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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Hi WooHoo's!

    Jann, glad your uncle is doing better. Sending out positive vibes that he makes a full recovery.

    Happy Birthday LJ

    I haven't been in here since Friday evening because Charmaine had a lovely weekend planned for us. My sister came down from RI (to get away from her family as they are being extremely ungrateful for all she does for them) and joined us for our two day adventure.

    Day one we went to a place called White Flower Farms. They have three acres of gardens that you can walk through and it was lovely.

    That's Charmaine pointing (sort of )

    I took about 50 pictures because everywhere you looked there was something beautiful.

    After the farm we had a picnic lunch and then drove to the Haight & Brown Vineyards. Charmaine and I shared a wine flight which amounted to a half glass of wine each. Not a lot because I was driving. We did buy a couple of bottles for home.

    The smaller barrels give you an idea of just how big the larger one is but that is actually small compared to some of the room sized ones they have at larger scale vineyards.

    Next up will be day two.


      Hey again. I found my marbles.... well, ok no I didn't but Benjabubs is happily watering the garden (aka drowning it) and giving me time out with a cuppa char and some of my freshly made carrot cake (which is rather delish if I do say so myself) . The little... delight... excelled himself and woke up at 3.30am this morning. Needless to say I booted Charles out of bed to deal with it. (Don't worry - an hour later he was asleep again and hubby does so much better at dropping off in uncomfortable places and getting back to sleep after being woken up than I do. )

      Hey Bree! Gorgeous pictures. Glad to hear you had some nice time off and together time.

      Jann *hugs* Good to hear things are looking a little more positive for your uncle. Lots of possy vibes still.

      Oh and, I was just collecting pictures here and there in thread when I came across this one from Jumble that I must have missed before:

      A handy pic I hadn't seen before. Aaaah. Those hands!


        Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!


          *Runz in*
          Happy Birthday LJ!!!!
          *Runz out*


            *Runz in*
            Happy Birthday LJ!!!!
            *Runz out*


              Thanks Cags. It was a busy weekend but oddly relaxing in spite of the Sunday hike. See below.

              Day two: Forward to the castle!

              We went to Gillette Castle. William Gillette was an actor who played Sherlock Holmes in the theater. He was obssessed with Holmes, cats, trains and castles. The castle he lived in was actually brought over to CT from England and rebuilt stone by stone, brick by brick. He was a bit eccentric.

              Just to show, that with my 12 cats , I am not the only crazy cat person that ever existed.

              Approaching the castle from the ferry.

              He also built a replica of a train station.

              Another view of the station. Note the two cats on either side.

              Different views of the castle.


              An accidental shot of my slightly smaller arse. (18 pounds gone and counting )

              Views from the castle:

              We hiked down to the CT River and then back up and crossed this little bridge on the way.

              The greenhouse inside.

              The fireplace:

              The lily pond. Lots of frogs and pollywogs in various stages of growth.

              Next up. Eagles Landing.


                Good grief Cags I must have posted that hands pic at least half a dozen times! How did you miss it????

                Lovely pics Bree So glad you had a lovely week-end, you certainly derserved it

                LJ, pming you pressies

                I had to close my eyes to make them


                  Thanks Jumble.

                  Last part, I promise.
                  After the castle we had another picnic lunch and then headed to a place called Eagles Landing. A lot of Eagles have made their nests there so we were hoping to spot an eagle or two. We didn’t but we did see some nests with our binoculars.

                  Tour boat on the river.

                  From Eagles Landing you can see the Goodspeed Opera House. A CT landmark.

                  Finally we went to the town of Chester, which is a very typical old New England town (very small but lots of shops crammed into the streets) and went to this bar. I was the designated driver so only a 6 ouncer for me.

                  Then we headed home. It was a nice weekend and Charmaine has more stuff planned for this weekend as well. We both have to work on Saturday because the kids don’t want to work a holiday Saturday.
                  Good news is we have Sunday and Monday off.


                    *runz through thread, showing off pressies from Jumble* Thanks!

                    *sigh* Okay, okay, I kept a couple of the pretties for myself. But I guess I'll share...

                    Last edited by Luvnjoe; 29 June 2010, 08:09 AM.


                      *walks in*


                      *sees PL!Jack*

                      *falls over*


                      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                        *tosses sheet over Amanda*


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          *runz through thread, showing off pressies from Jumble* Thanks!

                          *sigh* Okay, okay, I kept a couple of the pretties for myself. But I guess I'll share...


                          See now why I had to work with my eyes closed? The things I do for my fellow WooHoos

                          I think my mojo might be on it's way back...................


                            Lovely pictures Bree! It looks so beautiful there!

                            *drools at PL!Jack* Can't help it but think he looks very good there*fans self*


                              I wish I could see Bree's pics, it sounds great!
                              Good news about your uncle, Jann!

                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              *runz through thread, showing off pressies from Jumble* Thanks!

                              *sigh* Okay, okay, I kept a couple of the pretties for myself. But I guess I'll share...
                              They look awesome, jumble!

                              *hands out some broccoli for the Party*
                              WooHood dudettes. WooHood!
                              *makes peace sign*
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                *smokes the broccoli all by herself because the WooHoos are elsewhere and wonders if that's really Joe who's stripping in the corner or a broccoli induced hallucination*

                                *runs nekkid*
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

