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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    was the shoulder getting better *before* you got crushed hugged?
    It's been gradually getting less painful over the last two weeks - scale of 1-10, it had gone down from 12 (before the steroid jab) to around 7. Since the crushing hug, it's back up to 9 And it's constant instead of ebbing and flowing with the meds.

    I've had some painful things in my life - breaks, black eyes, dislocations, kids etc - and I've always coped pretty well, but this has just about got me beat
    Last edited by Jumble; 14 July 2012, 03:37 PM.


      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      It's been gradually getting less painful over the last two weeks - scale of 1-10, it had gone down from 12 (before the steroid jab) to around 7. Since the crushing hug, it's back up to 9 And it's constant instead of ebbing and flowing with the meds.

      I've had some painful things in my life - breaks, black eyes, dislocations, kids etc - and I've always coped pretty well, but this has just about got me beat
      Hang in there Jumble - it will get better. You just have to have patience lots of it!

      As for my knee it's doing a lot better today since I stayed home and slept most of the day...I guess I really needed it. Also found another 7 or 8 places to tell my agent about. Going out again on Monday or Tuesday. So I'll keep on looking until something is found. One place is just south of Seattle in Kent and a few of the places are in Bellingham (about 25 miles or so from the Canadian border and about 45 miles from Vancouver). Don't really care which city it is in as long as I like the place and I am happy. Going to be living there a very long time.

      Well time for some popcorn.....and a good movie before bed!


        Darn! I've been quoted - I was going to delete that whingey post

        Patience is wearing rather thin

        Glad to hear your knee is better, and that you've found some more possibles to look at


          *hugs WooHoos*

          *hugs Jumble* (At least virtual ones don't hurt )

          *sends good home hunting vibes to Laurie*
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Darn! I've been quoted - I was going to delete that whingey post

            Patience is wearing rather thin

            Glad to hear your knee is better, and that you've found some more possibles to look at

            Sorry - too slow on the draw - already quoted!

            Knee in just a nuisance so I ignore it..... if it leaves me alone - I'll leave it alone!

            And thanks Nad - I'll take all the good vibes offered for house hunting. Not fun. So many places sound great until you see them. OY! One place was so full of the smell of smoke we both reeked of it for hours. YUK! Another place was foreclosed on and the owner was so mad he destroyed it - too bad it looked like it would have been a lovely house. Not looking at anymore foreclosed houses - way to sad. And I just can't gain off of someones really bad fortune.
            Last edited by llp; 15 July 2012, 05:11 AM.


              My brother bought a foreclosure that made me very happy. Okay, call me a tad vindictive, but the woman who lost the house was a former boss of mine at a law firm. We'd had a party at our house, she got rip-roaring drunk, and thereafter proceeded to make my life a living hell at work. I guess she was imbarrassed about her behavior. When my brother got the house she lost, it just felt like a little pay-back for the way she'd treated me (so badly that I finally quit).


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                My brother bought a foreclosure that made me very happy. Okay, call me a tad vindictive, but the woman who lost the house was a former boss of mine at a law firm. We'd had a party at our house, she got rip-roaring drunk, and thereafter proceeded to make my life a living hell at work. I guess she was imbarrassed about her behavior. When my brother got the house she lost, it just felt like a little pay-back for the way she'd treated me (so badly that I finally quit).
                I know what you mean Nola, it's doesn't feel right to feel pleased about something like that - but you do get a sense that karma is doing it's job. A similar thing happened to us a couple of years ago. We rented a small coach house (kind of like a garage) from a woman who lived in the big house next door. She owned a gym and lived very lavishly - she drove a Hummer and was always throwing parties. One day she turned up on our doorstep in tears saying the bailiffs were coming in two days and we had to move all of our stuff out too as they would take anything in the two houses not nailed down. Obviously this was very distressing for us as we had to find a new rental in a couple of days (luckily we struck gold on that score). The funniest thing now I look back is that she expected us to move all of our stuff back in once everything had blown over. She lost the house and the business and even went so far as to blame us, saying if she'd had our rental income to count on she could have survived. Last year I saw an article about her in a national newspaper "former millionairess loses everything in recession: now living in sisters garden shed". I did feel a bit bad for her, but really couldn't help punching the air a little bit


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Darn! I've been quoted - I was going to delete that whingey post

                  Patience is wearing rather thin

                  Glad to hear your knee is better, and that you've found some more possibles to look at
                  I think you're perfectly entitled to whinge about your shoulder, it really sounds awful. And if we can't whinge at our friends when we're feeling sorry for ourselves then who can we whinge at?

