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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Treknik View Post
    Still not clicking the House spoilers. Watched the first fifteen minutes and then my daughter wanted to play Barbies. What a decision, Barbies or House. Barbies won. The look on my daughter's face while we were playing was priceless.

    You shouldn't read posts about spiders and then go to bed. Not a pleasant dream to have. Want to have that House one again.

    *hugs to Cags for her tooth and to Bree for her weirdness* Though, Bree, that could be taken the wrong way.

    Just watched the V Season Finale. Awesome! Another thing I watched tonight, which I said I would never do, is Glee. I thought it would be like High School Musical. I watched it after American Idol (Casey needs to go home) and thought, wow, I like this show. I enjoy musicals and these actors can sing. Definitely not like Disney.
    Nikki. Actually I am weird so it could definitely be taken any way you choose.
    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    Morning Woohoos!

    Thanks for the advice last night Jumble (and the 69 banner... huh, how'd I miss that? ). I'm not really a whisky lover so... do you reckon tequila will suffice?

    It still hurts like crazy today and, uh, I probably should not have prodded it just now. I don't think it's infected though; just bruised. The root broke when he was pulling it out so he had to really dig around to get that bit out so I really should not be surprised it hurts. It seems less swollen today so I'll leave it another day and if I'm still in pain tomorrow, go nag the GP (but I really, really do NOT want antibiotics becuase none of them agree with me.)

    Bree *huggles* for your weird week. Very odd about Lisa after all that? Hmm! So is there any follow up planned? This must be so frustrating all round.
    And *huggles* for your sister too. How scary! Glad to hear she's okish now.

    I had a dream about Woohoos last night. Can't for the life of me recall what exactly it about was but we were all on one of those mad chase like adventures like in "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World" I woke up feeling warm and fuzzy about it, I know.
    *hugs Cags for tooth pain* So far as I know they haven't set up a follow up but I am assuming that they must have some kind of follow up planned. It wood be extremely irresponsible if they sent her home and then did nothing.
    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
    Sorry I can't catch up atm
    My eyes/head hurt after the fridge door smashed into my face. I'm surprised at how much it's still hurting, actually.

    ...they say these come in threes right? Because the neck, the face....

    I will go back and read them when my eyes settle
    Poor Wendy! *hugs for the attacking fridge* Well, not the fridge but for the fact that the fridge attacked you. You know what I mean.



      Happy birthday! I couldn't decide who you'd like best...

      (Well, I guess I did decide you'd like Jack more than the others) Happy thunking birthday!
      Last edited by Luvnjoe; 19 May 2010, 07:23 AM.


        *thunks at LJ's presents for Oma* Wow

        *huggles all the Woohoos who have hurty bits* My wrist's flared up again and it's really quite painful so if I'm quiet that's why - it hurts to type

        *sends more huggles to Bree and Lisa* That really sucks, but at least she's not getting worse for now. And sorry about your thieves too, how awful

        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        Ahh there's that silver lining

        Woodnight Josi. I should really go to bed myself but...The Cold just came around on my WW re-watch
        Ah well, in that case you absolutely could not go to bed until you've watched it! I've got 3 more to go before I get there again myself

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        Awwww, but Jumbly!!!

        It's true though...big big spiders here! But the big ones are nice and fuzzy and friendly. Its the itty bitty ones bith the red bums that are bad! bad bad bad...
        Nice and fuzzy and friendly???! *shudder*

        weeee, Doctor Who night tonight! I hope I get really scared, I never get scared...although I tried watching Dr Who once before while drunk and the whole thing was just way too trippy! Add scariness and hot male and this may be an interesting story in the morning...perhaps I should sneak in here while he's here...(the hot male, not Dr Who...though he too is a hot male...hmm...)

        Anywoo, gtg back to uni....hooooooooraaaaaahhhhhhh...not...

        Love you all with big bits of huggles!
        Enjoy it!

        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
        Just watched the V Season Finale. Awesome! Another thing I watched tonight, which I said I would never do, is Glee. I thought it would be like High School Musical. I watched it after American Idol (Casey needs to go home) and thought, wow, I like this show. I enjoy musicals and these actors can sing. Definitely not like Disney.
        Absolutely I thought I'd hate Glee, but I really actually rather love it
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          *huggles Bree for all the weird stuff* I don't like doctors and I avoid them as much as I can. I hope that Lisa gets better *hugs*

          *hugs wendy* I hope you are putting some ice on


          Nice presents, LJ *drools*

          *huggles Josi* I hope your wrists get better

          *huggles all woohoos*

          *runs around nekkid*
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            I forgot to post this here...

