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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Two bottles....and you didn't share...
    It's after 3pm here...besides always is a good time for wine!

    Well, I've got to run my errand....yes I know I said I was going to the store...Didn't quite make that yet. But never too late! And I did take down my proof of paying the rent. Strange how they just pooh poohed the whole thing.


      Originally posted by llp View Post
      Two bottles....and you didn't share...
      It's after 3pm here...besides always is a good time for wine!
      I'm sorry, there's nobody here to share with

      Well, I've got to run my errand....yes I know I said I was going to the store...Didn't quite make that yet. But never too late! And I did take down my proof of paying the rent. Strange how they just pooh poohed the whole thing.
      It's the way of the world

      I guess I should go to bed....... but I don't feel like it yet........


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        I'm sorry, there's nobody here to share with

        It's the way of the world

        I guess I should go to bed....... but I don't feel like it yet........
        Then don't, but be prepared to sleep in tomorrow!


          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Then don't, but be prepared to sleep in tomorrow!
          I can sleep all day tomorrow if I want to - but that won't get your book edited


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            1. I just might do that...........

            2. I decided, regretfully, that I shouldn't bid on the Set Tour because I can't do it this year But there'll be one next year

            1. Do. It.

            2. That's the spirit!

            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


              67 children Jumblie, just reading that gives me the goosiebumps! you have directly shaped 67 beautiful lives! No amount of paperwork could ever change that! *huggles* It's so unfortunate that things like paperwork have to be considered so highly when it's so obvious just from the way you talk about them how much you care for your little ones. If only there was a scale for love. Like the richter scale. Only for measuring happiness and regard. Paperwork shouldn't be the only tangible thing to measure. That's just pants! I remember when we had our inspection. There was a whole lot of weird mind-map things that we had to make and a whole lot of stuff that we had to justify in retrospect and show how it taught our wee ones. It all seemed so silly. Sometimes you just know that what you're doing is educational. I don't need to make a flow-chart to know that making playdough elephants with my kidlets is teaching them to follow instructions, to watch and replicate or that using dough is increasing their muscular strength and dexterity. i just know. *huggles again* you are a credit to your profession, Jumble! Anyone can see that!!!

              *huggles everyone*

              Watched Nemesis with my friends last night. I love teaching the ways of Stargate/sanctuary!


                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                67 children Jumblie, just reading that gives me the goosiebumps! you have directly shaped 67 beautiful lives! No amount of paperwork could ever change that! *huggles* It's so unfortunate that things like paperwork have to be considered so highly when it's so obvious just from the way you talk about them how much you care for your little ones. If only there was a scale for love. Like the richter scale. Only for measuring happiness and regard. Paperwork shouldn't be the only tangible thing to measure. That's just pants! I remember when we had our inspection. There was a whole lot of weird mind-map things that we had to make and a whole lot of stuff that we had to justify in retrospect and show how it taught our wee ones. It all seemed so silly. Sometimes you just know that what you're doing is educational. I don't need to make a flow-chart to know that making playdough elephants with my kidlets is teaching them to follow instructions, to watch and replicate or that using dough is increasing their muscular strength and dexterity. i just know. *huggles again* you are a credit to your profession, Jumble! Anyone can see that!!!
                Well said! It's instinctive and doesn't need to be written down IMO Not that that particular thing was the paperwork in question, but it does illustrate perfectly what these people make us do.

                Thank you *huggles Bekki* you obviously understand exactly what I've been whinging about

                *huggles everyone*

                Watched Nemesis with my friends last night. I love teaching the ways of Stargate/sanctuary!
                Well make sure you write a full report on exactly what you were teaching and why, how it will affect their lives and what tools it gives them to deal with which aspects of their lives when they grow up!




                    Happy Birthday Aveo!!!!!!!!!
                    My vids Sig made by me


                      Hm. GW must not have liked last night's serious discussion and decided to take precautions against it happening again - I was unsubscribed


                        For those who haven't me on FB, this is my latest drawing:

                        I'm not satisfied about the hair, but printer paper sucks! I can't blend well the colour or use the eraser as I want.
                        I should really buy better paper, smooth and resistent
                        My vids Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Hm. GW must not have liked last night's serious discussion and decided to take precautions against it happening again - I was unsubscribed

                          EDIT: Ignore what I said earlier...I just accidentally posted in the wrong thread....oh well Luckily no Woohoo confidential information!

                          Happy Birthday Aveo

                          And everything is going wrong at work...the IT department deleted all usernames A till half of the people aren't able to work(including my supervisors) ...and that on the day there is a boardmeeting going on


                            A friend just sent me this site to see one of the funniest UTube videos I have seen. I laughed so hard. Enjoy! If you don't laugh you must be dead.....I almost fell out of my chair!



                              Originally posted by starlover View Post

                              And everything is going wrong at work...the IT department deleted all usernames A till half of the people aren't able to work(including my supervisors) ...and that on the day there is a boardmeeting going on
                              Oops! As a former IT person....not a good thing!


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Oops! As a former IT person....not a good thing!
                                No certainly not when it renders a lot of people from manager level and above unable to do their work!
                                My supervisors boss just came in to ask to use my computer since her's is still not working. Oye.

