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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    Indeed *fingers permanently crossed*

    I know But you're just so easy to tease
    And it isn't even Wednesday

    Congrats on the pups Jann!
    What she said ^^

    Right, I'm off for an early night - busy day tomorrow


      Yay for the puppies Jann!

      And yay for all the happy bouncing

      *hugs WooHoos*
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        *hugs all*

        Short update! After a long delivery that just didn't want to go okay, Tjinta got 8 puppies, 7 female puppies and one male(poor guy ) . We did have to do a C-section because all the puppies are very fat and thus couldn't get out! (average of 500 grams(and four pups over 550 gr.), while 400 gr. is the normal average birthweight for labs). But Tjinta is doing okay now! She's very sweet for the pups as well(think about waking up and all of a sudden having 8 children! )

        Now I'm going back to staring at the puppies! Soooo cute!
        Yeah for all those puppies - so cute! I want one - but I doubt they can be shipped to Washington. And my cats would have a fit! Saw the picture....a large herd! Glad Tjinta is doing well.


          *hugs Woohoos*

          And watch out for the multi-quote ahead!

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Had a lovely day with MR, Ellie, Cags and Ben - lunch at Anderson's was awesome as always Stuart had made Lemon Meringue Pie - YUM!!

          Ellie and Ben got along very well, and I really thought Ellie was a lovely little girl until....

          .... she ordered Sticky Toffee Pudding and...... DIDN'T LIKE IT!

          So the rest of us had to eat it on top of our own desserts because, I mean, you just CAN'T waste a Sticky Toffee Pudding can you?
          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Really, I didn't mind her not liking it; it meant we got to share it between us instead.
          WHAT?! (I'm faking the surprise here because I haven't actually tried it. Yet. Next year it is! And I will like it. )

          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          Ellie has sleepily informed me this morning that Mommy's "computer friends" are very nice
          Of course we are!

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          That's good to know

          See how expertly we lulled her into a false sense of security
          We can now begin phase 2.

          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          I know that my computer friends are extremely nice and I have absolutely no doubts that one day, when I actually am able to travel back to the UK, I will enjoy a very special meal with some dear people at a restaurant with fabulous desserts. I can dream, can't I?
          Not a dream. It will happen some day!

          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          I fear mine's gone walkabout these last few weeks One thing you can guarantee about muses/mojos/artistic genes, they sure do come and go as they please
          The mojo isn't gone for me. Time is. *sighs* Why only 24 hours in a day?

          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          OMG I appear to be buying a flat Offer accepted, mortgage applied for... let the nail-biting commence
          Woot! Awesome!

          I'm also planning my move and apartment for next year. A friend (who started studying at uOttawa last year) and I are getting a apartment-style residence on campus together. I didn't like the conventional residences. (And when we visited they were all stinky and messy during a school break. Ew.) So, I put the down payment on the residence already (yesterday), and it is actually ours for the summer even if we're not in school. It was the only was for us to be sure to be together. So excited about this! I can't wait to move!

          Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
          Was going to get lots done today, but a double ear infection has me down and out. Can I just say...OW!
          *huggles LJ*

          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Not that I'm excited about it or anything but:
          So close now! I'm so excited for that weekend, even if I'm not going. I expect reports upon reports when I come back from work. Every. Day. Of. The. Weekend.

          Also, I went to uOttawa yesterday for a reception for the scholarship finalists. I met wonderful people, students and professors. And they told us they would call by Friday to tell us if we have the scholarship or not. Stress.

          EDIT: Of Con News! There is a mini-BSG reunion at Montreal Comiccon in September, two weeks after I leave for Ottawa! Oy!
          Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 23 April 2013, 08:32 PM.
          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
          My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


            All sounds good Jakie *fingers crossed for the scholarship*

            Yesterday, I kept telling myself that I really ought to get on with some housework, because the house was a mess and I'm expecting Oma this afternoon and she's staying over - plus Cags and Josi will be here for dinner tonight. I put it off and put it off.......... then this morning's interview got postponed, so that was enough of an excuse for me to put it off again Got up this morning thinking I'd better make a start if I was going to be done in time, and wishing I hadn't left myself so much to do - and guess what? Yep, all done and it's only just after 9am I really should learn that it never takes half as long as I think it will

            Anywoo, all done and dusted, ready for the mini WooHooMeet


              Ah good old procrastination. I am the master of it. I have a huge pile of paperwork that needs filing and has needed filing for about 6 months. I'm pretty sure when I go through it, I will find I'm due a tax rebate too (and part of the reason I don't want to tackle it is because my tax affairs are so not simple these days, with 4 sources of income. )
              Good to see you're all ready though.

              And, um, leaving here at 6pm, to answer your text that I have only just seen... sorry

              *waves the Jackie*. I wish I had some of your mojo. I'd swap you some for a few extra hours if I could.


                Jakie so exited for you! *fingers crossed for the scholarship*

                UK Woohoos have fun! As if you woodn't
                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Ah good old procrastination. I am the master of it. I have a huge pile of paperwork that needs filing and has needed filing for about 6 months. I'm pretty sure when I go through it, I will find I'm due a tax rebate too (and part of the reason I don't want to tackle it is because my tax affairs are so not simple these days, with 4 sources of income. )
                  Good to see you're all ready though.
                  Oh, don't get me started on paperwork! My accounts are up to date, finished for last year, but I still haven't filled in the Tax Return that's been sitting on my desk since the beginning of April I normally do it the day it arrives in order to get it out of the way, but somehow that didn't happen this time

                  And, um, leaving here at 6pm, to answer your text that I have only just seen... sorry
                  That's great - so now you can ignore my email

                  Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                  Jakie so excited for you! *fingers crossed for the scholarship*

                  UK Woohoos have fun! As if you woodn't
                  Thanks, we will! Stuart is supplying a pie and some desserts, and I've got the veg prepped ready to be steamed

                  I am soooo organized today I surely must have forgotten something..............


                    Yay for desserts and Woohoomeets! Have fun ladies!

                    *hands some art mojo over to Cags*

                    Hear, hear for paperwork! I've gone through pages and pages for Uni, and I procrastinated on my taxes as well. I have a day off tomorrow (woot!), so I'll catch up on that.
                    Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                    My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                    Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                      I always say I'm going to catch up on my next day off, but then I decide that a day off is far to precious to waste on paperwork and it get left again I usually wait until I've got several days off, then I don't mind wasting one


                        Haha, you're right Jumble. I always end up doing that too! Except I can't tomorrow because I have a meeting at the bank in the afternoon (to organize a few things for the move), and I need copies of some of my tax papers. I have no choice but to go through them tomorrow morning now.
                        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                          Tut tut! That's just bad organisation Jakie - you should have arranged it so that you could procrastinate it at least twice

                          Josi has just left home, and Oma should be arriving in an hour or so


                            *Oma sneaks in when Jumble's not looking *

                            Hi everyone *waves*

                            Got here safely


                              AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!! She stole my 69 post

                              Just for that, I'll steal a couple of spoonfuls of her chocolate brownie later


                                Josi has arrived safely - just waiting for Cags now. She'll be along in an hour or so

