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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *ties hands behind back so she can't spill it in a pm*


      Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
      *Stumbles in*
      That is the last time I stay up till 2am watching The Nanny on youtube! *Shakes head*

      Well, I must go now, so goood night!!!!
      *Stumbles out*
      The Nanny is soo addicting, I can watch it for hours and hours and hours...

      *crosses fingers for Lisa and Bree and crosses everything*

      Congrats on your 69 Jumble!!

      *goes off wandering what can have Sarai and Jumble this happy*
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Morning! *Waves*
        *Huggles Woohoos*
        Congrats on your 69 Jumble!!
        *Hugs Bree and Lisa and sends good vibes*
        Congrats Sarai on your good news, what ever it may be.
        *Huggles Woohoos again*
        Originally posted by yessika View Post
        The Nanny is soo addicting, I can watch it for hours and hours and hours...
        I know! And I was watching s6 last night, and almost every ep ended on a cliff hanger! So I had to watch the next one then the next one and the next one... and I was awake till 2.
        *Sighs* I must learn better willpower.


          *shuffles through, on way to kitchen* Hey Woohoos. Hope you can share the good news soon...


            Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
            Morning! *Waves*
            *Huggles Woohoos*
            Congrats on your 69 Jumble!!
            *Hugs Bree and Lisa and sends good vibes*
            Congrats Sarai on your good news, what ever it may be.
            *Huggles Woohoos again*

            I know! And I was watching s6 last night, and almost every ep ended on a cliff hanger! So I had to watch the next one then the next one and the next one... and I was awake till 2.
            *Sighs* I must learn better willpower.
            I have no willpower so I stay away from it unless I don't plan on sleeping

            *huggles LJ*
            *huggles everyone*
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              *huggles Bree* I'm so sorry to hear that hun. And to echo what Jumble put - please don't stay away. Even if you only lurk this thread has a wonderful ability to lift your spirits or at least provide a bright spot in an otherwise cloudy day

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              *tightens restraints on Sarai*

              Oh Da-aaaaaan! Damsel in distress needs assistance!

              *swoons* Should I let down my hair? Or is that the wrong fairytale?

              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              Oh bummocks! But whatever it is is awesome anyway.
              My sentiments exactly - if only it was.

              EDIT: Actually on second thought if it was I don't think you would see/hear any coherent speech from me. Dogs might be able to hear the squee. But it's really very unlikely.


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Wow! All this good news for a change and we can't share it
                *waves to Cags*
                Do you have a timeframe at least? I'm not good with suspense.
                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Oh Bree, I'm so sorry to hear that I really hope they can find something to help her. There's always hope.

                And I'll tell you what I got told several times last week - don't stay away when you're worried, stressed or upset. We really are all here for each other :-)

                *hugs Bree from the heart*
                Thank you Jumble.
                Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                *joins Jumble in the hug*
                Lisa is in my prayers.
                Thanks Nikki and good luck with the shoulder. Keeping you in my prayers too.
                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Congrats on the 69 post Jumble
                The coloring in your texture inspired me to open up PS and wonder of wonders, I actually did something instead of staring at a blank file and then giving up and shutting down.
                Points down at new sig
                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                *waves back*

                Sorry, flitting in and out between doing battle with The Printer From Hell. :-S

                I have a big, biiig presentation to do and stall to manage at a showwcase event on Thursday and I've been prepping for it all day. :-o

                *huggles Bree* I am sorry to hear things aren't good. I can only send loads of positive vibes for her and hopes that at least knowing which way to look, they have a lead and can find a way to treat this. Fingers, toes, everything crossed for her. (if only prayers and positive vibes were all it took... :-S )
                And, yeah, what Jumble said. :-)

                OK, I don't know what Jumble and Sarai's good (coughAwesomecough) news is but, umm, Jumble... Sarai... I am guessing something SE related. And I can think of one thing SE related that would make Sarai a very happy bunny indeed. :-D

                Either way, happiness is infectious so please do keep spreading the joy. :-)

                *waves at LJ*

                *goes back to inflicting GBH on printer*
                *hugs Cags* for evil printer.
                Thank you for the positive vibes.
                Good luck with the presentation and Benjebubs potty training.
                Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                Morning! :-D *Waves*
                *Huggles Woohoos* :-)
                Congrats on your 69 Jumble!! :-D
                *Hugs Bree and Lisa and sends good vibes* :-)
                Congrats Sarai on your good news, what ever it may be. :-D
                *Huggles Woohoos again* :-)

                I know! :-) And I was watching s6 last night, and almost every ep ended on a cliff hanger! So I had to watch the next one then the next one and the next one... and I was awake till 2.
                *Sighs* I must learn better willpower. :-)
                Thanks Valerie and please tell me what is this show "The Nanny" that you keep posting about?

