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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Hey Y'all

    Just got back from a nice evening at a nice bar with Andi. They had an amazing single malt menu. *sigh*

    Had a busy but not horrid day at work, hope everyone had a good day.

    Funny work story, rated PG:
    I had a 35 year old woman come in today for an annual gyn exam, who couldn't figure out why her periods had been so irregular these last few years. So I'm digging in her history and I ask her about medications. She whips out a pack of birth control pills and then says, "but I only take them when I have sex with my husband" *headdesk* Apparently no one had ever taught her how to take BCPs! I have NEVEr encountered this before. But she, at least, had a good laugh at herself, and thanked me for solving her problem, because she definitely doesn't wan to be pregnant!

    Made some good decisions about leaving the job and feel much better about it overall now. Time to follow my bliss.

    Originally posted by jumble View Post

    Thanks for making me smile Nad. I'm in need of hugs and cheering up right now The downside to my job has just hit me pretty hard.

    I've just heard that my 4-year-old that's been doing part-time school and should have been with me for another week is actually going full-time next week, so I won't see him . We haven't had our 'last day' party or had a proper goodbye

    Every few years this happens. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not and I hate it

    Originally posted by Treknik View Post

    185?! Wow, that is a lot of catching babies.
    It's hard to believe!

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Aw, just got an email from Jamie's Mum. I get to pick him and his sister up from school next Tuesday so we can have a proper farewell


    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
    *hugs back*

    1. Thanks and I loaded myself with aloe vera for the itchy bumps, drank a lot of fluids and rested a lot yesterday and the night before.Today I am much better which is why I am actually posting.

    2. But it's yoga. Surely she could manage being tied up like a pretzel whilst taking a picture of herself in that position. *nods*
    1. YAY!


    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    1. MoB, 185 babies? That's seriously awesome! 185 little miracles that you've set on their way

    2. I swear, I've got so soft about babies since becoming an auntie Heaven knows what I'd be like if I actually had one of my own

    3. Jumble, *huggles* for feeling down and making mistakes and also for losing your 4 year old, although I'm glad you are getting to have a proper goodbye and I love what his mum said to you. MoB may set little miracles on their way, but you do every bit as awesome a job bringing so many up
    1. It's exciting, and a little scary!

    2. OMG me too! My student today was kinda trying to convince me to get a Mirena (progesterone-releasing IUD) and I was like, well, I need to take the pill for ovarian cancer prevention, and I wouldn't be so disappointed if my birth control failed because I really want a baby. That obnoxious tick-tocking of my biological clock is... obnoxious

    3. *nods*

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Hello many comments it's hard to remember any of them, so....

      *HUGS* to all that need them

      *Waves* to everyone

      MoB - helping life come into this world has to be one of the best jobs in the world.... here's hoping you find the right place to really enjoy the job.

      Jumble - raising your own children especially those first special years is amazing. Doing it for other people's children makes you amazing. Enjoy all the pleasure it gives you and I'm glad you are getting your chance to say goodbye.

      Bree - Jumble has the "QUILT" right now so she can get a good nights sleep, but you heard what she said, sorry.

      Nad - love the story, especially after I read that Helen (Amanda) does take a peak now and then.

      Estrela - long time, glad to see you online....and watch out for those bosses, they can be sneaky!

      And a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THAT WISHED ME A QUICK RECOVERY! I'm feeling a lot better and my cough is going away a lot quicker than normal. Hurray!

      And to everyone I missed because I was doing this from "memory" *gigantic hugs* to all. Now I need to go to bed because I have to get up tomorrow to actually be somewhere.

      So goodnight to all......



          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          *sighs* And all that because she wants to tell me that she loves singing hedgehogs...
          *shakes head*

          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          Oh, the things you let them talk you in to...
          I present you the first (rough) part of my very first WooHoo/Sanctuary FF...It needs some work and checking and correction, but hey...

          I attempted to take a serious approach in order to make it look like fanfiction. I really did try. Can't write funny FF to save my life.

          What happens when Helen 'prowls the forums'? Here's a sneak peek!