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMA!!!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Guess who finally clicked the House spoilers. Me! Finally watched it.

              House - some of you might not like what I have written. Warning
              Wow what a show. I enjoyed the away from the hospital story and the situation House was placed in with Anna (sp?). I cried for her, her husband and House at the end. As for the ship, don't like it. I know that it is written into the series, but I don't see it or feel it. There is nothing in the actors/characters eyes to tell me that there is love there. Sorry. So overall the episode was awesome, and then bam, poorly portrayed ship to end it. I was on an emotional rollercoaster with the rescue scenes and then slammed into a wall by the ship.
              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                *Sneaks in*
                HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMA!!!!!
                *Sneaks out*


                  Happy Birthday Oma

                  Hope you're having a great day(filled with sweets!)

                  Will make a present later on(SORRY I'm late!)

                  I have a 10 min German presentation tomorrow. Have it all written down and powerpoint with it done but must learn it now*looks* it's 3 pages...and 30 slides(I am doing the history of Fairtrade in pictures ...with me explaining them)
                  Why did I offer to go with the first batch of people?

                  josi can't I just hire you to do my presentation tomorrow?


                    Originally posted by starlover View Post
                    Happy Birthday Oma

                    Hope you're having a great day(filled with sweets!)

                    Will make a present later on(SORRY I'm late!)

                    I have a 10 min German presentation tomorrow. Have it all written down and powerpoint with it done but must learn it now*looks* it's 3 pages...and 30 slides(I am doing the history of Fairtrade in pictures ...with me explaining them)
                    Why did I offer to go with the first batch of people?

                    josi can't I just hire you to do my presentation tomorrow?
                    How much will you pay me? And you'll need to buy me a flight too
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      *runz thorugh thread nekkid*

                      Where is Jumble?


                        *sneaks in quietly from work to say..........*

                        Happy Birthday Oma!!!

                        *pressie time*

                        And while I'm here....

                        *is purposely avoiding all the spider talk*

                        Jumble I loved your last MW sigs. Please tell me your mojo is back and make more. Please?

                        *jots down Cags' FB privacy info* Thank you! This will come in handy.

                        *pulls Bree close and gives her some huggles to shoo away all the RL craziness* Is it ok to say that it sounds like good news/bad news on Lisa going home? It's great that she's going home and can be with her loved ones, but it sure would be better if she was going home with a solution as well. And I'm sooo glad your sister is ok now. *whew*

                        @Wendy's fridge - Bad fridge! Bad fridge! Go sit in the corner and have a time out for whacking people.
                        Wendy - Ouch! I hope you feel better soon. Stuff doesn't have to happen in threes. Think positive and break the trend.

                        Nik - I loved the V season finale too.
                        That red sky was so creepy and Anna with human emotions!
                        I hate summer breaks. I'm not patience enough to wait until fall to see what happens next. I want it NOW!
                        I'm looking forward to the Flash Forward finale too and then it's going to be a hard summer.

                        LJ - OMG those sigs. *slurp* Lucky Oma. *scrolls back up to have another look* Yum.


                          Thanks for the hugs, guys *huggles*

                          Estrela. Thanks for making me laugh. The fridge is now in the naughty corner!!!

                          Happy Birthday to Oma. I hope you have a wonderul day and that all those kids are looking after you!!!! *huggles*
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            Oh, ouch all around!
                            *hugs the hurting WooHoos*

                            Happy Birthday

                            Hope it's an awesome one!
                            *opens the booze 'n' cake cupboard*
                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              *runz thorugh thread nekkid*

                              Where is Jumble?
                              I'm here. Been battling with the mojo trying to make something for Oma

                              What do you think?

                              Estrela thanks, I'm trying as you can see ^^^


                                *massages jumble's PS Mojo and feeds it bananas*
                                You're getting there, you're getting there!

                                And who's in charge of WooHoo Parties? 'Cause you know...
                                *looks arouns*
                                It's no fun to blow on paper party horns alone.

                                ...And there's something icky in that last sentence too...
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

