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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    Jumping on the finales!


    First of all Wasn't it amazing?!! I knew about John Hurt but didn't know the part he was playing. I must admit when it finished Dave and I just looked at each other and said 'Um...what?!' But now I've read your comments I think I get it! I loved how they inserted all the Clara's into the timeline even if the SFX were a bit shonky as some people have complained (but then when you're working with footage from the 70s what do you expect?!!). My absolute favourite bits though were the bits with River, I just love Alex Kingston and she's really made that role her own. So, so excited for the 50th special and Ten/Rose


    I have mixed reactions about the finale. I watched the 3 final eps in one go and the hints they dropped about putting a ring on Becketts finger and the 'direction' the relationship was going in made it pretty clear where Marlowe was going to finish this season off. Whilst I love Caskett and have been rooting for Castle from day dot, I actually found myself siding with Beckett in this one. I know she'll never take it but she has this amazing opportunity and a huge boost to her career so I think it's quite right that she wants to go for it. It's not like its California, it's DC and frankly Castle is being a whiny git about it. I don't like how she lied about it, don't get me wrong but tbh I felt like whilst it wasn't out of character it was a bit of a leap in the plot for Castle to then go and propose marriage. I think my biggest beef with Marlowe et al is that they introduce and close off all the big story lines in the first and last two eps of each season. We know they can do arcs - they kept C and B apart for 4 bloomin years but now I feel like they are bit afraid of keeping anything going too long, they're rushing things. We'll have to see what season 6 brings I guess
    Agreed. Tbh they both need a bit of a slap round the head - Castle shouldn't view it as a threat and Beckett should have talked to him. But the way they did behave was entirely in character for both of them, and let's face it, neither is actually all that good at relationships

    Enjoy Star Trek when you go to see it, Dee and Cags! I have to say I loved it It's full of plot holes and if you think about lots of things in it for more than two seconds you end up going but huh what now? But it was a lot of fun and thoroughly enjoyable
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      The first movie was amazing, and now it's one of my fav movies. But I'm not expecting that from this one, just that's it's fun, like you said Josi

      Thinking about the first movie, I wonder if in 40 years Stargate will get a re-make. Hope I'm there to see it, if only to say that our Stargate was better!
      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


        Joe has been making my stalking fangurling very difficult as of late. So...No fan art for YOU! *gives JM a stern look*



          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
          Agggghhhh, I hate transitions, lol. .. I'm hoping to go to see the new Star Trek in the mean time, but I don't know how to trick my friends into coming with me.
          Would love to see it - too bad you don't live around here!


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Hey LJ How're you feeling? Better I hope.

            Nola... that's a shame the botox isn't working any more. I'm guessing it did nothing for wrinkles in your case. I hope whatever your doctor has planned is beneficial.

            Also hoping to go see Into Darkness some time soon. I will be Billy Nomates going it alone too.
            Probably the way I'll see is as well!


              heheh - nope, the botox for migraines is injected in different sites than for cosmetic purposes. Most of the injections are in my scalp, back of my neck, and shoulders. Just a few in the forehead. I'm hoping that the i.v. treatment at the hospital this weekend will give me some relief for awhile at least. Then I guess my neurologist will start over with trying something new to see if that works.

              I *was* planning to see Into Darkness this weekend. Maybe later next week.


                Aw! Kid!Joe on the blog!

                Fan art! (just a link cuz it's more than 100 kb)


                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  Would love to see it - too bad you don't live around here!
                  I know!

                  Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
                  Looks great!

                  *fingers crossed Nola*
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    Hey, has anyone heard from Jumble lately. She has been very quiet. Not like her. Is she feeling ok? Cags - have you heard anything? My "radar" is beginning to wonder. Is she down because Martin isn't coming over? Or is she ill or something???? Anyone know?


                      Originally posted by llp View Post
                      Hey, has anyone heard from Jumble lately. She has been very quiet. Not like her. Is she feeling ok? Cags - have you heard anything? My "radar" is beginning to wonder. Is she down because Martin isn't coming over? Or is she ill or something???? Anyone know?
                      Was wonder the same thing, actually.


                        Me three
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          did some ps-ing today.

                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Nice Dee!

                            I haven't seen Jumble on FB either... *begins to be concerned*


                              *waves feebly*

                              I am sick, very sick Lots of pain, lots of vomiting due to medication. Not even sure if I'll make it to Chevron
                              Last edited by Jumble; 27 May 2013, 12:57 PM.


                                Big Woohoo huggles Jumble

                                *holds sick bucket under Jumble*

                                I hope you get well soon. xx

                                Nice arties Dee.

