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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post

    Or I could evict all the teddy bears from my bedroom and put the space to better use

    Um....... Martin, if you're watching...... I don't really have pictures of you on every wall in the house - we're just joking

    Just on one or two of the kitchen and bedroom walls

    Edit: I've run out of photo paper!!! Where on earth did those 100 sheets go?

    I think in the past 10 years, I've used all of 5 sheets of photo paper. I always forget that printers can do that these days.

    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    It's my brothers' birthday being there!

    Will be a lot on here in the middle of the night after everyone has left since I have to finish an assignment and make a music/moodvideo for school!(the fun)
    Happy birthday to your bro!

    Getting ready to meet Josi for the best Indian food in NYC.

    Also, it seems midwifery is really getting a foothold in the news. THIS MIDWIFE is one of CNN's Heroes of 2011 nominees. I urge you to read her story and vote for her. She's doing such amazing work. This is the kind of person I want to become.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      I think in the past 10 years, I've used all of 5 sheets of photo paper. I always forget that printers can do that these days.
      I use a LOT, and not just for Martinpics - I'm always printing out pics of the kids to put up and to give to their parents

      Dianne Carruthers-Wood made a documentary about the ship their daughter was on when it sank - Abandon Ship: The Sinking of The SV Concordia. Here's a trailer. *tissue warning*


        Love the invite! And love that trailer Jumble! Thanks for sharing.

        MoB sorry too tired to read the story.... Hopefully I'll remember tomorrow.

        Edit!: Wait a minute!!!! Dianne as in Mrs. Wood???!!! Brilliant and even more awesome now! *giggles*
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          LOVE the new "Devilish Me" Sig/Avi combo! So cute.

          I've been grading late work all day - lazy scoundrels! The worst of it is - we do the work in class! No reason for them not to hand it in at all.

          *huggles all around*


            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
            Love the invite! And love that trailer Jumble! Thanks for sharing.

            MoB sorry too tired to read the story.... Hopefully I'll remember tomorrow.

            Edit!: Wait a minute!!!! Dianne as in Mrs. Wood???!!! Brilliant and even more awesome now! *giggles*
            Yes, our very own Di I'm trying to find out if it's possible to see the whole documentary, wood really love to see it.

            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            LOVE the new "Devilish Me" Sig/Avi combo! So cute.

            I've been grading late work all day - lazy scoundrels! The worst of it is - we do the work in class! No reason for them not to hand it in at all.

            *huggles all around*
            That's kids for you


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              I use a LOT, and not just for Martinpics - I'm always printing out pics of the kids to put up and to give to their parents

              Dianne Carruthers-Wood made a documentary about the ship their daughter was on when it sank - Abandon Ship: The Sinking of The SV Concordia. Here's a trailer. *tissue warning*
              Oh my God! That was *powerful.* Thanks, Jumble, for sharing it.

              Gonna hang out here for a while.
              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                I use a LOT, and not just for Martinpics - I'm always printing out pics of the kids to put up and to give to their parents

                Dianne Carruthers-Wood made a documentary about the ship their daughter was on when it sank - Abandon Ship: The Sinking of The SV Concordia. Here's a trailer. *tissue warning*
                Wow. I'll look for it in February. Thanks, Jumble.

                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                LOVE the new "Devilish Me" Sig/Avi combo! So cute.

                I've been grading late work all day - lazy scoundrels! The worst of it is - we do the work in class! No reason for them not to hand it in at all.

                *huggles all around*

                Had a lovely dinner with Josi and Andi and then we took Josi to McSorley's, which is a bit of an NYC institution, so of course she had to go! We had some beers and talked sci-fi, and Andi and Josi let me bounce some ideas off of them for a project I'm in the midst of putting together. So sad to send her off this evening, but I'm pretty sure I've convinced her to come visit me in Van next summer!

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Originally posted by Pol View Post
                  Oh my God! That was *powerful.* Thanks, Jumble, for sharing it.

                  Gonna hang out here for a while.
                  Wasn't it? Really hope I can get to see it

                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  Wow. I'll look for it in February. Thanks, Jumble.
                  Um... wasn't that February 2011?


