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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I have about 4 pages of tangoed goodness to catch up on. I did / do have some orange artwork (I guess if we're going for 9am-ish I still have time to sort it out) but for some crazy reason my PS has decided to sulk every time I try and put any text in on, well, anything I do. I can't for the life of me figure out what setting I've ballsed up changed to make it so upset at me. So upset it is. Not sure I have the energy to wrestle with the stoopid thing tonight so I might have to just go back and admire the pretties and hope you don't miss my rather lame contribution too much. It was somethign to do with Martin... and his tool... and fire...and too hot to handle. It would have been so good.

    Ah well.

    *Mooches off for a catch up.*


      *hugs Cags for PS*

      Originally posted by llp View Post
      what, you aren't polite to your shoes?

      Woodnight Jumble
      No, but I should be!

      Originally posted by llp View Post
      ''Oy vey'' is Yiddish, in fact slang Yiddish to be percise! Not
      quite the same thing!
      It is!
      Living near Amsterdam means a lot of Yiddish in language.
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Speaking of Tango, anyone (er, mostly Brits) remember this advert?

        Was never as good after they made them replace the slap with a kiss.... after three... "political correctness gone mad"...


          And since I can't post any of my art (yet anyway), here's some more of my favourite orange things:

          (really? Would someone get married in that? )



            *Waves to Spencers* hope you're enjoying the multicoloured madeness.


              Wowee! I'm away for two weeks and we're orange? ...


              My apologies, woohoos for my increased absence! I have been house hunting for my brother, helped him move in, house hunted for myself, (got a house, yay! But havent moved in yet) and come home to my parents' house for Christmas! Big couple of weeks!

              So - what have I missed?

              Also... PARTY TIME!!!


                *squishy huggles Bekki*

                Woohood on all that house stuff! Where are you moving in?
                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                  *huggles LadyGJ* I'm moving in to a new house in Ballarat (well, the house isn't will just be new for me) with some different housemates. One of my housemates this year was a little ... difficult, so we figured we would start again from scratch. New house, new roomies

                  *dances around in Martinmas glory*


                    *Waves to Bekki* congrats on the new house and housemates. I'm working on black stuff for tomorrow...


                      Day 21 of the WooHoo Advent Calendar is made by Dee

                      Last edited by Jumble; 20 December 2011, 10:59 PM.


                        Edit: Mine and Nad's Orange sigs and avis for Day 2 were made by Nad...

                        Last edited by Jumble; 22 December 2011, 03:48 AM.


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          I have about 4 pages of tangoed goodness to catch up on. I did / do have some orange artwork (I guess if we're going for 9am-ish I still have time to sort it out) but for some crazy reason my PS has decided to sulk every time I try and put any text in on, well, anything I do. I can't for the life of me figure out what setting I've ballsed up changed to make it so upset at me. So upset it is. Not sure I have the energy to wrestle with the stoopid thing tonight so I might have to just go back and admire the pretties and hope you don't miss my rather lame contribution too much. It was somethign to do with Martin... and his tool... and fire...and too hot to handle. It would have been so good.

                          Ah well.

                          *Mooches off for a catch up.*
                          Well that's weird - my PS was refusing to allow me to use text yesterday as well Which is why I had very little orange art and so far no black

                          Let's hope it starts behaving itself today


                            I love this advent ^^^

                            Jumble, did you get a funny little dot on the screen whenever you selected and placed the type tool? That's what I get. Very frustrating.

                            Hmm, going to have to think of something innovative to make black an exciting I got nothing.... yet!


                              Stupid GW is acting up again....dumped my downloads and now it won't let me change my sig! Anyone know how to get it to allow me to change my sig....I really don't like the one I was using for "orange" day! HELP! - Never mind....finally got it to work! YEAH!

                              Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
                              Last edited by llp; 21 December 2011, 01:10 AM.


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                I love this advent ^^^

                                Jumble, did you get a funny little dot on the screen whenever you selected and placed the type tool? That's what I get. Very frustrating.

                                Hmm, going to have to think of something innovative to make black an exciting I got nothing.... yet!
                                Yes, and I figured out that for some reason the text was just coming out really small even on a high number - go to Edit/free transform and pull the corner of the box that appears. I don't know why it was doing that

                                Oh, and

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

