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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Claire how do the photo ops work? Do they follow the number of our tickets or is it possible to queue for them at whatever time?
    My vids Sig made by me


      Re photo's they normally go by numbers, so you should not be allowed to jump in earlier...just make sure you are there on time, they will queue you in your groups. And you get your photo within seconds as you walk out to collect your bag
      sigpic Martin Rocks!!


        Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
        Re photo's they normally go by numbers, so you should not be allowed to jump in earlier...just make sure you are there on time, they will queue you in your groups. And you get your photo within seconds as you walk out to collect your bag
        It always nice to have a "crew" member around to answer the questions! Now - how am I going to smuggle myself onto a plane so I can go to!


          Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
          Re photo's they normally go by numbers, so you should not be allowed to jump in earlier...just make sure you are there on time, they will queue you in your groups. And you get your photo within seconds as you walk out to collect your bag
          thanks Claire!
          My vids Sig made by me


            Just back from a fabulous day with my nephews. James told me he loved me lots and lots as soon as I walked through the door and Alastair smiled at me. I count that as a win

            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Yep, and there will be a lot of people willing to pay

            Same here, I have several pics and autos with Amanda (more than most because of the Set Tour)...... but I'm thinking that I might get one with her just to have a chance to chat for a couple of minutes. Not sure

            You could have waited to pay for Ch8.1 - I really didn't need it yet

            I'm off to Becky's to see if I can help her solve a monumental problem
            I know. I paid you before I started looking at the LFCC prices

            Hope everything's OK with Becky.

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            I don't pay for AT photos since a) I have a bunch and b)they are included in your admission to Gabit events but I did get an AT/MS photo from one con. Turned out to be one of my best photos ever. It was a Creation event so it was over in the blink of an eye but the picture itself turned out very well. Even having MS's arm around me for a brief moment was worth it. I say go for it! Don't recall the cost of that photo but I know the AT/CJ one in Chicago is $120.00.

            An AT/MS panel? How much fun would that be?
            Yeah, so now I'm tempted by the panel, another £20... Hmm. I was thinking this would be a cheap day out but maybe not so much any more

            And $120 for AT/CJ? That makes the £50 for AT/MS seem pretty reasonable!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Aaaaaaand the winner of Britain's Got Talent is............... a bunch of Hungarian shadow players

              They definitely have talent and are a fantastic act, but they're not British, they don't even live in Britain. A very bitter pill for the young English comedian who came second


                $120 for a picture? Even converting that to £s... er...

                I guess people will pay what they're willing to pay and can afford though. It's a little frustrating for those of us who can't afford to pay out large amounts because, while people are, they will charge it and it effectively prices the poorer fans out the market. But that's the same with all things in life, I suppose.

                I think £20 for the panel is very reasonable though.

                I had no real intentions of getting any sigs or autos at LFCC. originally I was only going to give Benjabubs some convention experience (start 'em young, eh) but the more I think about it the more I think it would be worth a pic with Amanda, since I don't have one of just me and her at all, and probably won't get the chance again. I'm unlikely to ever go to another Gabit AT only event because it's just too much money and too intensive a programme - 12 hour days and having to squeeze on food as and where you can depending on how the programme runs. I was stressed out enough as just a lobby lurker last time. Not really for me, I'm afraid, never mind the overall cost (which I just can't justify when I compare how cheap other multi-guest events work out.) Maybe she will come back to another event in the UK though, so it might not be the last chance.

                Haven't seen BGT, Jumble, managed to miss the whole thing this. I have to admit, it seems odd to open the competition up to all nations if it's supposed to be a local/national competition, especially when so many countries have their own version. I suppose if they don't have one in their country, fair play to them for exploiting the rules of our competition to their advantage. I did see a clip of that group on Youtube though; while they're very impressive, I saw another clip of some other groups doing this (I think they were Canadian) a while ago and they were much better and more entertaining at it.


                  I'm sooooooooo late for this. Anyway, I wrote my AT6 report

                  edit: I just saw this on tumblr. I'm not sure tickets can be sold to other people (*looks around for Claire*) but if someone is interested it's a good deal for LFCC:
                  Last edited by XFchemist; 09 June 2013, 08:40 AM.
                  My vids Sig made by me


                    The LFCC tickets don't have a name on them so assume they are transferable. Good deal for someone.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      The LFCC tickets don't have a name on them so assume they are transferable. Good deal for someone.
                      Do they have numbers on? Did you have to give the names when you bought them? Because then if they checked you could come unstuck Or maybe because the tickets are so cheap they don't care if they're sold on *shrugs*

                      T&Cs say tickets are non-refundable, but don't mention if they're transferable.
                      Last edited by Jumble; 09 June 2013, 10:04 AM.