                  *hugs gently again*
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Actually Jumble, you've done a marvelous job of NOT whinging considering the source. I admire you and Laurie both for your fortitude. I'm a total wimp when it comes to pain. And yes, I complain incessantly.


                      *Offers painkillers to Laurie and Jumble* Pain sucks

                      *Huggles for everyone else*

                      I sympathise with you Laurie, Looking for a new place is hard work, especially when you know just what you want. I hate house hunting. Due to several reasons we always moved a lot when I was younger, the house I'm in now is the longest I have ever stayed anywhere. 5.5 years and counting
                      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        I think you're perfectly entitled to whinge about your shoulder, it really sounds awful. And if we can't whinge at our friends when we're feeling sorry for ourselves then who can we whinge at?

                        *hugs gently again*
                        Thanks. I guess I'm just feeling a little weak and vulnerable, and that's just not me. I've never had anything that I couldn't deal with before, it feels weird

                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                        Actually Jumble, you've done a marvelous job of NOT whinging considering the source. I admire you and Laurie both for your fortitude. I'm a total wimp when it comes to pain. And yes, I complain incessantly.
                        Thanks. I've tried not to moan, but my 'brave face' is definitely slipping.

                        Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                        *Offers painkillers to Laurie and Jumble* Pain sucks
                        I think I've tried just about everything, but I'm open to offers

                        *Huggles for everyone else*

                        I sympathise with you Laurie, Looking for a new place is hard work, especially when you know just what you want. I hate house hunting. Due to several reasons we always moved a lot when I was younger, the house I'm in now is the longest I have ever stayed anywhere. 5.5 years and counting
                        Before I moved to this house, I'd never stayed anywhere for more than a couple of years. Been here almost 23 years now and I don't ever plan to move again


                          Originally posted by Nolamon
                          Actually Jumble, you've done a marvelous job of NOT whinging considering the source. I admire you and Laurie both for your fortitude. I'm a total wimp when it comes to pain. And yes, I complain incessantly.
                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Thanks. I've tried not to moan, but my 'brave face' is definitely slipping.
                          Thanks - I have sadly lived with varying pain for about 30 years now - so I'm kind of "use" to it!

                          Originally posted by Madness reigns
                          *Offers painkillers to Laurie and Jumble* Pain sucks
                          Originally posted by Jumble
                          I think I've tried just about everything, but I'm open to offers
                          Hmmm! Thanks but I think I'll stick with broccoli cupcakes! Not into taking much in the way of meds!

                          Originally posted by Jumble
                          Before I moved to this house, I'd never stayed anywhere for more than a couple of years. Been here almost 23 years now and I don't ever plan to move again
                          That is why I am being very careful - I will never move again except when they scatter me to the 4 winds! I have moved enough in the last 5 years to not want to do it again. And all those times I've had to do it all myself! Not a lot of fun! No, I'm settling down roots and only leaving to visit friends and AT cons!


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            My brother bought a foreclosure that made me very happy. Okay, call me a tad vindictive, but the woman who lost the house was a former boss of mine at a law firm. We'd had a party at our house, she got rip-roaring drunk, and thereafter proceeded to make my life a living hell at work. I guess she was imbarrassed about her behavior. When my brother got the house she lost, it just felt like a little pay-back for the way she'd treated me (so badly that I finally quit).

                            Nola - I can understand how you felt.....same for Sara! Sometimes payback is a real b....!

                            So far I have looked at 2 foreclosers and both of them were a mess. The "former" owners took everything that wasn't nailed down (and a few things that were!) and destroyed what they couldn't take. No matter how "cheap" these places are, I just don't want to have to deal with it! (Nor with the emotions of anger and hatred they left behind!)


                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Thanks - I have sadly lived with varying pain for about 30 years now - so I'm kind of "use" to it!
                              I thought I was used to it too, but this is a whole new ballgame

                              Hmmm! Thanks but I think I'll stick with broccoli cupcakes! Not into taking much in the way of meds!
                              I'm sure a batch of your cupcakes wood cheer me up I'll just nibble round the edges every hour or so

                              That is why I am being very careful - I will never move again except when they scatter me to the 4 winds! I have moved enough in the last 5 years to not want to do it again. And all those times I've had to do it all myself! Not a lot of fun! No, I'm settling down roots and only leaving to visit friends and AT cons!
                              I feel like that too - far too many packing boxes in my past!

                              I've just checked my diary and apparently after Wednesday I have 11 days off!! So if I disappear, you'll know I've retired to my room with my hot water bottle and my kindle


                                *runz through...nekkid*

