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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    LJ, this version works for me so it should work for you. Very lovely song!

    Oh and Cags you forgot some P0rn....BUM P0rn!

    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


      Did someone say...BUM?!

      *looks at calendar, sees it's WEDNESDAY!*

      (For you, Bree. Sorry it's not a better shot)

      ...and there was bum. And it was good.

      Oh! And this one cuz he's just so cute!

      EDIT: *waves at Bagpuss* Why are you always happening by when I'm being silly *shifty eyes*


        Just to tick of Joe (cuz in my crazy, weird world he keeps tabs on these things)



          *waves at guest* I'm off to bed now! But not before posting this for our Bones fans:


          See y'all in a few hours! Hope I can get some sleep...


            This is for Jumble so she won't get lost in a sea of RDA in the WooHood Thread
            Last edited by llp; 05 May 2010, 12:20 AM.


              Now, can someone tell me how you upload a picture and make it larger?????


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Meh, 12 hours shifts were daily deals when I was a manager at good old JS.

                I still (fondly?) remember the time I did Newton Abbott's refit. Worked 7am to 5pm, drove a hour back to the hotel, ate dinner then tried to sleep for two hours, failed dismally, drove back to the store for 10pm until 9am opening shift.... then drove home (about 4 hours) in the pouring rain. Yes, folks, Redbull was my friend back in the days.
                Bizzarely, I do miss it. I loved my job; it just took me a long time to find work/life balance.
                Ahh, the 12 hour shift. My shifts were mostly 12 hours but could run anywhere between 10-18. That's right, 18 hours. I've gotta say on shifts like that it's the people that get you through, and I definitely miss them. But the job? Yeah I think you all know how I felt about that

                *huggles Wendy* I could imagine 12 hours in a petrol station being quite taxing though - at least I was running around with lots of things to occupy!

                llp there are various ways to do it but the easiest is to get yourself a Photobucket account and upload pictures. You can then specify how large you want them to be by editing them, resizing etc...

                Oooh and Congrats on the big 2000 Wendy!!!!! Now when are we gonna see the custom avi??


                  Thank you for the congrats everyone!

                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  CONGRATS ON 2000 POSTS

                  *waits impatiently for the unveiling of the new avi*

                  5am. Not sleeping

                  *hugs Cags*
                  *hugs Jumble

                  I haven't quite figured out WHERE to change it...

                  Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                  First thing I read when I come in this thread is Porn. I almost spit my drink out.

                  Cags, I can't view the vid. It says it isn't available in my country anymore.

                  Congrats on 2000 posts, Wendy.

                  Today marks 9 years of marital bliss with my husband. I was blessed to have found a great man, who has given me more than I ever expected in a marriage . . . and then some.
                  Oooooh. Happy Anniversary!

                  Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                  *Sneaks in*
                  CONGRATS ON 2000 WENDY!!
                  *Waits for your new av*
                  Still waiting for it to show up, I think. I haven't got the hang of it

                  Originally posted by yessika View Post
                  CONGRATS ON 2000 Wendy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  On a sad note, just had a huge argument with my sisters and they've both left with my dad.
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                    Ahh, the 12 hour shift. My shifts were mostly 12 hours but could run anywhere between 10-18. That's right, 18 hours. I've gotta say on shifts like that it's the people that get you through, and I definitely miss them. But the job? Yeah I think you all know how I felt about that

                    *huggles Wendy* I could imagine 12 hours in a petrol station being quite taxing though - at least I was running around with lots of things to occupy!

                    llp there are various ways to do it but the easiest is to get yourself a Photobucket account and upload pictures. You can then specify how large you want them to be by editing them, resizing etc...
                    Yeah. I could 12 hours easy if I was doing lots of things. I get the joy of opening up the petrol station and then closing it when the day is done.

                    ...I love my job, I love my job, I love my job.

                    Oh, I thought this was like Oz, and that if I said that I'd magically have a job that I loved!

                    EDIT: *points to avi* Made by Jumble
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      *squees* Love the avi Wendy!!!


                        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                        *squees* Love the avi Wendy!!!
                        Me, tooooooo!!! OMG I have a cool avi! YAY! *bounces and squees*

                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          WooHoood!!! Looking good Wendy


                            ooooooooh, lovely avi Wendy!!!

                            Every now and then I get a really long shift at work...but the work is well worth it!!! (except when I have to climb really tall ladders...I'm so scared of heights!!)


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              WooHoood!!! Looking good Wendy
                              Thanks to you, Jumble.

                              It's the only thing keeping a smile on my face today

                              I'm gonna go listen to some music and then do housework, and try to pretend things weren't said at all. That's what I'm gonna do.

                              But YAY to my 2000! I can't believe how long it's taken me But better late than never.
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Congratulations on 2000 posts Wendy

                                Love the avatar

                                *swoons at RDA bum pics* Ahhh the joys of the wednesday!

                                *huggles everyone for long shifts*

                                The longest I've worked was 12 hours with Christmas. No breaks just 12 hours working non-stop. but 18 hours is insane...I would have lost it sanity that is....

