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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Good grief! There really are some very stoopid people in the world

    Current debate on 'This Morning' is about 'girl's toys' and 'boy's toys' (children's, not adult's ) and how girls that wear pink and play with dolls won't grow up to be, for example, scientists, architects or train drivers, because when in a toy shop they see trains, chemistry sets, building kits etc they immediately assume that they shouldn't choose those toys because they are for boys. By the same token, boys will not choose dolls, cooking sets or buggies because they are assumed to be girls' toys What utter tripe! Left to their own devices, children will play with whatever toy takes their fancy that day - I've had several boys that loved nothing better than to tuck up a doll in a pram and take it for a walk, and I don't think I've ever had a girl that didn't freely choose to play with cars and trains. As usual, it's the adults in this picture that are responsible for how their children perceive themselves and the world around them. Poor kids!

    When Rob was 3, the one thing he wanted for Christmas was a 'My Little Pony'. Jo had some, so why shouldn't he? His father told him 'Don't be silly - those are for girls' When I mentioned this to my then boyfriend (toyboy, very young, very fit, very...... yes ), he was appalled enough to go straight to the toy shop and buy 'Lickety Split' for Rob and a Transformer for Jo - and neither of them grew up to be gay, which is another ridiculous conclusion often claimed for children playing with the 'wrong' toys

    (Yes Josi, I know that half of those apostrophes are in the wrong places )
    I sometimes wonder if it isn't the researchers that fear they are "different"! And when the hell are people going to learn that being gay, or a different religion, or color or whatever is nothing more than just that - we are all different. Why can't people just accept people by how they treat you. As a population we seem to only want to hang around people that are exactly like us. One of the big reasons I enjoy the AT fan base - there is about every creed, color, religion and age at one of her "fan" based meetings. And somehow, we don't seem to mind, we all have a great time and surprise it doesn't come off on anyone! I had hopes that as the "older" generation died out this would go away... but alas, it looks like we have bigot of all ages, sizes and shapes! Shame on all of us!

    Takes off philosophical hat and sits in my rocking chair and mutters!


      Ironically, the idea of pink being identified with girls and blue for boys is a rather modern "invention" - about the 1920s. Advertisers did it to promote sales. Why dress your new baby in older sibling's hand-me-downs when they are *shudder* the WRONG color! No, go out and purchase NEW baby rompers that are gender appropriate. Same with toys. A retailer can sell more product if mom and dad have to buy separate sets of toys depending on the sex of their offspring.


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

        Playing with the wrong toys makes you gay?
        What's funny is that I always liked to think that playing with G.I. Joe too much is what made one of my guy friends gay... *nods*

        I know you're all perfectly able to come up with your own ickybah
        And yet, there was none whilst you were absent

        Originally posted by llp View Post
        I sometimes wonder if it isn't the researchers that fear they are "different"! And when the hell are people going to learn that being gay, or a different religion, or color or whatever is nothing more than just that - we are all different. Why can't people just accept people by how they treat you. As a population we seem to only want to hang around people that are exactly like us. One of the big reasons I enjoy the AT fan base - there is about every creed, color, religion and age at one of her "fan" based meetings. And somehow, we don't seem to mind, we all have a great time and surprise it doesn't come off on anyone! I had hopes that as the "older" generation died out this would go away... but alas, it looks like we have bigot of all ages, sizes and shapes! Shame on all of us!

        Takes off philosophical hat and sits in my rocking chair and mutters!
        Heaven forbid that there is anyone out there exactly like me

        Prejudices come in all shapes and sizes, and I doubt that will ever change

        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        Ironically, the idea of pink being identified with girls and blue for boys is a rather modern "invention" - about the 1920s. Advertisers did it to promote sales. Why dress your new baby in older sibling's hand-me-downs when they are *shudder* the WRONG color! No, go out and purchase NEW baby rompers that are gender appropriate. Same with toys. A retailer can sell more product if mom and dad have to buy separate sets of toys depending on the sex of their offspring.
        Which just proves how dumb people can be

        I was also hearing this morning about holidaymakers being ripped off abroad - like being charged the equivalent of £50 for an ice-cream or £28 for chewing gum Just how dumb do you have to be to actually pay that???


          So Nola, where are you doing your 69's lately?


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            I was also hearing this morning about holidaymakers being ripped off abroad - like being charged the equivalent of £50 for an ice-cream or £28 for chewing gum Just how dumb do you have to be to actually pay that???
            I must admit when reading that story, that was my first reaction as well


              The trouble is, as long as people keep paying it, the rip-off merchants will keep charging it


                My youngest makes a beeline for the toys her older brother plays with, and he used to want whatever his sister was playing with... In fact for his fourth birthday he asked for a Hannah Montana doll and hubby had to go get it because I was in hospital ... He did then proceed to undress her and put her in his bed :-/ and if ever older DD couldn't find her Barbie it would be in his bed. He stopped after a year or so :-) and now plays with typical boy toys most of the time (his choice).


