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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I've been procrastinating jet-washing the patio for a couple of weeks (it's raining, I don't feel well, I need to pot up those seedlings right away otherwise they'll die, darn it, it's raining again, I've had a glass of wine and shouldn't be operating machinery, I've just cleaned out the guinea-pigs' hutch and I'm knackered, raining again ) and it has come down to a must-do today......... but it's sooooo hot out there and I'll probably get a migraine if I'm out in the sun for long, besides which I burn really easily.........

    Maybe later it'll cool down enough for me to get it done........ after I've finished rewatching Athos Muskies S2


      That's that done - now I need a shower to get rid of all the dirt and grit that I'm currently covered with


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        I'm sorry about being MIA for weeks - some of you know that my husband had a stroke (actually they characterized it as a "shower" of strokes) a few weeks ago. While he was in the hospital for a week, they were monitoring his heart (he's had 7 heart attacks) and his pulse rate would go down to 25 at night (totally unacceptable) so he had a pace maker implanted. He's home, but between work (end of year and seniors who are failing and may not graduate) and caring for him, it's been rather hectic here in south Texas....and don't get me started on the RAIN!!!!
        Nola, I am really sorry to hear about all the hassles your husband and you are going through. I hope the pace maker does the trick. My brother had one for many years and it worked fine. I think my dad might have had one too but I can't remember for sure. Time has a way of doing that to you! But take hope in the fact they have been doing their little important jobs for decades and they work really well.


          Here we go again - another thunderstorm with torrential rain - had enough of that last night


            A little late, but sending hugs and good vibes your way Nola!

            Rain. I love storms and torrential rain as long as I get to stay indoors. Love weather on the extreme side. However, the last few weeks have been overkill with all the flooding in my corner of Europe.
            I technically live on the bottom of a lake, well beneath sea level, but I guess that one plus side of that is that we're fairly well protected against the water.
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              That's the problem with the UK - we just don't cope with extremes of weather When it snows the whole country grinds to a standstill, very few of us have air conditioning so we all frazzle when it's hot, in the autumn, trains often can't run because of all the leaves on the lines and when it rains a lot homes get flooded because we don't have the means to protect them against the water. No wonder the British are renowned for constantly talking about the weather


                Martin's been having fun with helicopters again.............

                Martin Wood @realmartinwood Jun 9

                Where 2 put cameras so they don't interfere with the weapons system #Chesapeake not ur average @hallmarkchannel show


                  I pay around £150 a year for my tv licence (which only applies to the BBC but is enforceable by law if I don't pay it), and around £900 per year for cable. So you'd think, wouldn't you, that I pay quite enough to be able to expect to watch what I want - yes? No Because of the bloody football almost every programme I like to watch has been moved or cancelled

                  Yes, I am, VERY ANGRY!!!!!


                    I must admit that not being in Euro 2016 is kind of refreshing. It wood have been fun to watch (for me ), but all the missing tv nonsense is nice. Except for orange cakes and drinks. I do miss those.

                    Also, there are terrorist attacks and mass shootings in the world, and yet grown ass men decide they should riot over something as trivial as football? How sad.
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Exactly! There is nothing in this world more trivial than football, yet we all have to suffer for it Every time! The tv ptb really MUST be aware that the majority of us hate all this disruption, yet they continue to do it every time


                        It probably makes them good money.

                        Speaking of money and Europe...
                        How's it looking, are you UK-ees leaving us?
                        It really is because of Euroviosion songcontest results, isn't it?
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          It probably makes them good money.
                          In the case of the BBC it does - on top of all the money they fleece us of

                          Speaking of money and Europe...
                          How's it looking, are you UK-ees leaving us?
                          It really is because of Euroviosion songcontest results, isn't it?
                          Yesterday the 'Leave' vote was 7% higher than the 'Remain' vote, but anything can happen in the next seven days

                          If it were just because of Eurovision I'm sure everyone in the UK would vote to leave


                            I broke Woody......


                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Sorry about Woody but I am sure he'll recover soon.*hugs*
                                Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                                Aristides de Sousa Mendes

