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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    um...when I'm asleep?

    I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    *jumps up and down*

    *jumps some more*

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    I doubt it!

    I'd rather have the chocolate

    33 days to Sanctuary S3 (UK)!!!!! Still seems like such a long time

    Me either!!!! The trailer was so freaking awesome, and I hate that we have to wait until who knows when to see the entire season, but it's so great there's gonna be 22 eps now!!!!

    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    They were timtams no less! mmmm, tim tams....

    I still have not watches Sanctuary season 2 yet !!! Hmm, midsemester break is coming up. I feel that will be an excellent time to after the other after the other after get the picture..
    I love your method of watching!

    Originally posted by jumble View Post

    Same thing with me and my brothers, all our names were supposed to be unshortenable but all have been

    Lucky for her...........

    Absolutely right! I don't know where people get the idea that the English are 'reserved' I get hugged a LOT

    Poor Martin, how we use and abuse the poor guy
    Or a very lucky one

    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    *sneak in*

    I spent 2 days writing a report in English...and now my boss told me that I have to re-write it in Italian!!!
    And I even asked him before starting to write it!!! And he told me: in English as always!

    *needs hugs*

    *sneak out...pretending to write the report *

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((bearhug))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))

    *have to go now *

    See you latter ...
    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig



      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      I have something great to share!

      I'm working on my first FILM!!!!! Well, not mine, mine, but first film for me and actually a first real job experience in this department. I've done some minor editing for student films, but this is completley different, because I get to be on set, and see how everything works (and I was in the office with them before the shooting began when actually everything gets prepared for filming...).

      The director is awesome (she's younger then I'd expect, but brilliant), director of photography even more so. The whole crew has me in awe and I'm soooooooooooo freaking happy!

      Also, there are some great actors of Serbian film working with us which is just a bonus to everything that I've experienced in the days I was with them...

      I'm so exhausted, 'cause the shooting starts at like eight, and ends when the program for the day is done (which is usually around midnight). And... my feet stink

      Wow, that sounds awesome! Congratulations!

      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      *puts swollen feet up on threadcouch*

      *waves to friends*

      Back from Paris. Glad to be home. Who know that being in Paris was exactly like being in NYC, except with more charming architecture? And that French-speaking thing.


      Gonna have to see what I've missed
      Welcome back!!! Glad you had a good time

      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      um...when I'm asleep?

      I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, I have season 5 of Dr Who on my laptop, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      I seem to be hugging ppl a lot, that's true in RL too, so ppl who are going to AT5, know that you'll be hugged a lot.

      There was a guy from London on the set the other day, and we were talking, and he said he liked it in Serbia cause ppl are way more open then in England, and I told him how I'm going to go in February and gonna meet some ppl I wanted to meet for what seems forever and that I'm worried that you'll think I'm crazy cause I'm gonna hug you a lot and probably talk incoherently and who knows what else, but he said that it'll be okay and that you'll love me
      Ah, you're going to be surrounded by Woohoos, and we hug all the time You'll fit right in

      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
      *sneak in*

      I spent 2 days writing a report in English...and now my boss told me that I have to re-write it in Italian!!!
      And I even asked him before starting to write it!!! And he told me: in English as always!

      *needs hugs*

      *sneak out...pretending to write the report *
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        My name was chosen because I was due in July and when I arrived in August they decided against changing it to Augustine
        I have a similar story. I was supposed to be Catherine (that's the name my mum had set for me) but a) she ended up unexpectedly having twins (and you have to remember, this was her 4th pregnancy and they didn't have scans etc. in those days) and b) we arrived 4 weeks early just before Christmas. So they opted for Christmassy names... Christopher and Carol... mum hated Carol on its own so lengthened it to Caroline.

        She also (supposedly) gave us names not easily shortened... yeah, I get Caz, Carol, Carrie, Caggy, Cazzy, Cags... almost nobody calls me Caroline.

        April 1st??? Now I wonder what that says about you??

        Dammit, you beat me to it.

        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
        The trip was great, if exhausting. Paris is a lot like NYC. Really stimulating and interesting, but not the least bit relaxing. Andi and I were both so ready to come home. I'll post some pics tomorrow.


        So glad to be back. And to be reconnected to the interwebz again.

        Welcome home! We missed you. it was really quiet round here.

        Hmm, Nik's under Martin but wants to be under RDA... yeah, I'd be with you on that but I'm consoling myself that I'm on top of Dan.