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  The trouble is, as long as people keep paying it, the rip-off merchants will keep charging it
                  Indeed, as I have found out since I have been doing some selling on ebay, people will buy anything, and if they want it badly enough, pay more than appropriate for it. I start most of my auctions at 99p and am happy to get whatever for them but some things people bid them up to... I feel kind of guilty taking their money.

                  Originally posted by babancat View Post
                  My youngest makes a beeline for the toys her older brother plays with, and he used to want whatever his sister was playing with... In fact for his fourth birthday he asked for a Hannah Montana doll and hubby had to go get it because I was in hospital ... He did then proceed to undress her and put her in his bed :-/ and if ever older DD couldn't find her Barbie it would be in his bed. He stopped after a year or so :-) and now plays with typical boy toys most of the time (his choice).
                  When I was a littlie I mostly played with what would be considered boys toys because I had 4 brothers. I did have the Sindy doll and Girl's World and those kinds of things but they were no fun playing with on their own, so it was toy cars and lego for me. Mostly lego which - until recently - was fairly gender neutral. Now I see they've bought out "girly" lego. I must admit a lot of the sets and themes they bring out seem kind of boy-centric but only because of the aforementioned perceptions, not because they actually are.

                  *huggles LJ* Hope you're better soon. No fun. No fun at all.

                  Congrats Auntie Josi! Another honourable Woohoo baby.

                  Umm, sorry Jumble, I kind of plagiarised your sig. I saw it and then I saw one of those grumpy cat memes this morning than sparked an idea (the meme was actually "if life throws you lemons, freeze them and throw them back") and I got all inspired. Also inspired by a new cocktail I discovered the other day called the Moscow Mule. Limes are featuring heavily in my life this week.


                    Trust you to alcoholize my healthy sig Cags


                      I think those sigs combined make a very important life lesson. *nods*
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        I think those sigs combined make a very important life lesson. *nods*
                        Absolutely! The lesson being, when fate gives you an awesome gift and then snatches it away from you - GET DRUNK!!!!

                        Unfortunately, I can't. I'll just have to suffer


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Absolutely! The lesson being, when fate gives you an awesome gift and then snatches it away from you - GET DRUNK!!!!
                          Or just a little tipsy...

                          Unfortunately, I can't. I'll just have to suffer
                          Oh! But you could pretend! Non- alcoholic drunkness!
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            Or just a little tipsy...
                            Nah, a disappointment of this magnitude requires a lot more than a little tipsiness

                            Oh! But you could pretend! Non- alcoholic drunkness!
                            At the last MiniWooHooMeet I gave everyone alcohol-free wine and I think we were just as merry on it Merriness is a state of mind


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Trust you to alcoholize my healthy sig Cags

                              It's all Ewan's fault. He keeps turning up here with booze. I was teetotal before I knew him.

                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              I think those sigs combined make a very important life lesson. *nods*

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Absolutely! The lesson being, when fate gives you an awesome gift and then snatches it away from you - GET DRUNK!!!!

                              Although, you know I really don't drink that much. I just... pretend I do.

                              Unfortunately, I can't. I'll just have to suffer
                              But your non alcoholic wine was very nice. If I had to give it up forever, I think I could live with drinking that instead.

                              EDIT: (because you posted while I was multi tasking) And yes, merriness is a state of mind. I've been "drunk" on nothing but cola or orange juice many times. My secret is to throw a party, get everyone else hammered and then pretend I am too and act just as stupid. Although the times I either a: fell out of my dress, b: cleaned the windscreen with my feet, or, c: lay down in front of parked cars begging people to run me over because I am a "bad person", I was very definitely actually drunk on real alcohol.


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                It's all Ewan's fault. He keeps turning up here with booze. I was teetotal before I knew him.
                                Yeah, riiiight! So you were what? 12 when you met him?


                                Although, you know I really don't drink that much. I just... pretend I do.
                                You're very convincing - you should take up acting as a career

                                But your non alcoholic wine was very nice. If I had to give it up forever, I think I could live with drinking that instead.
                                Believe me, I was very glad to find that wine

                                EDIT: (because you posted while I was multi tasking) And yes, merriness is a state of mind. I've been "drunk" on nothing but cola or orange juice many times. My secret is to throw a party, get everyone else hammered and then pretend I am too and act just as stupid. Although the times I either a: fell out of my dress, b: cleaned the windscreen with my feet, or, c: lay down in front of parked cars begging people to run me over because I am a "bad person", I was very definitely actually drunk on real alcohol.
                                You edited while I was posting

                                Yes, I think one's level of merriment depends more on the people you are with and the atmosphere created than it does on actual alcohol content I was once arrested for dancing on a castle wall because the cops were convinced I was drunk or high on something. I was actually the only one not drinking that night because I was the designated driver

