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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Bekki, except I find 'crumbly' a bit...... unkind
    Hehehe - actually, I meant like a cookie. Thus followed by yumbly...

    ...and yet I'm not sure being compared to a crumbly cookie is flattering to most...well, to me it is! Cookies are my favourite! Jumble is my favourite cookie!

    I couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the artworks...I like them all!


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Yay! In that case I'm going to suggest it to Oma

      Edit: Sarai, yes let's do that! Got any specific ideas, or just simply 'Pick your favourite PTB'?


      Hehe, pick your fav. sounds funny. I wood be so ''GW Idol'' like
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Edit: Sarai, yes let's do that! Got any specific ideas, or just simply 'Pick your favourite PTB'?
        Well yeah, just literally pick your favourite non-S/J character and make artwork from it. No specific picture, no specific theme. Just TPTB artwork. And in floweth the Martins. And the Joes. And the SILERS! Yay!

        *runs off to PM Oma*

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        Hehehe - actually, I meant like a cookie. Thus followed by yumbly...

        ...and yet I'm not sure being compared to a crumbly cookie is flattering to most...well, to me it is! Cookies are my favourite! Jumble is my favourite cookie!

        I couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the artworks...I like them all!
        Bekki please, please vote. If people don't vote then we might as well not bother! And we all want this to be a success


          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
          Hehehe - actually, I meant like a cookie. Thus followed by yumbly...

          ...and yet I'm not sure being compared to a crumbly cookie is flattering to most...well, to me it is! Cookies are my favourite! Jumble is my favourite cookie!
          Nicely side-stepped (((((Bekki)))))

          I couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the artworks...I like them all!
          Oh but you must! It's no fun if everyone doesn't join in

          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          Well yeah, just literally pick your favourite non-S/J character and make artwork from it. No specific picture, no specific theme. Just TPTB artwork. And in floweth the Martins. And the Joes. And the SILERS! Yay!

          *runs off to PM Oma*
          Non-S/J character or specifically TPTB? Otherwise we'll have loads of Sheps, Jonases, Janets, Daniels, Valas .........

          Bekki please, please vote. If people don't vote then we might as well not bother! And we all want this to be a success


            Extra! Extra! Read all abooooot iiit!

            Announcing the next Project of Insanity:

            The S.H.I.P.'s First Anniversary, WooHoodStock Style!!!

            Wed. April 1st - Sun. April 5th

            The Shippy Hippy Insanity Party is very close to celebrating it's First Anniversary!

            Of course, there will be a Ship-In on the day itself: April 1st (No joke, it's true), on the S/J Ship thread.
            But. Being the always festive WooHoos that we are as well, the Big Celebration will be right here.

            So get your Yellow Pants ready, get your arty farty gasses flowing, stock up on broccoli and prepare for a Week of Love. The S.H.I.P. is going Wood and Wild!

            Go create art and spread love!

            The S.H.I.P. Administration
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Non-S/J character or specifically TPTB? Otherwise we'll have loads of Sheps, Jonases, Janets, Daniels, Valas .........
              Well when I PMed her I said TPTB specifically, although I did stipulate that that includes Mr Shea


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Well when I PMed her I said TPTB specifically, although I did stipulate that that includes Mr Shea
                Of course it does WooHooooood! I wonder when it will be *goes off to find special Martinpics*

                And WOOHOOOOOOD!!!!! for the S.H.I.P. birthday celebrations Ooooh this is gonna be fun, just like Martinas, a nice, long, slow...... um, Yay for the S.H.I.P.


                  *flails with excitement*

                  A birthday party !! Yay!!


                    I have 69 pm's in my inbox! Just thought I'd throw that in



                        Another challenge sig


                          Jumble - this one is terrific!!!

                          Yay for S.H.I.P. party!!! Yay for Martin gifs Yay for Woohoos!!!
                          sig thanks to Luci


                            S.H.I.P is almost a year old!? That means it's been a year since we did MOP! Where does the time go? *happy memories of MOP*

                            I'm up for a PTB art project. I'll have to find more JM pics. Ohohohoh! And we should send Joe a link so he can laugh his butt off at us all and/or be awestruck by our enormous talent!!


                              Thanks Achaja

                              Oh yes Luvnjack, almost a whole year has gone by

                              And I'm sure he wood laugh his butt off AND be awestruck by our enormous talent


                                OMG look what I have found!

                                Man in black (* from
                                sig thanks to Luci