        *hides from Sarai*

        January 19th - The Martin
        January 26th - Nikki (Treknik)
        February 14th - Laurie
        March 9th - Fainne
        March 11th - Achaja
        April 1 - MoB
        April 28 - Bree (aka Wine_Buyer)
        May 2nd - Brad
        May 3rd - Kliggins
        May 11th - Jann
        May 19th - Oma
        June 5th - Bekki
        June 21th - Devilish Me
        June 25th- Amanda (Regularamanda)
        June 29 – Luvnjack
        July 21st - Kirdy
        August 10th - Jumble
        August 18- Rac80 (aka Rache)
        August 27th - Helen Magnum
        August 28th - The Amanda (honourary WooHoo)
        September 11th - Josiane
        September 13th – Jasmina
        September 20th - Yessika
        September 21st - Samcarterrules
        October 7th - Nad
        October 14th - Coopie
        October 16th - The Joe
        October 30th- Kerry +1
        November 1st - Sarai
        November 30th - Wendy
        December 21st - Cags
        December 23rd - The Dan
        December 24th - XFchemist

        Yeah, that's a nice place to be.

        Soo... today in the Woohoo house MOB's jetlagged, Bekki's hyper (quelle surprise) and there's talk of using and abusing Martin? Gosh that sounds appealing.

        EDIT (coz I forgot) *hugs XFChemist*

        Shame I have to go to work in an hour.


          Mornin WooHoos!

          I slept until 5:30 this morning. I'm rather relieved given I was afraid I'd be up at 4! But I'm going to try this whole exercising in the morning before work thing. Yikes. Yoga this morning. Running tomorrow... Of course, I don't have to go back to work until Monday, but getting started now is a good thing, right? Have to burn off all those giant meals I ate in Paris.

          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          ps-Welcome back MoB!

          Originally posted by starlover View Post

          Welcome back MoB
          = Thanks ladies.

          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          I doubt it!

          I'd rather have the chocolate

          33 days to Sanctuary S3 (UK)!!!!! Still seems like such a long time

          To tide you over until then, I'm in the middle of a great set of books you might enjoy. It's kind of like Sanctuary meets Jane Austen meets Sanctuary outtakes... It's called the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger. The first book is called "Soulless." They are totally hilarious and fun. I'm really enjoying them.

          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
          1. I know you don't like your name, but it's very very pretty!!!! Though compared to Augustine... lmao... I wonder what your name would be on the thread then? aumble

          2. I was supposed to be named Sirinaubandaranike. My father wanted to name me that, because my mom named my brother after him, and he didn't like that. Eventually they agreed on Irena... (and my mom chose that specifically so I wouldn't have any nicknames - I have like 5: Dee, Kse, Ira, Serena, Zobmi...)

          3. Welcome homeeee!!!!! Hope you had a great time!!!

          4. I seem to be hugging ppl a lot, that's true in RL too, so ppl who are going to AT5, know that you'll be hugged a lot.
          1 & 2-- Wait, Jumble, you don't like your name? I think Julie is a beautiful name. I had hippy-dippy parents and the best they could come up with was Jennifer. I suppose I should be glad they didn't name me Moonlight or Rainbow, but still. At least my last name makes up for the mundane first name they "chose."

          3. It was a good trip. I'm uploading pics to photobucket now to share with y'all later.

          4. I'm counting on it!

          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

          1. Dammit, you beat me to it.

          2. Welcome home! We missed you. it was really quiet round here.
          1. Hey now,


          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            break lunch for me

            My boss was totally crazy before, he screamed all around...and luckily not against us but just himself cos he couldn't write an analysis certificate in the right way
            Now instead he is soooooo calm....uhm we are still worried that someday he'll find an ax and try to kill all us

            *still looks for another job*

            And about names.
            My mum chose my name 'cause her dad was called Silvio.
            My university friends call me in strange ways When we work in lab we have to use our initials to call the reaction followed by a progressive number.
            So for us I'm SS, they pronunce the entire letters (esseesse) or just the sound, like zsszss

            And I was thinking that I haven't been lucky about grandparents.
            My dad's mum died when he was 2, his dad before he got married.
            My mum's dad died when she was 14 and so the only granny that I met has been her mum, but she got an ictus when I was 6. She lost a leg and the right part of her body was paralyzed. So my mum and her sisters had to babysit her for 7 years. I remember that when I went out from school I always had to think in which house to go
            Last edited by XFchemist; 09 September 2010, 04:00 AM.
            My vids Sig made by me


              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
              Me either!!!! The trailer was so freaking awesome, and I hate that we have to wait until who knows when to see the entire season, but it's so great there's gonna be 22 eps now!!!!
              20 eps Let's not make them work any harder than they are already

              Or a very lucky one
              I'm not sure he'd see it that way

              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              Hmm, Nik's under Martin but wants to be under RDA... yeah, I'd be with you on that but I'm consoling myself that I'm on top of Dan.