          Finding WooHoodStock


          ‘’The sun isn’t shining.’’
          Helen looked up at Will from behind her desk. She would have rolled her eyes at him if he wouldn't have looked so… lost.
          ‘’The sun is always shining.’’
          He shrugged, but kept staring out of the window, to the dreadful world it gave access to.
          ‘’It’s grey.’’
          A soft sigh escaped her.
          ‘’Now that’s a very clever observation Will.’’
          She was trying to be patient with him. She really was, but he was being downright obnoxious. Not that she couldn’t deal with that, of course. She called Nikola Tesla a 'friend' and she dealt with people and abnormals who were ten times worse when it came to rubbing her the wrong way, but having Will mope around for over a week…
          ‘’I’m gloomy.’’
          Gloomy? She glared at her assistant and wondered what had gotten into him.
          ‘’…And hungry.’’
          He slouched on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. She had tried to cheer him up. She had made him work, think, eat and offered him the opportunity to go and look for an abnormal who was on the loose in Bora Bora. Nothing helped. Will Zimmerman was…
          ‘’I think the Big Guy hates me.’’
          …depressed. Slightly, probably due to the start of the fall or something like that, but it was driving her and the staff crazy. She had to do something. Anything. And suddenly, a light bulb switched on in her head. Helen grabbed her laptop and started typing.


          ‘’Ha, I found it!’’
          She knew she sounded smug and that the expression on her face mirrored that, but she was quite proud of herself. She had been reading for half an hour and she wasn’t nearly done, but she knew she had found the cure for Will’s fall depression. The young man rolled from the sofa and stepped behind her to look at the computer screen.
          ‘’What’s this? Obscure on line encyclopaedia? Top secret government database?’’
          Helen couldn’t help but smile. He wasn’t even close. This wasn’t obscure, nor was it top secret…
          ‘’This, my friend… is WooHoodStock’’


          He blinked. He smiled. He blinked again and Helen was pretty sure she saw him blush at times, but he was reading. His mouth opened to comment, but apparently the next line made him swallow his words. Will was scrolling and Helen still felt smug. At least he was doing something …somewhat productive.
          ‘’How… What…’’
          He looked up at his boss, a mixture of confusion and amusement evident in his eyes.
          ‘’It‘s an on line forum. Kind of like the ones held in ancient Greece, but updated to modern times. This particular group is dedicated to a group of people with ,what is said, the power to make people happy at random. They call themselves ‘’The WooHoos’’, but they are also known as ‘’The Cult of Martin Wood’’.’’
          Will nodded as he absentmindedly continued to read the words on screen. Helen clicked on a link on the page and found a video.
          ‘’They celebrate significant dates, birthdays of their gods, birthdays of cult members… They have a very high sensitivity for certain numbers too. Somehow, the number 69 resembles something holy. I’m not sure what, because they’re a bit vague about certain things…’’
          Will looked at the video and hummed along with the music playing.
          ‘’Why are we watching a video about shorts?’’
          Helen shrugged and moved the cursor, in order to get back to the main page.
          ‘’I don’t know, Will. But I think it might have something to do with one of their gods. The shorts seem to go with Martin Wood himself. Food seems to be connected to one named Joe and the female goddess get mentioned in combination with hair a lot.’’
          She squinted. As much as she hated to admit it, she got sucked in. The goddess had amazing shoes too… She glanced at Will, who seemed to be living in his own world now.
          ‘’From what I gather, the members aren’t shy. The cult promotes nudity quite openly and I suspect that they have ties to the Hippy movement from the sixties…’’