                        Hello all! No I'm not healthy yet, still quite sick. The cough is a real pain and now my right ear is plugged as well. Might go back to the doctor tomorrow if the ear doesn't clear us some. This has officially become the worst cold I have ever had - wonder if it is this bad because of my age! And if yes does that mean they can get worse!

                        Well that is about the extent of my energy for this morning - time to go become a couch potato again! But hey - don't I even get a "69" these days.


                          Hugs Laurie, do get well soon.

                          Re the LFCC that is a bargain...only the gold tickets are checked for if someone wanted to buy them they could be used...heck I would buy them for that price..I need loads lol.

                          Can't comment on the Trekgate one as I have not read the T&C's and do not know if they are transferable or not.

                          sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            $120 for a picture? Even converting that to £s... er...

                            I guess people will pay what they're willing to pay and can afford though. It's a little frustrating for those of us who can't afford to pay out large amounts because, while people are, they will charge it and it effectively prices the poorer fans out the market. But that's the same with all things in life, I suppose.
                            Alas so true

                            I think £20 for the panel is very reasonable though.
                            Is this you saying you'd be up for it? Because if so I'll definitely get a ticket for that

                            I had no real intentions of getting any sigs or autos at LFCC. originally I was only going to give Benjabubs some convention experience (start 'em young, eh) but the more I think about it the more I think it would be worth a pic with Amanda, since I don't have one of just me and her at all, and probably won't get the chance again. I'm unlikely to ever go to another Gabit AT only event because it's just too much money and too intensive a programme - 12 hour days and having to squeeze on food as and where you can depending on how the programme runs. I was stressed out enough as just a lobby lurker last time. Not really for me, I'm afraid, never mind the overall cost (which I just can't justify when I compare how cheap other multi-guest events work out.) Maybe she will come back to another event in the UK though, so it might not be the last chance.
                            I say go for it. Even if it's not going to be your only chance you don't know for sure that you will get another opportunity, and it's not a huge amount really. Still a pretty cheap weekend even with it. I'm still tossing and turning the pros and cons of the AT/MS photo - I would like one but I'm not sure I'm really willing to pay £50 for the privilege...

                            *hugs Laurie* Really hope you do feel better soon
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              I'd be up for that panel too

                              Laurie - hope the ear is better and that you'll soon be over this bad patch *huggles*


                                Originally posted by josiane View Post

                                Is this you saying you'd be up for it? Because if so I'll definitely get a ticket for that
                                Alas it's not going to be possible for me I think. Benjabubs is the problem because I'm fairly certain I read somewhere that he'd also need a ticket and that's when it gets expensive. Plus I doubt he'd sit still that long (unless there's DS bribery involved )
                                I can probably do the pic though, because he doesn't have to be in it.
                                However if you two want to go, please don't let me stop you. I think there will be plenty to see and do there to occupy me and Ben while you're enjoying the talk.

                                I say go for it.Even if it's not going to be your only chance you don't know for sure that you will get another opportunity, and it's not a huge amount really.
                                Still a pretty cheap weekend even with it. I'm still tossing and turning the pros and cons of the AT/MS photo - I would like one but I'm not sure I'm really willing to pay £50 for the privilege...
                                I will ditto what you said there back at you. You're less likely to get another chance at the two of them together than I will of one of Amanda on her own.

                                *hugs Laurie* Really hope you do feel better soon
                                Me too. We really do need to get a House Of The Sick sign made for these occasions.

                                Ok the pool is up! I mean properly up, pump serviced and connected up and pool has been shock treated to prime it for swimming in (hopefully in a day or two when the weather WILL get warmer *shakes fist at clouds* - supposed to be 25 degrees at the weekend so all is good. ).
                                Oh and I am finally going to see Star Trek Into Darkness on Wednesday. Sadly just 2D because it's finished its 3D run here but pleased to be going. Ewan's coming with me because he's not seen it yet and wants to so we won't be sad old Billy-No-Mates this way... er, last time I went to the cinema with him we sat in the back row and did what comes naturally to horny teenagers. La la la... I think it was The Secret Of My Success showing. I Feel Old! And... yes Sarai I will look out for the cloud feature.