              *hides from Sarai*
              *Puts RDA at top of list and moves Martin's birthday to 9th August*

              There, now we're all happy

              Soo... today in the Woohoo house MOB's jetlagged, Bekki's hyper (quelle surprise) and there's talk of using and abusing Martin? Gosh that sounds appealing.
              I think 'abusing' is going a bit far

              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

              1 & 2-- Wait, Jumble, you don't like your name? I think Julie is a beautiful name. I had hippy-dippy parents and the best they could come up with was Jennifer. I suppose I should be glad they didn't name me Moonlight or Rainbow, but still. At least my last name makes up for the mundane first name they "chose."

              3. It was a good trip. I'm uploading pics to photobucket now to share with y'all later.

              4. I'm counting on it!
              Absolutely HATE it! I can hardly bear to leave it quoted Don't like to hear it uttered out loud........

              There are reasons, but I don't think I'll go into them on here


                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post

                *still looks for another job*

                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                Absolutely HATE it! I can hardly bear to leave it quoted Don't like to hear it uttered out loud........

                There are reasons, but I don't think I'll go into them on here

                What do people call you IRL? Or am I going to be calling you Jumble when when I meet you in Feb?

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post


                  What do people call you IRL? Or am I going to be calling you Jumble when when I meet you in Feb?
                  Hi! My name is Jumble and I'm a Martinaholic

                  In RL I get called Jum, Jumble, Mum or Nan. Pick one!

                  People kept asking me at SE what my 'real' name was and looked at me oddly when I said 'Jumble'. The only one who got away with using the other name was Martin, because he already knew it .......... and he got shushed


                    *eyes Wendy & Cags*

                    I'm thinking you two just don't get a birthday...*grumbles*


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Hi! My name is Jumble and I'm a Martinaholic

                      In RL I get called Jum, Jumble, Mum or Nan. Pick one!

                      People kept asking me at SE what my 'real' name was and looked at me oddly when I said 'Jumble'. The only one who got away with using the other name was Martin, because he already knew it .......... and he got shushed
                      All-righty then. Duly noted.

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                        *eyes Wendy & Cags*

                        I'm thinking you two just don't get a birthday...*grumbles*
                        Why am I not surprised that you popped up just then?

                        How are you doing? Feeling better?

                        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                        All-righty then. Duly noted.
                        I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that's an unintended pun


                          I think I've just received a HUGE compliment from my new 3-year-old.....

                          As she was leaving, Mum was explaining to her that she woodn't see me tomorrow because she's going to spend one last day at her 'old' nursery so that she can say goodbye to her friends. Cue major tantrum! "I don't WANT to go to nursery! I WANT TO STAY WITH JUMBLE!!!" We managed to calm her down eventually, telling her that from next week she can stay with me every day that Mum is at work



                            Originally posted by jumble View Post

                            I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that's an unintended pun

                            Um, yeah? *looks overhead*

                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            I think I've just received a HUGE compliment from my new 3-year-old.....

                            As she was leaving, Mum was explaining to her that she woodn't see me tomorrow because she's going to spend one last day at her 'old' nursery so that she can say goodbye to her friends. Cue major tantrum! "I don't WANT to go to nursery! I WANT TO STAY WITH JUMBLE!!!" We managed to calm her down eventually, telling her that from next week she can stay with me every day that Mum is at work

                            That's the best compliment! Aww, indeed. LOVE that age so much. *hears a tick-tock* *runs*

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Aww Jumble, that's so sweet (and brightened me up a little hee) Also I love the name Julie I don't like my name, at all - hence why I'm Kerry (I've had years of awful mispronunciations, every name that you can think of and things that are FAR from it and I've been told that it makes you think of someone in pigtails with ribbons..... NO THANK YOU!!)

                              On other random stuff: I didn't do my car today, went to view a flat with my mum (that we love) but am doing the car tomorrow (Dragging my mum with me so hopefully it should go better, though she doesn't know car stuff either!)


                                *hugs WooHoos*
                                *hugs Dee for the movie*
                                *hugs MoB for being home*

                                *hugs everyone again, just to be sure*

                                Birthday list... I'm still paired with Coopie. We will never part! Non romantic relationships are awesome too, you know...
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