                Does this qualify as good news:
                Charmaine got this for me for my birthday, not allowed to have it until tomorrow when it's "official".

                I have an older version that I absolutely loved but it's seen better days.

                Does anyone else have a problem with their cursor flitting about in the reply box? I am and it's very annoying.

                Edit: Thank you Sarai I will try not to stay away.


                  *huggles Bree and sends good vibes to Lisa*
                  *happy dances for Jumble's and Sarai's good news...even though we don't know it yet* *waits patiently*

                  *huggles Cags for big presentation*

                  *huggles all other woohoos too*

                  Had a weird put it that way.
                  It started okay but during a group meeting two members got in a argument(project leader and assistant) and in the end the leader(my friend) started crying and went to the bathroom...I went after her(to comfort or at least solve the stuff) but she started hyperventilating REALLY badly...but had the bathroom locked. me not ever experiencing that before got help from a teacher who also got help and in the end she fainted and all...when she came by she first couldn't feel her legs and all(this all freaked me out) and we went to the teachers office...I had to go along as support...then she calmed down(got some help and all) but she randomly started crying again and was unstable on her feet(but physically fine; she's home now) ,...then we went to eat something and the groupmember came...I had to play councellor while they solved their problems...during that I missed my own presentation and had to get to the teacher aftewards...solve issues and all...(also she had to know the group issues were solved...which they were) but my friend still felt weak(and again started crying) so we had to bring her home...since I coudn';t miss the design class(being the designer of the project) another friend had to bring her home and I got asked all the time during class what happened.
                  Then finally home I hoped for some peace and quiet...a weird guy first started to ask me about my Itouch(was reading fanfic) and then talked to me the whole way home. (next time I get a sign "busy; do not annoy me")
                  Most important is that my friend, for now, is alright
                  It all did gave me a massive headache...

                  So...*falls down on couch* I think we need to order a new one again from the hot delivery boys...


                    *flops in*
                    Ugh, I'm tired I've had two days of being got-at pretty much constantly, one thing after another to fix or sort or solve

                    *huggles everyone, those with bad news and those with good news* Hope the bad news people don't go quiet and lurky and stick around so we can cheer them up, and hope the good news people can tell us the good news soon!


                    Really soon...


                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      *huggles Josi* To echo your advice to me last week - take some time for yourself and don't let people bother you too much. I understand how frustrating it can be to have a huge workload and never be able to tackle it because of constant interruptions. I suppose the silver lining is that they are coming to you - they resepct your opinion and know you are the one who can help

                      *huggles Jann* That can be really scary if you've never dealt with it before but it sounds as though you did a fantastic job!

                      By the way, this good news isn't my good news but someone elses! I'm just excited about it for them - just thought I'd better clear that up. Don't want to be stealing anyone's hog when it comes round to it


                        *huggles Sarai back* Thanks hun! It is always nice to be needed, but sometimes it feels more like dependency rather than actually needing me! Lots of the things I was being ambushed about today were things I'm sure the people concerned could have taken care of quite well themselves without having to ask my opinion or get me to help

                        Still curious about the news, whoever's good news it is...!
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          *huggles Josi* Take it easy ...and everything Sarai said!


                            *hugs Jann and Josi*

                            I have decided that what this thread needs right this minute is another "eek dance"

                            Feel free to join in.


                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                              *huggles Bree* I'm so sorry to hear that hun. And to echo what Jumble put - please don't stay away. Even if you only lurk this thread has a wonderful ability to lift your spirits or at least provide a bright spot in an otherwise cloudy day

                              *swoons* Should I let down my hair? Or is that the wrong fairytale?
                              Any fairytale you want. Go for it!!

                              My sentiments exactly - if only it was.

                              EDIT: Actually on second thought if it was I don't think you would see/hear any coherent speech from me. Dogs might be able to hear the squee. But it's really very unlikely.
                              There's always hope

                              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                              Do you have a timeframe at least? I'm not good with suspense.
                              You'll know it as soon as I'm allowed

                              Dammit! This jumping around quoty thing is driving me mad!!! I'll just have to quit the multi-quote and do them individually


                                Bree the Tasimo is definitely good news

                                *huggles Josi* for being so awesome that she's always in demand

                                *huggles Jann*

