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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
    I love it!

    I can't wait either. I'm pretty sure he'll still scare me... Eeeeee! I'm also pretty sure you'll still be a wee bit EEK at him, too.
    I don't know, I'm having difficulty separating the characters from the actors now that I've met them


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Earlier today I caught up with a friend that I haven't seen since early July, so I had to force myself to relive SE minute by minute for her benefit

      She was looking through the pics (which I just happened to have in my bag ), and the conversation went like this......

      Kate: Wow! He's a real cutie isn't he?
      Me: He's a really nice guy, and an awesome Director
      Kate: Gosh! He's got a very kissable mouth! Did you get to kiss him?
      Me: No. He showed me pics of his children and I got to talk to his wife!
      Kate: OMG! He has gorgeous hands! Lovely neat nails.
      Me: Yes, we love how he uses his hands when he's talking and when he's directing...
      Kate: what gorgeous green eyes!
      Me: *headdesk*
      I hope you directed over here to the Woohoo thread where her admiration could be nurtured into an obsession...


        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

        Forced? You mean a sliiiightest of gentle pokes, right?
        Well, you know how hard it is for me to be coherent on the subject, and how difficult it is to get me talk about it


          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          I hope you directed over here to the Woohoo thread where her admiration could be nurtured into an obsession...
          Oh no! She's one of my very few friends that still sees me as a sane and sensible person!


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Oh no! She's one of my very few friends that still sees me as a sane and sensible person!
            *arches eyebrow* Well...I guess that's alright, then.

            *dances a jig to a new playlist*




                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                *arches eyebrow* Well...I guess that's alright, then.

                *dances a jig to a new playlist*
                Well you know, it's useful to have someone who still thinks I'm normal

                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                Same to you Jasmina

                *looks at location* Are you still waiting?

                I just booked Christmas Dinner for Suz, Mike and myself at Anderson's on Christmas Eve

                And that will be the start and finish of my Christmas celebrations



                  Very stuffed right now. Hatzollah brought us turkey dinner. The turkey was totally undercooked, so we avoided that but the rest of the meal was great. Also a bunch of the nurses cooked and baked desserts. Yum.

                  Interesting things happening today. *huggles woohoos*

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Same to you Jasmina

                    *looks at location* Are you still waiting?
                    I'm always waiting. A week between each ep is waaaaaay to long. I want the rest of the season (and all the other future seasons) and I want them nao!!!!

                    I'm so with you on Druitt coming back.

                    It's just no fun without him. As cute as Tesla is, the show needs the tall, bald, deadly and oh so incredibly sexy man back.

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    I just booked Christmas Dinner for Suz, Mike and myself at Anderson's on Christmas Eve

                    And that will be the start and finish of my Christmas celebrations
                    That sounds like a nice plan. Quiet time with family.


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      I'm always waiting. A week between each ep is waaaaaay to long. I want the rest of the season (and all the other future seasons) and I want them nao!!!!
                      Me too I have absolutely no patience where Sanctuary is concerned

                      I'm so with you on Druitt coming back.

                      It's just no fun without him. As cute as Tesla is, the show needs the tall, bald, deadly and oh so incredibly sexy man back.
                      Sanctuary, not really spoilers.......

                      True, but I want them both!

                      That sounds like a nice plan. Quiet time with family.
                      Yep, that's it exactly The rest of the holidays will be spent happily alone and away from all the hassle

                      Although I'm pretty sure at some point I'll be wailing at the loss of what should have been my second Christmas with Michael

                      Last edited by Jumble; 25 November 2010, 09:47 AM. Reason: Can't count...can't believe it's over a year already


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Me too I have absolutely no patience where Sanctuary is concerned

                        Sanctuary, not really spoilers.......

                        True, but I want them both!
                        Me too
                        But Druitt more so then Tesla

                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Yep, that's it exactly The rest of the holidays will be spent happily alone and away from all the hassle

                        Although I'm pretty sure at some point I'll be wailing at the loss of what wood have been my first Christmas with Michael

                        *squishy huggles*


                          Mmmmm...Druitt! *forgetz Joe lurks*

                          Tortured, tall, hot. Deep, soulful eyes...

                          *dreamy sigh*

                          *rememberz Joe lurks*




                            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                            I'm always waiting. A week between each ep is waaaaaay to long. I want the rest of the season (and all the other future seasons) and I want them nao!!!!

                            I'm so with you on Druitt coming back.

                            It's just no fun without him. As cute as Tesla is, the show needs the tall, bald, deadly and oh so incredibly sexy man back.

                            This X 1000

                            1000th post. How appropriate!

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              Mmmmm...Druitt! *forgetz Joe lurks*

                              Tortured, tall, hot. Deep, soulful eyes...

                              *dreamy sigh*

                              *rememberz Joe lurks*


                              But......... I thought that was Joe you were talking about


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                But......... I thought that was Joe you were talking about

                                It could very well apply to Joe, too, couldn't it? Except he's not bald (thankfully). I like bald guys, but I dont' think Joe could do bald very well... I'd better keep my voice down or he'll show up bald on the blog... *shifty eyes*

