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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    That was some post for 8000, huh?

    Personally, I'll sleep better for that


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      That was some post for 8000, huh?

      Personally, I'll sleep better for that
      Congrats on 8000 Posts!!!

      And not me. I'll be wide awake, clutching my bedcovers while holding them up under my nose and looking from left to right...
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        .......maybe I should have said I'll "dream" better for that *sigh* I sooo love that man....... ok, yes, very drunk, going to bed........

        Woodnight (((((WooHoos))))) *huggles Martin*


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          .......maybe I should have said I'll "dream" better for that *sigh* I sooo love that man....... ok, yes, very drunk, going to bed........

          Woodnight (((((WooHoos))))) *huggles Martin*


          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            congrats on 8000 jumble!!!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Thanks Josiane

              Ok, I'm confused....... how come we have 39,995 views? How does that work? Seems like a heck of a lot of people viewing and not joining in.......... and it can't just be Martin and Joe, can it?

              Yes, still on my way to bed........


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *floates past the gutter accusation*

                And no, don't worry! It wasn't. I just got reminded of that scene.
                I'll warn you when it does come on
                Okay I was already missing AT on tv...that would be like... ...

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                But who in their right mind wood throw a party and not invite the coolest bunch on GW?

                I feel the need of some Martinspam

                <snip...coz I'm tired>
                Because they're nuts not inviting us...I think its just a slow evening... Dutchies have do German folks...perhaps some more countries/cultures too...some sleep...some work...and it's saturday

                Loved the martin spam Squee!

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Thanks Josiane

                Ok, I'm confused....... how come we have 39,995 views? How does that work? Seems like a heck of a lot of people viewing and not joining in.......... and it can't just be Martin and Joe, can it?

                Yes, still on my way to bed........
                Well...every time we "hit" the thread, so go to it without posting is a view....also every time you "visit" a page is also a the views go up quickly...

                if that made any sense...I shouldn't think that hard at 3 am


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Thanks Josiane

                  Ok, I'm confused....... how come we have 39,995 views? How does that work? Seems like a heck of a lot of people viewing and not joining in.......... and it can't just be Martin and Joe, can it?

                  Yes, still on my way to bed........
                  Well, we all know Joe has to keep tabs on my craziness. It takes a lot of work.


                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    Well, we all know Joe has to keep tabs on my craziness. It takes a lot of work.
                    You mean to say he's obsessively stalking you now

                    I like to think there's a Stargate Cast, Crew, TPTB forum where there's a luvnjack Appreciation thread with Joe and RDA arguing over who's the bigger fan.....or lives in greatest fear

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    This is your fault Sarai

                    I was listening to The Thorns - 'No Blue Sky' when I posted the Abyss pic earlier, and, well *sigh* my muse took over again

                    I did change the lyrics a little
                    Beautiful! The colouring is amazing!! Though I'm suspicous of the phrase 'my muse took over again' because when exactly is he not in your thoughts


                      Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
                      You mean to say he's obsessively stalking you now

                      I like to think there's a Stargate Cast, Crew, TPTB forum where there's a luvnjack Appreciation thread with Joe and RDA arguing over who's the bigger fan.....or lives in greatest fear

                      Beautiful! The colouring is amazing!! Though I'm suspicous of the phrase 'my muse took over again' because when exactly is he not in your thoughts
                      Oh yes. They sit in front of their computers and wonder when my birthday is...and, in fact, they both were delighted to find it on the Art Thread the other day. They're having a party that day. RDA appreciates my thunky sigs and JM loves my spunk and imagination. ROFL!!

                      The voices in my head think I'm crazy, but I don't agree! LOL!

                      EDIT: And RCC sits there going, "I just don't know what the big deal is!" and Martin's like, "Hey, I prefer jumble! Maybe I should start a jumble appreciation thread! Do you think she knows how much I love her!?"


                        Wood Morning WooHoos

                        Well I seriously angsted up the thread last night didn't I? Sorry

                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Well, we all know Joe has to keep tabs on my craziness. It takes a lot of work.
                        It's amazing how he finds the time, I guess he just doesn't sleep

                        Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
                        You mean to say he's obsessively stalking you now

                        I like to think there's a Stargate Cast, Crew, TPTB forum where there's a luvnjack Appreciation thread with Joe and RDA arguing over who's the bigger fan.....or lives in greatest fear
                        Oh woodn't we just love to find the link to that?

                        Beautiful! The colouring is amazing!! Though I'm suspicous of the phrase 'my muse took over again' because when exactly is he not in your thoughts
                        Thanks, I'm really pleased with how it turned out

                        Um, I'm sure there was a moment last week........

                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Oh yes. They sit in front of their computers and wonder when my birthday is...and, in fact, they both were delighted to find it on the Art Thread the other day. They're having a party that day. RDA appreciates my thunky sigs and JM loves my spunk and imagination. ROFL!!
                        If I'd known, I wood have done a deal with them, swapped yours for Martin's Too late now..........

                        The voices in my head think I'm crazy, but I don't agree! LOL!
                        Don't listen to the voices in your head, that way lies craziness of a different kind

                        EDIT: And RCC sits there going, "I just don't know what the big deal is!" and Martin's like, "Hey, I prefer jumble! Maybe I should start a jumble appreciation thread! Do you think she knows how much I love her!?"
                        *sigh* If only *falls back into the abyss*


                          Loooooook what Bekki made me *happy dance*



                            Well, looks like there's no contest then


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              Congrats on the Big '69!!
                              You hit one every day, don't you?
                    , not every day.

                              Wood Morning Woohoos!


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                OT (icky) feel free to skip
                                He wants me to have five more surgeries, to get rid of the awful scars from the ops I had after the accident I've pretty much decided not to. It wood mean a lot more pain and another couple of months off work I don't think I could stand it, I'm already going stir crazy, which probaby explains my total obsession with all things Martin The downside is.... waaaaay too personal to explain on here


                                Well... You're right ignoring the doc if it makes you feel not good.
                                See, I know my way around the scar issue. When I was little, we had a christmas tree fire. Being the little one I was, I tried to blow it out , resulting in some nasty third degree burns on my head and hands. It's a long story, but it resulted in me growing up with some visible scars. The doctors always encouraged me to go for some reconstruction, but I didn't think it wood be worth the pain and recovery eighter. Ok, I'm lucky to have the opportunity to somewhat cover it up, but still... I wear my scars with pride.
                                I can't say it's quite the same as your situation, but you know, you're responsible for your own choices. Not some doc

                                *blinks* I have no clue whether that just made sense, but that was my personal life OT
                                Yes, that made perfect sense. I'm nuts, aren't I

