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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    What's with our WooHoos finding guys to fall in love with lately? And where's mine?

    Mind you, he'd have a lot to live up to.... and have green eyes......

    *sigh* Yeah. No fair.

    I'll take blue or green; I'm easy to please.

    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
    As for the love thing, I'm falling for a guy too. But it's one way. FOR NOW! Mwuahahahahhaha
    Et tu Dee? Ha ha, you'll stalk wear him down into submission eventually. And then he won't be able to see anything but how amazing you are.

    I'm just going to... go sit over here on the single-and-past-my-best table then.



      *hugs* for Nad and Nad's mum.
      *hugs* for messy desks (I got mine 90% cleared today - grades are due tomorrow, so I've been grading papers like a madwoman)
      *hugs* for beautiful compositions
      *hugs* for (possibly) falling in love...the love of my life has been my husband for 37 years next week!
      *hugs* for stopping by just to say hi

      phew! I think my arms are tired from all the hugging!


        Ah, since everyone is giving them away


        FFN ----- AO3 ----------


          Listening to the pretty music as I type - really lovely!

          I also send **HUGS** to Nad and her mum!

          And who is falling in luv! Didn't see that one..... ah I remember those days. But long gone now. Have to settle for a cat laying on my ankles! About the best I can get a my age!

          And big *HUGS* back for all the hugs sent out there.

          The plane ride did me in (or at least my knees)...been in pain ever since I got home. I did well in the Uk, but the ride home - not so good. Soon as the swelling goes down some I will get back to my treadmill routine. Start out slow and add one minute on each day. However, next week on the 4th, I am going to have surgery on my hand. So one thing at a time. Tomorrow they will call me and give me the time I need to report in for the surgery. Hoping it is in the afternoon so I can check into a hotel and stay the night... might do it anyhow and stay 2 nights if surgery is in morning. Can't leave the cats alone longer then that. I would cross my fingers for luck - but one is already that way now!

          Actually the part that makes me nervous is that this time the doctor is using a saw!
          Last edited by llp; 28 February 2014, 12:48 AM.


            Two words...Muskrat Love
            'nough said

            FFN ----- AO3 ----------


              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              *sigh* Yeah. No fair.

              I'll take blue or green; I'm easy to please.

              Et tu Dee? Ha ha, you'll stalk wear him down into submission eventually. And then he won't be able to see anything but how amazing you are.

              I'm just going to... go sit over here on the single-and-past-my-best table then.

              Yes!!! I will!
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                *quietly sings 'love is in the air'*

                Thanks for the huggles and everything!
                *hugs thread*

                Amy, I loved the composition! Very easy on the ears.
                Well done and thanks for sharing it with us
                (oh and good to see you, of course )

                And as for mess in the house...
                Don't fight it. Just ignore it and it'll walk away eventually.
                Lady on the Park bench wisdom.*nods*
                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  Well, everything is all set for my surgery on Tuesday. Booked a nice hotel to stay in the night before and service dinner! Cab to hosp and special med service ride back. Now, just have to wait. Hoping they do it right this time....2 x's is more than enough. Now, only need to provide for feeding of my babies the night of the surgery. Fingers crossed (pardon the pun) that all goes well!


                    Always thinking of you, Nad *hugs*

                    Dee ...good luck? So much love going round at the moment... Aww.
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Lee Wilson @LeeVFX 5h
                      I'm sad to announce that after ten years, Anthem Visual Effects closed it's doors today.

                      Martin Wood @realmartinwood 4h
                      Partnering w @LeeVFX & Anthem was 1 of the best decisions we ever made on Sanctuary thank you Lee and Co. Sad2SeeItGo


                        So sad! Hopefully though it'll be a case of when one door closes...


                          That is really sad. His special and visual effects are some of the best I've ever seen. Hoping you are right Sarai and a new door opens up soon.


                            Now this is downright sad - where has everyone disappeared to???

                            Hoping I can log on at the hotel tomorrow - if not then not until after my surgery. But typing will be somewhat difficult. So until then......


                              Watching the Oscars?


                                *sends huggles and good vibes to Laurie* Hope it goes well and solves the problem this time

                                And NO TYPING until it's healed!

