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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *averts eyes from the corner!*

    I know we generally avoid shipper stuff in here, but can I just say one thing?

    And that's why I left the shipper thread!

    *exhales loudly*

    I feel so much better now


      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
      *averts eyes from the corner!*
      It was a huggle! A perfectly innocent sympathy huggle!

      I know we generally avoid shipper stuff in here, but can I just say one thing?

      And that's why I left the shipper thread!

      *exhales loudly*

      I feel so much better now
      That's pretty much why we all left *huggles Oma*

      Edit: Oh FCOL! I know it's pretty much what we expected, but seriously - IT'S A TV SHOW!!

      Last edited by Jumble; 17 April 2011, 03:17 PM.


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        It was a huggle! A perfectly innocent sympathy huggle!

        Uh huh. Sure.

        That's pretty much why we all left *huggles Oma*
        Yeah, I know. For some reason though, I can't help but wish the thread would go back to the happy place it was when I first started there, vain hope I know Can't people just appreciate what an amazing romance they got and be grateful?

        Well, actually, yes they can. They're all in here

        *huggles Jumble back* Your huggles always make me feel better


          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
          Uh huh. Sure.

          Y'all know perfectly well I appreciate Martin for his Awesome directing abilities, his expert use of the tool, his imagination, his sense of humour, his dedication to his work and his genuine niceness! And his Awesome hugs

          Anything else wood be just........ wrong

          *polishes halo*

          Yeah, I know. For some reason though, I can't help but wish the thread would go back to the happy place it was when I first started there, vain hope I know Can't people just appreciate what an amazing romance they got and be grateful?

          Well, actually, yes they can. They're all in here
          Yes, we're here - the survivors

          Unfortunately I don't think it's possible for the thread to go back to what it was, certainly not after today's news

          *huggles Jumble back* Your huggles always make me feel better
          I learned from the best


            *tiptoes in*

            Can I just say I feel like hugging all of you?

            I was reading the news in the S/J thread, then came here, lurking as usual, and read what you all thought about it. . . Your love for SG in general just made me think back to the last year and a half (I've been in that fandom for such a short while) and I realised it had been a wonderful year.

            I want to join you in saying thank you and sending huggles and good vibes to all the PTB!

            And if you throw together a Stargate Party, I'm all in with you. ^^

            *huggles Woohoos*
            (Even if I don't consider myself a big Woohoo yet... Maybe a half-woohoo? I have a name and all, thanks to Jumble, but I felt silent after a couple of days... I hope you don't mind me delurking from time to time. )

            *runs out*
            Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 17 April 2011, 04:20 PM.
            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


              Awww... I am sad about no movies...



              and one special (((BW))))

              I just started watching SG-1 with a friend who never watched it before and she loooooves it. She's already adoring Jack's humor and Siler, cause I keep saying "awww, Siler," in sweet little voice. So, I'm nostalgic... But as many have said very happy that we got so much from Stargate!

              Oh, and when we're finished with Stargate, I'm gonna introduce the said friend to SAnctuary *giggles*

              *drags LGJ back* you so are a Woohooo! ((((hugs)))))
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                ...just read the news about the SG movies...
                I can't say that I'm really surprised, but...sad...yes
                I agree with all, in my mind S/J are together after Threads, but...still...I'd like to see again them in a movie. Thank God there're fics!!! and of course you have no idea how many mental voyagers I can have when s/j are involved
                I've enjoyed s9 and s10, but I can't lie saying that s/j weren't the main reason that makes me love sg1. of course TBTB wrote their story, so I've to thank them for these beautiful years. it's the end of a era...just give me some time to accept it!
                My vids Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                  *tiptoes in*

                  Can I just say I feel like hugging all of you?

                  I was reading the news in the S/J thread, then came here, lurking as usual, and read what you all thought about it. . . Your love for SG in general just made me think back to the last year and a half (I've been in that fandom for such a short while) and I realised it had been a wonderful year.

