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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Did anyone notice that Joe made pizza the other day? *eyes guest*


      Morning Woohoo's

      Got my full doctors report in the mail today. Her conclusion are as follows:
      Cronic migraine headaches.
      Rotator cuff tendonitis
      Chronic back pain due to cervical spine arthritis
      Carpal tunnel syndrome

      Beyond that I am quite healthy.
      *except for the thyroid thing I have yet to do anything about*

      In spite of the fact that I had a migraine for most of yesterday afternoon Char and I managed to have fun on our way home. Pictures to follow...soon-ish.

      Have a sparkling day WooHoo's.

      EDIT: Joe made pizza? Did he post pix? Did he leave a recipe? Pizza is the one food I can't live without. I'd give up everything else but not that.


        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
        Morning Woohoo's

        Got my full doctors report in the mail today. Her conclusion are as follows:
        Cronic migraine headaches.
        Rotator cuff tendonitis
        Chronic back pain due to cervical spine arthritis
        Carpal tunnel syndrome

        Beyond that I am quite healthy.
        *except for the thyroid thing I have yet to do anything about*

        In spite of the fact that I had a migraine for most of yesterday afternoon Char and I managed to have fun on our way home. Pictures to follow...soon-ish.

        Have a sparkling day WooHoo's.

        EDIT: Joe made pizza? Did he post pix? Did he leave a recipe? Pizza is the one food I can't live without. I'd give up everything else but not that.
        Yes, but what's she going to do about those?


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Yes, but what's she going to do about those?
          She told me to keep taking the two meds I am currently taking. I have a headache every day but the meds help to stop them from becoming migraines on most days. She also suggested that I see a chiropractor which I am going to check into to see if I can find one that takes our insurance.
          She also recommended getting massages. If I were Donald Trump I might be able to swing that but since I am not I will just pretend that she doesn't believe I have a money tree hidden somewhere.
          Beyond that I have tried all of the medications that are currently available. At least the ones I can take as there are a couple that I can't for various reasons.

          Eliminating stress is damned near impossible for me so I am pretty much at the same point as before my visit.


            fun times...for the room change I need a signature of my lovely current roommates

            *waits for one to be home before I go of to school*


              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              She told me to keep taking the two meds I am currently taking. I have a headache every day but the meds help to stop them from becoming migraines on most days. She also suggested that I see a chiropractor which I am going to check into to see if I can find one that takes our insurance.
              She also recommended getting massages. If I were Donald Trump I might be able to swing that but since I am not I will just pretend that she doesn't believe I have a money tree hidden somewhere.
              Beyond that I have tried all of the medications that are currently available. At least the ones I can take as there are a couple that I can't for various reasons.

              Eliminating stress is damned near impossible for me so I am pretty much at the same point as before my visit.
              Maybe you should suggest that Char takes a course in massage, then you can get it free

              Hmmm. You know, it occurs to me that there may be a connection between the spinal arthritis and the headaches Just a thought


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Hmmm. You know, it occurs to me that there may be a connection between the spinal arthritis and the headaches Just a thought

                I was just going to say exactly that. My mum gets migraines that are definitely related to her spinal arthritis as parts of her crumbly back press on her nerves. We pretty much proved that after she had part of her spine fused and the mirgaines stopped; she really needs another fusion further along but they won't do it because of her age so it's all about pain management for her.

                *hugs* Bree. I think the chiropractor sounds like a good place to start. I hope you can find one.

                Hmm, Joe made pizza. I want some. Oh I want some now!

                *wonders if I can get away with ordering a TOPS pizza tonight instead of cooking* That'll make up for all that fat I'm walking off.

                Oh now I really really fancy pizza tonight.


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Maybe you should suggest that Char takes a course in massage, then you can get it free

                  Hmmm. You know, it occurs to me that there may be a connection between the spinal arthritis and the headaches Just a thought



                  I think there is a connection too and that is probably why she suggested the massage and chiropractor.

                  Edit: *looks at Cags post* Now I want pizza too! *looks again at Cags post* "spinal fusion"


                    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                    Edit: *looks at Cags post* Now I want pizza too! *looks again at Cags post* "spinal fusion"
                    Dammit I really want pipzza now.

                    Meat feast stuffed crust with extra pepperoni and pineapple... oh and a side of potato wedges and coleslaw...yum yum.

                    Spinal fusion... yes, she had an 8 inch rod of metal stuck in there. It's reduced her overall mobility (ability to twist) but improved the pain issues she had for a good three years. I should point out my mum, as well as arthritis, is osteopenic (which is, apparently, precursor to osteoporosis) so her spine was actually crumbling and it was the squished vertebrae crushing her nerves that was causing her the problems. Lesson to self; it's never too young to take care of your bones.

                    Arthritis is something different though, I know so don't be scared thinking you're going to be the new bionic woman... althoguh that might be quite cool!

                    Hmm, since it's unlikely pizza is on my menu tonight, I best go retrieve the little man from next door and feed us both. I really hate it when Charles is on lates as I never know what to cook.


                      Just a little eerie Joe made pizza less than a week after I had a dream about him making pizza....*looks around for lurkers*



                        Hes' definitely lurking LJ

                        And now I want pizza even more.


                          Pizza looks good, but I've already had so much pizza lately...

                          I would prefer a nice homecooked meal. Mmmmm...*sighs*

                          Ok have a test soon! Wish me luck! *bites nails*


                            I have decided on his birthday pressie, though. It will take much inspiration and hard work. But it will be so cool, if I can pull it off. But now I can't say what it is, cuz he LURKING! JOE! No peeky behind the spoilers!

                            Seriously! Knock it off!


                            I'll tell your mother!

                            I'm gonna' design a T-shirt and have them printed out on cafepress

                            Thoughts on the matter?

                            EDIT: Whoever was trying to send me a PM, I cleared out my Inbox...
                            Last edited by Luvnjoe; 07 September 2010, 09:33 AM.


                              Looking at all those pictures has made me hungry. But I think I want my pizza to be a little simpler....after all it is breakfast. Pizza and cheese of course. Then some sausage, maybe a little pepperoni, mushrooms....hmmmmm....maybe I'll go out and eat breakfast. After all, it is already 11:30 in the morning.

                              I did fall asleep finally at 4:30 this morning. But I did get about 6 hours.

                              Better than nothing and I feel awake so....time to go out and play. I feel like having strawberries! Hmmmm. No, people, I'm much too old for that. Well not for that, but for that to happen!


                                Joe. That sneaky little lurker him... Who's stalking who, I ask you?

                                *hugs WooHoos*
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

