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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Looks like you'll miss out this year but - theoretically - you should qualify for winter fuel payment year after next. Something to, er, look forward to.


      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

      Looks like you'll miss out this year but - theoretically - you should qualify for winter fuel payment year after next. Something to, er, look forward to.
      It'll be a few more years yet - don't forget the government in their infinite wisdom have moved the goalposts so that women don't get their pension until much later - another three and a half years for me

      I think I am getting old though - did a really daft thing yesterday, for which I have just made my apologies to the company concerned. Filled in some insurance forms, popped them into an envelope together with the policy and merrily put it into the postbox.......... as it disappeared through the slot I realised that I hadn't put any stamps on it So they'll get charged for the postage plus £1 for the inconvenience to the Post Office

      Yes, definitely getting older...........


        My husband turned 66 in January. At 65 he became eligible for Medicare (the U.S. government-sponsored health insurance for the elderly). I was finally able to take him off of my insurance - saving me hundreds a month in premiums. Since he was 65, we were able to get a "freeze" on our home property taxes - so that they don't go up every couple of years as the new valuations go into effect. No free bus passes though. No energy credits - unless you're very low income. So, it looks like I'll be working until I drop


          Originally posted by discodiva View Post
          I know some of you are going to Chevron 8.1....Showmasters have just announced the definite cancellation of Robert Picardo..

          Sad news, but hopefully they will amass some great guests to take his place over the coming months..

          Deeds xx
          That's a real disappointment. Thanks for sharing though Deeds.


            *runs in with hugs*

            *extra hugs for doctor-ey things and exams and general life things like age and fandom*

            I'm not a bad WooHoo.
            I'm not. *shakes head*
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Yes please - I think maybe the MS/AT talk will be popular, so probably best to get it beforehand.
              That's what I figured, worth buying in advance to make sure

              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
              I know some of you are going to Chevron 8.1....Showmasters have just announced the definite cancellation of Robert Picardo..


              Sad news, but hopefully they will amass some great guests to take his place over the coming months..

              Deeds xx
              Oh man, and we were so excited!

              Oh well. Never mind. Fingers crossed for everyone else and we know there's going to be more guests announced. Just as long as Martin's there!

              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              It'll be a few more years yet - don't forget the government in their infinite wisdom have moved the goalposts so that women don't get their pension until much later - another three and a half years for me

              I think I am getting old though - did a really daft thing yesterday, for which I have just made my apologies to the company concerned. Filled in some insurance forms, popped them into an envelope together with the policy and merrily put it into the postbox.......... as it disappeared through the slot I realised that I hadn't put any stamps on it So they'll get charged for the postage plus £1 for the inconvenience to the Post Office

              Yes, definitely getting older...........
              Ha, at least you didn't do that when posting a valentine's day card, as an anonymous admirer of mine did a couple of years ago. No clue as to who he was, but he owes me £1.32 if ever he does choose to reveal himself

              *hugs Nad*
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *runs in with hugs*

                *extra hugs for doctor-ey things and exams and general life things like age and fandom*

                I'm not a bad WooHoo.
                I'm not. *shakes head*
                What, no excuse for your absence? No long, involved story about how you were accidentally kidnapped by a bunch of car thieves who didn't realise you were asleep in the Hippy Bus when they stole it? And how they drove it across the border and got all the way to Switzerland before they discovered you, still sleeping and snoring loudly? Then how it took you a week to run back to Amsterdam, wearing out four pairs of trainers but picking up a crowd of hangers-on who wanted to know why you were running and where you were running to? And all about how everyone in the towns you ran through handed you sandwiches and burgers and drinks to keep you going? No?

                Huh! You're soooo boring

                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                That's what I figured, worth buying in advance to make sure

                Oh man, and we were so excited!

                Oh well. Never mind. Fingers crossed for everyone else and we know there's going to be more guests announced. Just as long as Martin's there!
                I've got everything crossed

                Ha, at least you didn't do that when posting a valentine's day card, as an anonymous admirer of mine did a couple of years ago. No clue as to who he was, but he owes me £1.32 if ever he does choose to reveal himself

                *hugs Nad*
                You're still very bitter about that aren't you? Can't say I blame you


                  Good Lord - the way you people are complaining about only turning 60 - how do you think it makes us "older" people feel! I would love to turn 60 again and do it all over with a major different approach! Next time I'll see you people I'll be 67! And the advantage of that (including living in Washington) for being 65+ I get my property taxes cut way down. Trust me that is really nice since it is a major source of income for the state. And I get my medicare, (2 small retirement checks) and social security checks. Without those - I would be working until I died. Yeah I would like to be 30 or 40 again but you know what - I like every age because each one has brought me new and exciting things and new people. Hey - I wouldn't have known any of you guys if I was still in my 50's..... that has to be worth something!