                  I want to join you in saying thank you and sending huggles and good vibes to all the PTB!
                  That's the way - positive thinking is the WooHoo Way, as well as finding it much easier and more beneficial to love than to hate

                  And if you throw together a Stargate Party, I'm all in with you. ^^

                  *huggles Woohoos*
                  (Even if I don't consider myself a big Woohoo yet... Maybe a half-woohoo? I have a name and all, thanks to Jumble, but I felt silent after a couple of days... I hope you don't mind me delurking from time to time. )

                  *runs out*
                  Sorry, there's no such thing as a half-WooHoo - it's all or nothing And we love that you delurk and chat with us, it's what we're here for *hugs*

                  Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                  ...just read the news about the SG movies...
                  I can't say that I'm really surprised, but...sad...yes
                  I agree with all, in my mind S/J are together after Threads, but...still...I'd like to see again them in a movie. Thank God there're fics!!! and of course you have no idea how many mental voyagers I can have when s/j are involved
                  I've enjoyed s9 and s10, but I can't lie saying that s/j weren't the main reason that makes me love sg1. of course TBTB wrote their story, so I've to thank them for these beautiful years. it's the end of a era...just give me some time to accept it!
                  Ah, that's where we differ - I watched SG1 because I loved the team, the stories and the whole concept of the stargate. S/J were never my main interest - in fact a lot of my favourite eps have no shippyness in them at all. But that's fine, to each their own

                  *waves to Dee*

                  When I woke this morning my first thought was 'Did I close the conservatory doors last night?' Er... no, I didn't. Nor did I lock the house door And I don't have any excuse - can't blame the wine because I've not drunk any for more than a week - so it's just plain forgetfulness


                    ah, the moment has come! *huggles Stargate* It's been a beautiful, beautiful 14 or so years! *huggles TPTB*

                    I think we should definitely have a Woohoo Stargate Party! A big one! We should get tipsy and make speeches about how Stargate has changed our lives! and make arties! And corny poetry! And vids! And share the love! We could make a vid or a present of some kind for the PTB for how much we appreciate all they have done for us

                    I'm feeling very nostalgic

                    *huggles woohoos*


                      *huggles WooHoos*
                      *huggles TPTB*

                      Well said everyone *huggles thread* I love stargate and have my pretty box set that I can keep rewatching, and we have the awesome Threads all thanks to the Awesome PTB

                      and if that's not enough there are 1 or 2 pieces of fanfiction out there plus everyone has an imagination

                      *huggles thread*
                      sigpicMy Fanfic


                        That's it isn't it? We still have everything that the Stargate PTB have given us over the years and none of it has been changed simply because we didn't get the extra movies and now know that there will be no more. I'm grateful for it all and consider myself very lucky to have been in the SG fandom - it's been quite an experience one way and another, and will continue to be

                        And look what else we got out of it - Sanctuary! Without SG bringing Martin, Amanda, Damian et al together Sanctuary wood never have been what it is

                        Bekki, yes we can have a party if everyone wants it - bring it on!!! Shall we schedule it for next week-end, or do we just want to start it straight away and let it roll until whenever?

                        Can I just say that I personally wood love to see lots of SG artwork, including but not exclusively S/J, because the Stargate franchise is and always has been so much more than that


                          This is one of my old SG vids. It's probably good to say goodbye and thank to actors and PTB

                          My vids Sig made by me


                            From Joe's blog:

                            April 17, 2011: Until we meet again

                            That was the title of the email I received from Brad Wright late yesterday, an email confirming the worst. Despite his best efforts and a situation so fluid it vacillated from “almost yes” to “probably not” and back to “almost yes” on any given week, final word had come down. There would be no SGU movie. Stargate, that had spanned fourteen years, 354 episodes, two DVD movies – that had helped build a network and establish itself as a studio’s most successful television franchise was coming to an end. It was a terrific ride and, while it would have been great to give the fans that final chapter, that last crossover movie in which Brad had envisioned incorporating elements from all three shows (SG-1, SGA, and SGU), the truth is television is a fickle business. When it comes down to decision time, it’s less”What have you accomplished?” and more “What have you done for me lately?”. Sad but true and still, I look back on my 11+ years on the franchise as some of the best years of my life in that I had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people, writing for shows I truly loved. It wasn’t always easy, wasn’t always fun, but they were happy times and I can’t say enough good things about the people who made it happen – from Exec. Producers and Series Co-Creators Brad Wright and Robert Cooper who gave us the opportunity to all the cast, crew, and production personnel who made it happen. I look forward to working with them again eventually.
                            *hugs Joe*
                            Last edited by Jumble; 18 April 2011, 03:09 AM.