          They continued to read in silence for a while, both trying to take in what they came across. It was so much… Broccoli, hugs, campfires, poetry and songs. Every time a new page opened another random piece of information about the cult enfolded. It became clear that WooHoodStock was a place of love and giving in to obsession. Helen looked at her notes and wondered if she could ever make sense of them if she read it all back later. Will broke the silence.
          ‘’Ok… Ok, ok… I feel… happy.’’
          He had a silly grin to match his statement and she believed him. She was fascinated herself. She had seen vampires, mermaids and shape shifters, but these… WooHoos were a mystery to her.
          ‘’Um… Magnus?’’
          Helen shook her head in order to clear it. Will narrowed his eyes and continued to stare at the screen.
          His mouth was slightly open and he pointed at whatever he was seeing.
          ‘’There’s a picture of him.‘’
          She looked at him, not knowing what in earth he was talking about.
          ‘’The hedgehog.’’
          Helen shook her head, that didn’t ring a bell. Will finally moved his attention to her instead of WooHoodStock and the strange creatures there.
          ‘’Those WooHoos… They…’’
          His eyes widened and Helen looked past him, to stare at the face she knew so well, while Will finished his sentence.
          ‘’They have picures of Tesla…’’
          You weren't going for funny??

          Brilliant! Utterly BRILLIANT!!!!!

          Glad to hear you're feeling better Laurie

          Estrela, sorry to hear about the demise of the cars, but really happy to hear the kids are ok. That's the most important thing *huggles*

          Gosh, the Quilt sure is magic - slept for NINE hours! WooHood! And dreamt pleasant dreams too

          Radio is playing 'Simply The Best'. Good way to start my day *happy dance*

          Morning Martin *waves*


            *crawls in weakly*
            So I'm sick again Worse than before though so I'm off work, snuggled on my sofa with my hot water bottle.

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAD!!!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              *dons Hazmat suit and huggles Josiane*

              Sorry to hear that Same thing or different?


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                *dons Hazmat suit and huggles Josiane*

                Sorry to hear that Same thing or different?
                Different - last week was sore throat & cough, this is a more traditional cold, only with the completely-wrung-out-like-a-dishrag and shivery thing. Think it's bumped in to the end of last week's bug though which isn't helping

                I blame all the students coming back. Darn freshers flu

                *huggles back*
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Different - last week was sore throat & cough, this is a more traditional cold, only with the completely-wrung-out-like-a-dishrag and shivery thing. Think it's bumped in to the end of last week's bug though which isn't helping

                  *huggles back*
                  Sounds more like 'flu to me Lots of fluids and snuggles with that hot water bottle

                  I blame Laurie.....

                  And solely in the interests of making you smile..........

                  "Jumble!!! What are you doing????"

                  It's ok Martin, I'm just trying to cheer up a sick friend!

                  "Hmmmm.... More pics of RDA on this page than of me..... *pouts*"

                  Go play with your toys


                    *spins through the thread*

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAD!!!

                    A birthday corny poem! (it seems fitting...)

                    It has come to our attention
                    that a birthday is in sight
                    A Dutchie Woodiehoo has gained
                    another year tonight!

                    so everybody clap your hands
                    and everybody cheer
                    The word you've heard is true! woohoo!!!
                    Nad's birthday is here

                    have a super day, dear Nad!
                    The Park bench lady cries
                    and Tesla comes with snuggles fair
                    and pretties for your eyes

                    we woohoos come prepared with hugs
                    yes, squishy huggles, heaps!
                    and pretty arts and messages
                    coz we ur awsum peepz!

                    So happy birthday nadinu
                    (I spelt it how it sounds)
                    have a super duper day
                    we love you mounds and mounds!!!


                      Aww! Jumble gave me RDA pics!


                      I must really be sick

                      *waves to Bekki*
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Aww! Jumble gave me RDA pics!


                        I must really be sick

                        *waves to Bekki*

                        Just trying to engender a bunch of endorphins to do battle with those germs


                          Happy Birthday to the most Woohooderific of Woohoos...Nad!!!

                          May the day bring you many broccoli-infused happy times

                          Sorry to hear you're sick again Josi . Lots of fluids and West Wing *hugs*.

                          p.s. I'm alone at work - everyone's gone to look at some potential new premises. I'm tag-teaming with another guy to keep the phones manned! And as no one is here, I have this on really loud...


                            *hugs back* Thanks hun, sounds just the ticket

                            Ooh! That reminds me... just in time for Nad's birthday, saw this recipe for broccoli cakes

                            Look at them!

                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              (and also slighty eww )


                                Seriously? Broccoli cakes?

                                Oh, the summer of '69......... I remember it well

