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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    They still haven't sorted out the reply problems Everytime I reply with quote I'm still having to delete everything I've already quoted today And it's still sending me to the top of the page so I have to scroll down *sigh* I guess they'll get it sorted eventually. At least the white is having a less destructive effect on my eyeballs

    Sounds like a budding Director to me

    Aaaaaaand it's snowing heavily again Severe weather warning for tonight

    I'll see if I can't train him to say "Aaand cut!"

    We just have more rain here.

    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    *hugs Cags for feeling icky* Drink some cranberry juice!!!
    Only if I can add grapefruit and vodka to it and call it a Seabreeze.

    Um, that wood rather defeat the object huh?
    I am on my third pint of water today though, which is great because I did say I wood go back to my good habits of drinking more fluids and less coffee in the new year. Although it wood be better if it didn't hurt to pee.

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    See, normally I'd be saying 'Silly girl, should've listened to me' but in fact when I saw the wound I didn't think it warranted a hospital visit, just keeping clean and covered. Mummy got it wrong They said it needed stitching but they can't do that now because of the infection

    She said it's really painful, and she reckons after this, childbirth will be a breeze............. I didn't bother telling her she's got no idea
    Aw, *huggles Suz for nasty infection*

    *huggles mummy Jumble too for mummy worrying*

    on childbirth. Oh she'll learn - one day. Then again, that's what drugs are for, IMO. I don't get all that natural I-must-suffer-the-pain rubbish. Bring on the drugs!


      Round of hugs to all the woohoos!

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        *hugs EH-T*

        *looks around for other WooHoos*

        *sigh* I'm so bored! I've been waiting all day for the Virgin engineer to come and install a new HD cable box, and of course he'll probably turn up at 6pm That's if he turns up at all since it's been snowing all day


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          *hugs EH-T*

          *looks around for other WooHoos*

          *sigh* I'm so bored! I've been waiting all day for the Virgin engineer to come and install a new HD cable box, and of course he'll probably turn up at 6pm That's if he turns up at all since it's been snowing all day
          I will refrain from twisting that statement into gutter, as I'm sure Jann will be along shortly to do so.

          Girlkid has a cough again. Time for the doctor, methinks. *sigh*

          Love your avi, btw, Jumble. Nice lip shot!


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            I will refrain from twisting that statement into gutter, as I'm sure Jann will be along shortly to do so.
            I realised it as I typed it, but couldn't think how to avoid it

            Girlkid has a cough again. Time for the doctor, methinks. *sigh*
            *huggles Lizzie* Time of year I guess, everyone seems to have something

            Love your avi, btw, Jumble. Nice lip shot!

            Yeah, it's weird but that pic has been hiding in my Continuum folder for aaaaages and I've never done anything with it

            Yep, definitely got the lip thing going on there

            Edit: Not the mention the tongue thing............


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              See, normally I'd be saying 'Silly girl, should've listened to me' but in fact when I saw the wound I didn't think it warranted a hospital visit, just keeping clean and covered. Mummy got it wrong They said it needed stitching but they can't do that now because of the infection
              Yowch, poor Suz! I've gotta say though, whether you're Mummy or not, you're still not a doctor so you can't beat yourself up about it!

              She said it's really painful, and she reckons after this, childbirth will be a breeze............. I didn't bother telling her she's got no idea
              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              on childbirth. Oh she'll learn - one day. Then again, that's what drugs are for, IMO. I don't get all that natural I-must-suffer-the-pain rubbish. Bring on the drugs!


                *huggles Cags*
                *huggles Suz...and also Jumble* I hope the wound heals quickly...does she need a RDA or Martin bandaid?

                *huggles LJ*

                Virgin...yes well....I could gutterize that...but I'm done learning perhaps
                (one subject learned one to go ...who invents two exams on one day)


                  *ahem* *Steps up*

                  Virgins, I don't see no virgins round here...*runz*


                    I think I figured out how to get to your last post without all that annoying two step process. From your My Controls (subscribed threads) page, click the circled link:


                    Not sure now since that took me way past the last post I saw.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I think I figured out how to get to your last post without all that annoying two step process. From your My Controls (subscribed threads) page, click the circled link:


                      Not sure now since that took me way past the last post I saw.
                      That actually takes you to the last post of the thread...So nope that doesn't work


                        I just realised that Eve. it's only because I tend to leave it on half the day and just flip in from time to time that it sort of works for me. Slightly easier to go to the bottom of the page than start at the top though, provided there's not more than on page gone by.

                        GW addict? Moi? ... nah!


                          *Thunks Sarai's avi* Mmmm....Hugh.....


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            Yowch, poor Suz! I've gotta say though, whether you're Mummy or not, you're still not a doctor so you can't beat yourself up about it!
                            Yeah, but I should've known better Reminds me of the time that Jo dropped a 'stone' on Rob's foot (she was 9, he was 6). Obviously he was hurting but I didn't think it was bad enough to rush off to the local Military Hospital (Aldershot) on a Saturday night and sit for hours amongst the drunken, beaten up squaddies

                            Next morning, he was crawling because he said he couldn't walk. So I asked Jo to show me the 'stone' she'd dropped on him......... she pointed from the window at a full-size paving slab Fast exit carrying son to the hospital, only to find he had broken two toes and had to be in plaster for 6 weeks

                            No need to panic If it was that bad nobody wood have any siblings

                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            *ahem* *Steps up*

                            Virgins, I don't see no virgins round here...*runz*

                            Nah, see I was expecting something like 'He won't be a virgin for much longer...........'

                            Speaking of which, he hasn't turned up yet


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Yeah, but I should've known better Reminds me of the time that Jo dropped a 'stone' on Rob's foot (she was 9, he was 6). Obviously he was hurting but I didn't think it was bad enough to rush off to the local Military Hospital (Aldershot) on a Saturday night and sit for hours amongst the drunken, beaten up squaddies

                              Next morning, he was crawling because he said he couldn't walk. So I asked Jo to show me the 'stone' she'd dropped on him......... she pointed from the window at a full-size paving slab Fast exit carrying son to the hospital, only to find he had broken two toes and had to be in plaster for 6 weeks

                              No need to panic If it was that bad nobody wood have any siblings
                              Good point. Doesn't fill me with a massive amount of confidence though

                              Nah, see I was expecting something like 'He won't be a virgin for much longer...........'

                              Speaking of which, he hasn't turned up yet

                              Have you tried ringing the helpline? From my experience the virgin people are usually quite good .


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                I know Cost me a fortune in chocolate frogs, and I had to carry him up and down the steps (first floor flat) most of the time because they plastered him up past his knee (apparently they do that with little boys to curtail all movement) and he just couldn't manage the steps I reckon I paid for being a total failure in the doctoring department

                                Good point. Doesn't fill me with a massive amount of confidence though
                                It can sometimes be horrendous, but we all get through it and once it's over you're so overwhelmed with the beautiful little miracle you've just produced that you really don't care how much it hurt Best advice I can give to you is to stay as relaxed and positive as possible, take any drugs that are offered, and make sure you really grip hard onto your partner's hand/arm/whatever you can reach so that he feeeeeeels your pain

                                Have you tried ringing the helpline? From my experience the virgin people are usually quite good .
                                No, I'm assuming that the snow has prevented him from coming I'll give them a ring tomorrow and make a new appointment

