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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    *pats Jumble's hand* There, there, it'll all be better once you've snuggled in Martin's jacket
    I'm sooooo looking forward to that.......... oh, um, I mean meeting him. I'm so looking forward to meeting him

    In 164 days

    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    *snuggles on couch with Joe* Well, I can switch it...
    Nono, don't switch it! That'll just confuse me more


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      You make it sound like 2008 was a long time ago...............
      Feels like it was


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        I'm sooooo looking forward to that.......... oh, um, I mean meeting him. I'm so looking forward to meeting him

        In 164 days

        Nono, don't switch it! That'll just confuse me more

        So it won't help if she swicthes it and then I put it in my sig instead?

        *sigh* Why oh why oh why do I ever get myself into PTB defending? I should know better than to give a toss what other people think.


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          So it won't help if she swicthes it and then I put it in my sig instead?

          *sigh* Why oh why oh why do I ever get myself into PTB defending? I should know better than to give a toss what other people think.
          Which PTB? Where? Do I need to roll up my sleeves?


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            So it won't help if she swicthes it and then I put it in my sig instead?

            *sigh* Why oh why oh why do I ever get myself into PTB defending? I should know better than to give a toss what other people think.
            *arches eyebrow* Hm. I shall find my happy place and not think of such things. *meditates* Oooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmallozzi...OOOOOOOOOOOmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmallozzi...


              *runz back in having managed to NOT post a response*

              Jeez! Some people

              Apparently RDA was the only thing worth watching on SG, and the whole franchise is worthless without him!

              And some people seem to forget that it was HIS decision to only do cameos in S9 and S10 of SG1, and that he only got involved in Continuum after he was invited to go to the Arctic. Prior to that he hadn't wanted to be in it!

              *takes deeeeeep calming breaths*

              *hides in Martin's jacket*


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                *runz back in having managed to NOT post a response*

                Jeez! Some people

                Apparently RDA was the only thing worth watching on SG, and the whole franchise is worthless without him!

                And some people seem to forget that it was HIS decision to only do cameos in S9 and S10 of SG1, and that he only got involved in Continuum after he was invited to go to the Arctic. Prior to that he hadn't wanted to be in it!

                *takes deeeeeep calming breaths*

                *hides in Martin's jacket*
                It's okay Jumble. Martin's jacket (preferably with him still in it) will make it all better.
                You need to stay in this happy place and ignore those other unhappy places in GW.
                It isn't worth the stress

                Edit: Thanks for hugs Sarai. I am hoping that I won't have to format either. That wood be bad.


                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  It's okay Jumble. Martin's jacket (preferably with him still in it) will make it all better.
                  You need to stay in this happy place and ignore those other unhappy places in GW.
                  It isn't worth the stress

                  Edit: Thanks for hugs Sarai. I am hoping that I won't have to format either. That wood be bad.
                  You're right, of course

                  *snuggles deeper into the jacket and goes to sleep*


                    I see you found it then Jumble.

                    (The Ship Discussion thread if anyone's really interested).

                    I can't be bothered to reply any more. If I did it would only be to say "Change the record willya"

                    Which isn't very polite and, well, if you can't say something nice and all that...


                      *shakes head* There's just no arguing with some people

                      I'm dosing myself up on meds and heading to bed... somehow I doubt I'll be in work tomorrow so will probably be here at some point instead

                      Night all!
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        I see you found it then Jumble.

                        (The Ship Discussion thread if anyone's really interested).

                        I can't be bothered to reply any more. If I did it would only be to say "Change the record willya"

                        Which isn't very polite and, well, if you can't say something nice and all that...
                        Yeah, that's what I figured. And I couldn't think of anything nice to say

                        Not that I'm denigrating RDA in any way, I just hate when people claim he is the whole show. SG1 woodn't have been what it is without Amanda. Or Don, or Chris, or all the writers, producers, Directors, cameramen, wardrobe people, make-up artists etc etc etc. The whole thing was a team effort and .............

                        Ok, shutting up now

                        *dives back under Martin's jacket*


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          *shakes head* There's just no arguing with some people
                          You'd think I'd know better by now woodn't you?

                          I'm dosing myself up on meds and heading to bed... somehow I doubt I'll be in work tomorrow so will probably be here at some point instead

                          Night all!
                          Sounds like a good plan. Sleep well little WooHoo *hugs*


                            *sips on Coke...cuddles with Joe* This is why I stay here, where it's happy...


                              I just wandered over to the discussion thread! Have I missed something, is this person inside RDA's brain?? They seem to think they have a very clear idea of what he was thinking at all times .

                              *facepalm* Why do I always stray from the fun places

                              EDIT: Cos I'm nosey, that's why


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                I just wandered over to the discussion thread! Have I missed something, is this person inside RDA's brain?? They seem to think they have a very clear idea of what he was thinking at all times .

                                *facepalm* Why do I always stray from the fun places

                                EDIT: Cos I'm nosey, that's why
                                That's why I looked I blame Cags

                                And now I'm really going to sleep, hopefully

                                WoodNight *huggles WooHoos*

