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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    How is Becky today? Any better?
    Still feeling very ill - those antibiotics have really knocked her for six - but at least now she knows what it is her imagination can stop running riot It's hard being a single mum, your first thought when you're sick is 'OMG, what's going to happen to my kids?' Been there a couple of times myself and it's really scary. Of course I wood have taken care of them, but from her point of view it's hard to ask, especially since she knew I was on holiday this week. She should be feeling better after a few days of rest and meds *crosses fingers*

    *imagines Laurie is out looking at new homes*
    I do hope she finds somewhere to settle soon.

    all the babykins! My youngest grandchild is five! However, when Rainya and Jason do adopt, they're planning on a baby...
    My youngest is almost 6, eldest is 19 Can't see there being any more in the forseeable - Suz is too busy babying her horse


      my eldest turns 18 on the 11th of August. I think my daughters have an evening out planned for her (no drinking - not 21 yet!) but going to some grown-up clubs.


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        I am ecstatic! I have been waiting and waiting for preapproval for a loan before I can go out again to look for a house. Wells Fargo called about something else, I asked them about their process... and basically - got preapproval over the phone in about 20 minutes and it was emailed to me! Have the papers in my hands right now!

        I can go out and look again and know exactly what I can afford, not have to deal with a lot of crap and have a fixed 3.75% interest rate!

        I am so happy - life just became so so so much easier for me! YEAH!
        Hurrah! *happy dances for you*

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Yay! for the good news Laurie

        I've just spent 7 hours at the hospital Poor Becky was very ill and had to have lots of tests, X-rays and IVs before they figured out what was wrong. She's got a very serious bowel infection and will be on a bunch of antibiotics for the next two weeks Got her back home around midnight and tucked her into bed. Now I need to get something to eat - missed out on dinner and refused to pay the exorbitant prices they charge at the hospital cafe
        Poor Becky Glad she's got the antibiotics now and hope she'll perk up soon
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          in case anyone is interested, here is Julia Hague's Olympic Torch run


          sigpic Martin Rocks!!


            This explains a lot..........


              Awesome! Go Julia!

              Thanks for uploading, Claire, I couldn't watch live as I was at work
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                LOL! And I'm glad Becky is feeling better too.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Today's bits:



                    Good ones, Nola!

                    I've decided I'll be the Creative Woohoo, I like how it sounds the best. It fits all the tings I do for fun.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Hi all! *huggles*

             more brownies... did they have zuichini in them?

                      Nola, those two describe my life (minus the wine...I'm not old enough yet)! There's always another book to read. Most of the time, you can tell what kind of a person someone is by the books he or she reads.


                        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                        Hi all! *huggles*

               more brownies... did they have zuichini in them?

                        Nola, those two describe my life (minus the wine...I'm not old enough yet)! There's always another book to read. Most of the time, you can tell what kind of a person someone is by the books he or she reads.
                        Cheap wine isn't really that great.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Cheap wine isn't really that great.
                          lol how much is the "good stuff"? And how does the taste differ between cheap and expensive? *knows nothing about wine*


                            Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
                            in case anyone is interested, here is Julia Hague's Olympic Torch run



                            Awwww!!! Awesome! Thanks for uploading Claire!!!

                            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                            Good ones, Nola!

                            I've decided I'll be the Creative Woohoo, I like how it sounds the best. It fits all the tings I do for fun.
                            Wooohooo! Love the name
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                              Cheap wine isn't really that great.
                              I remember way back when some friends and I bought 2 liter bottle of wine for 2e and it was the best wine I have ever tasted. But that was in Italy. And I was younger... and it was illegal for me to drink...
                              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                                I've had some very inexpensive wines that were delicious and a couple of bottles of very expensive wine that were practically undrinkable. Price is no guarantee of quality. I usually stick with my usual brands and types. There's a very good mid-priced California white zinfandel that I enjoy occasionally (Sutter Home).