                  Living in the "if only" life doesn't do much except allow you to daydream occasionally. Embrace the life you have people - it's the only one you are going to get (at least his time around!)

                  And yes - you can tell I am beginning to feel a lot better - now if I can only get rid of this friggin' cough!


                    *munches cookies and watches the general chaos*


                      I love old people.
                      They're so grumpy and cute.


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      What, no excuse for your absence? No long, involved story about how you were accidentally kidnapped by a bunch of car thieves who didn't realise you were asleep in the Hippy Bus when they stole it? And how they drove it across the border and got all the way to Switzerland before they discovered you, still sleeping and snoring loudly? Then how it took you a week to run back to Amsterdam, wearing out four pairs of trainers but picking up a crowd of hangers-on who wanted to know why you were running and where you were running to? And all about how everyone in the towns you ran through handed you sandwiches and burgers and drinks to keep you going? No?

                      Huh! You're soooo boring

                      Wow yes. The lack of all that *does* make my life very boring...
                      I do feel like grabbing my Forrest Gump DVD and snuggle on the sofa now.
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        *shuffles LJ along to watch chaos from the side, while ing at various posts (but mostly at the vision of Nad running through Europe and Josi frowning at her "secret" admirer.*

                        You know, I would give anything for a valentine card again. Last one I got I opened up to see a box of chocolates and a penis inside. Er, picture of, you understand, not an actual... never mind. Hubby's attempt at humour (he knew me so well. ) That was about 20 years ago I think. Classic case of someone who stopped trying so hard when they got what they wanted!

                        Nicely said Laurie. Every age does indeed come with it's own newly opened doors, and with its advantages (which, we can only hope, outweigh the disadvantages).
                        I have always said that life is for the living. Even after Charles died... I knew (because it's the sort of morbid things we'd discussed over the years) that the one thing he wanted was for me to go on and enjoy life after he was gone. For a long time after he died I was too angry with him to do that and just felt like my life only had one purpose and that was to bring my child up properly; I'd think "well, if you wanted a say in how I live you shouldn't have <insert expletive> dropped dead on me". But, y'know, now I've just come to the point where I think, well, yes, why should I live without joy... and part of the process of being a good and responsible parent is to teach my child that life is about having fun, enjoying it and being kind and generous with your feelings. Oh and to screw up from time to time. I'm pretty good at that actually, but it doesn't matter because i'm no longer afraid (or as afraid) of doing so.

                        Hmm, way too serious for GW. It's nearly Friday too so I better say or do something flippant to bring the tone down.

                        Umm... I know, have a video. Laugh at the dancing (I did), and feel old (or way too young. )

                        Can't say I agree with the sentiment of that song though; by all means love me for fun. Please do.


                          Funniest thing about that video - on my pc their faces look quite dark , almost as if.... I wonder just whom are they trying to look like maybe another rival group? Hehehehehe

                          Waves at Jumble - only one online with me right now! (unless you count the invisible guests! )


                            Amanda Alexander ?@Amandalexander
                            "@AndieMacDowell3: @terylrothery Teryl & I rocked out a scene this AM in 2 takes all in one .yes Martin Wood is amazing"

                            Claire Cowan ?@clairec007
                            @Amandalexander @terylrothery @AndieMacDowell3 The WooHoos have known this for years Please say hi to him. he was missed at Chevro

                            Amanda Alexander ?@Amandalexander
                            @clairec007 @terylrothery @AndieMacDowell3 Here he is working hard.....


                            Amanda Alexander ?@Amandalexander
                            @clairec007 He says hi back....
                            sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                              ..... and here's the pic.......

                              He looks tired........

                              Laurie, I had already gone to bed - GW shows people as being here when they're not quite often
                              Last edited by Jumble; 14 June 2013, 12:29 AM.


                                Thanks Claire *huggles Martin*
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