                              From here

                              Stargate writer, executive producer and mastermind Brad Wright took the stage earlier today at Creation Entertainment’s Official Stargate Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia and proceeded to update and clear the air on the fate of the latest series, Stargate Universe.

                              “We just recently found out that the SGU movie is not going to happen,” Wright said during his stage panel today. “It took too long. We just couldn’t get it together in time, and the window has closed. It’s actually sad for me, because after 17 years, I’m cleaning out my desk tomorrow morning.”

                              The capacity crowd at the Metrotown Hilton in Burnaby listened in silence, with some attendees visibly in tears, as Wright waxed reminiscently on the almost two decades worth of the franchise he’s had a hand in creating.

                              “It was a great ride and I felt really good about [SGU] and about Stargate in general,” Wright continued. “When something’s been a part of your life for 15 years, it kind of takes you over.”

                              “There are moments I’m so proud of and remember with fondness. I really enjoyed the last day of shooting ‘Unending’ [SG-1's series finale]. And I enjoyed every day on the set of Stargate Continuum. I’m very paternal and I love watching people become great at their jobs. I’m so proud of the pier scene [in Atlantis' Season Five episode 'The Shrine']. Joe [Flanigan] was so powerful in those scenes.”

                              Wright also confirmed that the proposed Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis movies have been permanently shelved, along with another movie idea he had been trying to get a greenlight on, which would have combined and involved cast members of all three series. Scripts for the first two of those projects, tentatively titled Stargate: Revolution and Stargate: Extinction (respectively), were completed well over a year ago.

                              What does this news mean for the future of the Stargate brand and the franchise? In the short-term, there are no plans to begin production on anything Stargate-related. But it’s a situation Wright doesn’t see as final — even if he’s not a part of it.

                              “It’s a franchise. Stargate is not over,” he said. “Somebody smart from MGM is going to figure it out, and something will happen.” Wright said, adding that he’s embracing the chance and prospect of writing material that isn’t Stargate related, and will be actively working on other pilots.

                              Keep your browser locked on GateWorld in the days and weeks to come for more updates and reports from this year’s Creation Vancouver convention, including brand-new and exclusive sit-downs with cast members from all three series.


                                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                                I just started watching SG-1 with a friend who never watched it before and she loooooves it. She's already adoring Jack's humor and Siler, cause I keep saying "awww, Siler," in sweet little voice. So, I'm nostalgic... But as many have said very happy that we got so much from Stargate!
                                That's the spirit!

                                See? Stargate will go on as long as we keep showing the show to new people. ;D It's in our hands now. We should just spread the SG love and of course Woohoo love all around!

                                Oh, and when we're finished with Stargate, I'm gonna introduce the said friend to SAnctuary *giggles*
                                I wouldn't expect any less of you.

                                *drags LGJ back* you so are a Woohooo! ((((hugs)))))
                                *huggles Dee*

                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                That's the way - positive thinking is the WooHoo Way, as well as finding it much easier and more beneficial to love than to hate

                                Sorry, there's no such thing as a half-WooHoo - it's all or nothing And we love that you delurk and chat with us, it's what we're here for *hugs*
                                LOL! Alright then. ^^ I can take it all! *huggles Jumble*

                                When I woke this morning my first thought was 'Did I close the conservatory doors last night?' Er... no, I didn't. Nor did I lock the house door And I don't have any excuse - can't blame the wine because I've not drunk any for more than a week - so it's just plain forgetfulness
                                It happens. As long as everything was there in the morning, it's alright.

                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                ah, the moment has come! *huggles Stargate* It's been a beautiful, beautiful 14 or so years! *huggles TPTB*

                                I think we should definitely have a Woohoo Stargate Party! A big one! We should get tipsy and make speeches about how Stargate has changed our lives! and make arties! And corny poetry! And vids! And share the love! We could make a vid or a present of some kind for the PTB for how much we appreciate all they have done for us

                                I'm feeling very nostalgic

                                *huggles woohoos*
                                *agrees with Bekki*

                                *and huggles Joe and BW*
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

