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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Holy Martin picspam Jumble!
    That's a lot of purdy!


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Yeah. Got that
      Thought you might


      Drat for the camera. Nice memory then.
      Yep, but it wood have been nice to have some pics to show the parents

      I really should be doing some artwork, but I don't feel much like it..... so I won't!

      Edit: It certainly is Estrela You'd think with all those pics I'd find some inspiration for Martinmas art woodn't you?


        Nice Martinspam, Jumble
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Thanks Josi


            Finally got some inspiration for the AfA challenge.....


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Finally got some inspiration for the AfA challenge.....

              Now that made me laugh after the MartinSpam.
              Love that!
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                Now that made me laugh after the MartinSpam.
                Love that!
                With Martin, I'm spoiled for choice - with Amanda, not so much



                  Well done on the cheap repair Laurie. as I said in the green, Girl Power... *cough* woman power. I've been a bit full of that myself lately.

                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Ooops! That was slightly more than necessary, but never mind

                  *huggles Martin*
                  Pshaw! There's no such thing and "more than necessary" where MartinPicspam is concerned. But thank you very much for it. It certainly prettied up the thread.

                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Had great fun with the littlies at their Christmas party - but forgot to take my camera
                  Doh! Can you not use the camera on your phone? Or is it as rubbish as mine? Not that it helps much afer the event. I must remember to take mine tomorrow for Benjabub's production. Not sure what they are doing mind - not a traditional nativity that much I know. I'm slightly jealous of all my friends who are posting pictures of little boys and girls dressed as kings and angels. I remember being an angel once. My halo fell off as I was dancing around. This I remember clearly!

                  My brother sent me this link. I started off laughing but very quickly found it all a bit uncomfortable. Not sure who I'd be more annoyed at; the spoilt children, the cruel parents of the TV company for setting up such a horrible stunt. Decide for yourselves.



                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    Thought you might

                    Yep, but it wood have been nice to have some pics to show the parents

                    I really should be doing some artwork, but I don't feel much like it..... so I won't!

                    Edit: It certainly is Estrela You'd think with all those pics I'd find some inspiration for Martinmas art woodn't you?
                    Actually, isn't it harder to settle for artwork after you've stood in the presence of and been hugged by The Martin Wood?
                    My suggestion (for what it's worth) is to wrap yourself in The Quilt while you hug The Chairback. Then close your eye and daydream a bit. I'm sure something will come to you.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Well done on the cheap repair Laurie. as I said in the green, Girl Power... *cough* woman power. I've been a bit full of that myself lately.

                      Pshaw! There's no such thing and "more than necessary" where MartinPicspam is concerned. But thank you very much for it. It certainly prettied up the thread.
                      That was the plan

                      Doh! Can you not use the camera on your phone? Or is it as rubbish as mine? Not that it helps much afer the event. I must remember to take mine tomorrow for Benjabub's production. Not sure what they are doing mind - not a traditional nativity that much I know. I'm slightly jealous of all my friends who are posting pictures of little boys and girls dressed as kings and angels. I remember being an angel once. My halo fell off as I was dancing around. This I remember clearly!
                      I didn't have my phone either

                      I've been invited to Hale Primary for their Nativity play on Friday, which will be fun because there will be seven of my children in it Not sure what they're doing either, but I do know that it involves camels

                      My brother sent me this link. I started off laughing but very quickly found it all a bit uncomfortable. Not sure who I'd be more annoyed at; the spoilt children, the cruel parents of the TV company for setting up such a horrible stunt. Decide for yourselves.
                      I laughed at the little girl with the banana, and liked the little boy that told his sister she should appreciate her half-eaten sandwich and then volunteered to eat it I didn't watch it all - the rude brat in the red striped shirt put me right off

                      Back when I was a kid (way back in the Dark Ages ), we really did appreciate any kind of food in our stockings, especially the fruit

                      *cue violins*


                        Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                        Actually, isn't it harder to settle for artwork after you've stood in the presence of and been hugged by The Martin Wood?
                        This is very true

                        My suggestion (for what it's worth) is to wrap yourself in The Quilt while you hug The Chairback. Then close your eyes and daydream a bit. I'm sure something will come to you.
                        Mmmmm.... add in his t-shirt (which does still smell delicious ) and his Major Wood badges and I might just daydream up something awesome

                        All I need is a pair of shorts and his Summit hat, and I'll have the complete ensemble....



                          As for the so called joke, I think the parents are cruel because they thought it was funny to hurt their own children. They take a simple thing like Santa Claus and spoil it. If their children are spoiled it is not the child's fault but really lousy parents. Some of the kids were really young and don't understand what has happened and it showed. There was nothing funny about it! Jimmy Kimble is a jerk, but the parents are even worse for doing it. Just what lesson were they trying to teach their kids - that their parents are idiots that don't mind destroying their children's dreams, hurting their egos is alright if it is the parent doing it - for what so they can laugh and then make fools of them......CHILD ABUSE ON THE MENTAL LEVEL - every one of those parents need parenting classes! SHAME ON THEM ALL! And we wonder what turns kids into abusers!

                          I know this may sound one sided, but a child is born an empty vessel filled in by the actions of their family and friends. At the age of most of those children, they are not really responsible for their actions. They learned most of it from their parents. And in most all of those cases - they were taught poorly!

                          P.S. Just a little post script to my diatribe - if they really wanted to teach their children a good lesson - how about asking them each to pick a few toys they have outgrown and give them to charity. Make room for the new toys they are lucky to receive because their parents have jobs in this poor economy.
                          Last edited by llp; 13 December 2011, 02:17 PM.


                            Laurie, you need to reduce the kb size of that pic, or post it as a thumbnail - it's waaaay too big as it is

                            I do partly agree with what you say, and I definitely blame the parents for allowing some of those children to be so rude!


                              Big in what respect? What is the max kb allowed?


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Big in what respect? What is the max kb allowed?
                                100kb is max - yours is 196kb