                  Had a lovely dinner with Josi and Andi and then we took Josi to McSorley's, which is a bit of an NYC institution, so of course she had to go! We had some beers and talked sci-fi, and Andi and Josi let me bounce some ideas off of them for a project I'm in the midst of putting together. So sad to send her off this evening, but I'm pretty sure I've convinced her to come visit me in Van next summer!
                  You let Josi drink beer??

                  Glad to hear you had a good time, and don't worry, you definitely won't be short of visitors once you move to Van


                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    I use a LOT, and not just for Martinpics - I'm always printing out pics of the kids to put up and to give to their parents

                    Dianne Carruthers-Wood made a documentary about the ship their daughter was on when it sank - Abandon Ship: The Sinking of The SV Concordia. Here's a trailer. *tissue warning*

                    Oh my goodness that' poor Martin... poor Dianne. Poor all those parents. I can only imagine what they must have been going through waiting for news.
                    Definitely tissue warning. Well done Dianne for telling the story. I too would like to see it so I hope it's available in the UK somehow.

                    *huggles all*


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Oh my goodness that' poor Martin... poor Dianne. Poor all those parents. I can only imagine what they must have been going through waiting for news.
                      Forty hours of the worst hell a parent can ever suffer. And just imagine the relief when the waiting was finally over and they got the good news

                      Definitely tissue warning. Well done Dianne for telling the story. I too would like to see it so I hope it's available in the UK somehow.

                      *huggles all*
                      Well done indeed! Must have been quite an emotional rollercoaster for all those concerned in making it. Apparently the documentary was very well received and Dianne has been asked to do another Quite the talented duo, our Mr and Mrs Wood

                      I'll let you know when I find out if we can get to see it
                      Last edited by Jumble; 28 September 2011, 06:59 AM.


                        Yep, very talented. Watch out world, when their kids all grow up and start doing equally awesome things.

                        Love your new sig, by the way, Jumble. Is that this week's art challenge? I really, really, really, need to try and enter this week.

                        (I should be doing washing or gardening but a neighbour over the back is having a bonfire - which rules out washing - and I really rather think I should have someone else here before I set myself loose on the hedge trimmer... )


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Yep, very talented. Watch out world, when their kids all grow up and start doing equally awesome things.
                          Pretty sure their son will grow up to be a comedian

                          Love your new sig, by the way, Jumble. Is that this week's art challenge? I really, really, really, need to try and enter this week.
                          Thanks Yes, this week's challenge is 'reflections', any way that you want to interpret it

                          (I should be doing washing or gardening but a neighbour over the back is having a bonfire - which rules out washing - and I really rather think I should have someone else here before I set myself loose on the hedge trimmer... )
                          I'm not working Thursday or Friday - want some help? I love power tools


                            Argh, don't tempt me!

                            Unfortunately I am working Thursday and Friday so really can't skive off. As it is I am planning on skivving tomorrow morning to got to Kempton and pick myself up a new pair of Doc Martens ready for winter. They're £90 on line! Pretty sure I can knock £20 off them at the market.
                            I also need to dig some grass root up on The Plot... urgh... do I have to? Apparently yes. Remind me again why I agreed to get an allotment?

                            When you said Reflections, the first thing that came into my mind was this:

                            (Very Woohoo I think... )
                            Then, for some reason, that building near Hammersmith Broadway with the church reflected in it.


                              That's a shame, and I can't do Sat or Sun because I've got Lee and Joel coming over to watch the last five eps of Sanctuary

                              Why did you agree to get an allotment? Um...... I'm sure there was a reason..... weren't you going to grow some broccoli?

                              Ah, that song - brings back a lot of memories, ancient and recent..... I think I still have it on 45 vinyl


                                I love it how you sometimes catch up on the thread, just to end up having a song stuck in your head without having heard it, because you *know* it's too darn sticky.
                                Thanks Cags...

                                As for the documentary... I think we must all move to Canada.
                                WooHoo-ism is just hard in Europe.

                                *hugs WooHoos*
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

