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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I'm here Dee! Chilling in the cold and trying to find a comfortable way to sit, now that I have discovered I have not one but two slipped discs. Ahhh, what can one do but laugh?

    I fell over in the shower yesterday, fell into the aisle of pasta sauce at the supermarket (luckily, nothing broke...just chrashed onto the floor, and i coulnd't even bend over to pick it up...hhahah) fell over in the park and had to get carried to my car by my friend (which, let's face it, was quite nice if i do say so myselff. but I'd rather not be the damsel in distress, particularly now that we've decided to be 'just ffriends' and all)

    Now i need to pee, but I can't feel my feet just yet so if i get up, I will fall over. At least I know the signs now

    So...let's party!!


      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      Edit2: You know, I'm starting to wonder (all along feeling like Sarah Jessika Parker in Sex and the City with all the wondering...) where are those Woohooos in different time zones? Bekki and Laurie are always complaining that they're alone on the thread... and yet, I don't see them... lol. Hmmm. Wondering....
      Ah....I'm right here and posting almost every day!

      Couldn't resist, sorry!

      EDIT - and see, about 15 minutes have passed and no response....not a lot of people up at 10:20 at night (my time). I usually try and catch people around midnight (if I'm still up) - my time of course or around 2 to 4pm - but I have to be home and not doing something or I'll miss that as well. No, our clocks are on a different be it because I like living in the PNW!
      Last edited by llp; 15 June 2011, 09:21 PM.


        I was in the car on my way to work when you posted Laurie! So I was awake*so proud*

        I'm already awake since 5:45 AM this morning*yawns* of having a puppy and a 1,5 hour drive to work ...oh that was a 2 hour drive; traffic was INSANE!

        Now it's time for....

        *runs around nekkid*

        That's better.


          *runs around nekkid*

          *falls over*



            Have to agree with Agam - all this over a game??


            Such a shame
            Last edited by Jumble; 16 June 2011, 01:50 AM.


              *hugs Bekki - carefully* You might wanna check your hmm... balance center? lol, I don't know if that's what it's called, but you fall a lot! Of course, maybe it's cause that friend happens to be near... I don't know *waggles eyebrows*

              Laurie, yes, wait an hour and then show up and and I was up all night

              Jann, sorry about the traffic. I can't believe you travel 2 hours to work! That's a looooong drive!

              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Have to agree with Agam - all this over a game??


              Such a shame
              And here I thought it was just us that go ballistic and tear down the city when something happens... there's not a good excuse for that ever. Very awful.
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                Popping in briefly to pass out hugs to some of my fave internet ppl!

                I hope to be around more soon. I'm just kinda wrapped in my little protective bubble at the moment as I await some big news.

                A few things to keep you amused...

                1. John & James: A vid

                2. Helen Magnus icons (I not so good at teh photoshop, but I try )

                3. Hitler is informed that John Druitt killed him. Spoilers for S3.5. (I didn't make it, but it's pretty hilarious)

                *hugs everyone*

                Busy clinic today.

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  *hugs Bekki* Carefully

                  *hugs Vancouver*

                  Dad should finally be scheduled for surgery in the net two weeks *fingers crossed*
                  Now his surgeon and oncologist are disagreeing about how much of the lung should be removed. Surgeon only wants to remove half. Oncologist wants to remove the whole right lung "just in case". Just in case of what? He has a cancer that was slow acting and took years to become big tumors. Is the oncologist worried that it will come back? He'll be 90! Who cares then. Sheesh. My dad only wants them to remove half. We agree.


                    All right people, I was only giving someone a hard time because she said I never post. And I am usually up during your evening and I do catch some of you sometimes. Not a big deal, honest. My real complaint....everyone is so far away I don't get to see you very often.....I miss you guys. (well most of you )

                    Now onto other thoughts....Shame on those idiots that rioted last night and for what, a game. Where are they when people die from starvation, abuse, etc. If you noticed in the pictures the age group seemed to be the under 25 group. Now, this is not meant as an insult to most people of that age....but it seems like when there is too much booze (or whatever) and a bunch of children (and they are mainly that as far as their mental state) and something bothers them, they turn into idiots. A few days in jail would serve them well except that it could ruin the rest of their lives (and they are still too young to realized that as well)!

                    [Please not I left the name of the city off because this is a world wide situation. If this was for fairness, justice or
                    human rights than the adults show up!] Shame on them!

                    Oh and for something is the start of a beautiful day today, sun is out and it is only 7am - hey, what am I doing up so early!


                      Now back on topic:
                      Wine_buyer - hope all goes well with your father and his surgery. The oncologist is just favoring the "safe" side - it may be practical, but he won't be sued! We are a litigious society (sadly)!

                      MoB - *huggles* right back at ya and thanks!

                      Dee - sorry I missed you.....but things to do...etc! Sorry! - but I do love your new icon display!

                      And GOOD MORNING to all even if it is already the late afternoon where you are.

                      Been so involved in my writing I haven't even gone outside for 2 days. Need to get dressed and go forth.... today!
                      Last edited by llp; 16 June 2011, 06:18 AM.


                        *waves at Laurie*

                        Almost done today and then only one more day of internship left! Yahoo! Plus last day of internship is designing something...I think I can do that


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          *waves at Laurie*

                          Almost done today and then only one more day of internship left! Yahoo! Plus last day of internship is designing something...I think I can do that
                          *Waves back* Very cool! Hope this internship has turned out to be everything you wanted and more!


                            (((huggles to wooohoos)))

                            Bree, I hope everything goes well with your dad... *sends good mojo*

                            Mob, I hope you get great news! *fingers crossed*

                            Laurie,Great on the writing!!!! Keep that up! lol, (((huggles)) I was kidding... it's not like you guys are running away once you see me on line.


                            Are you?
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                              (((huggles to wooohoos)))

                              Bree, I hope everything goes well with your dad... *sends good mojo*

                              Mob, I hope you get great news! *fingers crossed*

                              Laurie,Great on the writing!!!! Keep that up! lol, (((huggles)) I was kidding... it's not like you guys are running away once you see me on line.


                              Are you?
                              Who me....never run from danger! No wait, that doesn't sound right! I mean I would never run from you Dee


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Who me....never run from danger! No wait, that doesn't sound right! I mean I would never run from you Dee

                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

