, Physio signed me off because I've got the other problem I was having under control. Thursday? Well I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the electrician turns up on time and actually installs the correct extractor fan in the bathroom. Then I can do what I've been itching to do - get rid of the plainness
                              Last edited by Jumble; 17 August 2016, 11:40 AM.


                                Yay for holidays, new jobs and general good news!

                                I have no news.
                                I am nekkid, though.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

