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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Huggs to Jumble and all woohoos.

    Amazing icicles BTW!

    Yeah, if I have one of my 'conservatory' dreams tonight, I hope he doesn't get skewered by one of those

    *thinks about putting up a 'Beware of Icicles' poster*

    *decides that's just daft*

    I'm sure he'll look where he's going....


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Sounds like his are pretty bad too

      My early warning is when I see a watery line across my vision in one eye. It's the kind of thing you can't miss having seen it once, so in that respect I'm lucky. I immediately take two Migraleve (keep some with me always) which usually stop it from turning into a full-blown skull-shattering migraine with the nausea and vomiting that I used to suffer years ago before I discovered the right drug, but the vision and speech are always affected to some degree, and I sometimes go numb down my left side, much like with a stroke. Yesterday's was the worst I've had in a very long time. Does Dave get a warning, and does he have some meds that help?<snip>
      Yeah his vision goes all fuzzy for about half an hour, then he knows it's time to go to bed . The bad ones are terrifying because it's like you say, they are much the same symptoms as a stroke. He's usually doses up on nurofen (i.e. takes more than he should ) and tries to go to sleep in a dark room. I've been trying to convince him to buy something like Migraleve or Imagran but he's a stubborn one, doesn't like to take a lot of medication.

      *huggles for it* They can be really horrible, hope you start feeling yourself again soon

      Those icicles are crazy ! Careful if you step outside


        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        Yeah his vision goes all fuzzy for about half an hour, then he knows it's time to go to bed . The bad ones are terrifying because it's like you say, they are much the same symptoms as a stroke. He's usually doses up on nurofen (i.e. takes more than he should ) and tries to go to sleep in a dark room. I've been trying to convince him to buy something like Migraleve or Imagran but he's a stubborn one, doesn't like to take a lot of medication.

        *huggles for it* They can be really horrible, hope you start feeling yourself again soon
        You can buy Migraleve over the counter, and if they work for him like they do for me he'll be really glad you did They can help you avoid the actual pain and reduce all the other symptoms. There are two levels - pink that you take at the first sign and yellow if the pain starts to get under way. I've never had to use the yellow ones, because despite the horrible symptoms I had yesterday, the pink ones usually stop the actual pain and vomiting from starting.

        Those icicles are crazy ! Careful if you step outside
        Go outside? Are you crazy? I'm in for the duration now, not going near the back garden until it's completely thawed

        *waves to LJ*


          Ah, migraines. Here in the State, we have stuff to take right at the first sign, but it just knocks me out. I'm the mother of two--I can't just drop off into a dead sleep for an hour! And that's what the medication did--it was almost like passing out! So, I can't take anything but the over the counter stuff. Besides, I stopped getting warnings as often. I almost never get the vision impairment anymore. Now, it just hammers me out of nowhere. Ugh. I get severe sensitivity to light and sound, along with the nausea and an overall sense that I just want to die and get it over with.

          Morning, Woohoos.


          I slept awesome last night! I really do have the most wonderful husband, who made sure I felt secure and cherished last night, even thought I was a snotty, crying mess. (((Hubby)))


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Ah, migraines. Here in the State, we have stuff to take right at the first sign, but it just knocks me out. I'm the mother of two--I can't just drop off into a dead sleep for an hour! And that's what the medication did--it was almost like passing out! So, I can't take anything but the over the counter stuff. Besides, I stopped getting warnings as often. I almost never get the vision impairment anymore. Now, it just hammers me out of nowhere. Ugh. I get severe sensitivity to light and sound, along with the nausea and an overall sense that I just want to die and get it over with.
            Another sufferer? *hugs* My meds don't knock me out, although there are times I could do with some that did

            Morning, Woohoos.


            I slept awesome last night! I really do have the most wonderful husband, who made sure I felt secure and cherished last night, even thought I was a snotty, crying mess. (((Hubby)))
            *hugs Awesome Husband*


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Looks like we've finally got the answer

              *hugs Joe*

              *huggles Joe.*

              Just noticed these hanging outside the conservatory window

              Over a metre long

              Oh my word! What big... poles you have... er...

              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              Well...I kept it simple and in an email that was a reply to hers I just said that I made the website and thought I fixed the error in it...(I kept it subtle; my teacher is very good at that). Plus it helps that she already hates people who don't show up in her classes(and thus she dislikes my designers a lot and doesn't trust them)

              Overall, I kept honest. For example I had to gather the individual evaluations of the group, including the marks they gave everyone and I nearly wanted to kill the evaluation of the Scotland dude(I will call him that from now on), but I just vented and let it be...I didn't feel like changing mine again after that(I had already send it earlier but had to resend it so I could have changed mine; adapting to the things I had read)

              As long as I pass the subject I'm happy. Even though my overall mark will probably suffer a lot from it*sigh*

              *huggles some more*

              It's still kind of unfair but, sounds like you tutor will get the message and hopefully it'll pay off in future.

              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              Yeah his vision goes all fuzzy for about half an hour, then he knows it's time to go to bed . The bad ones are terrifying because it's like you say, they are much the same symptoms as a stroke. He's usually doses up on nurofen (i.e. takes more than he should ) and tries to go to sleep in a dark room. I've been trying to convince him to buy something like Migraleve or Imagran but he's a stubborn one, doesn't like to take a lot of medication.

              *huggles for it* They can be really horrible, hope you start feeling yourself again soon

              You know when you say that about a stroke I thought that too when Jumble posted her symptoms. Blimey that's scary.

              My mum gets migraines but hers are related to her back problems and nerve pressure and she has different medications to deal with the cause rather the actual migraine itself, and then the normal (well ok, very strong precription) pain relief for the actual pain.
              I don't get migraines (at least I don't think they are - not bad enough I suspect) but I do occasionally get those really bad headaches; the ones where you get flashy things in your eyes and you can't see and you just can't even think let alone function. I've found I can tell when it's going to be one of those headaches and if I try and be macho and ride them out it only makes things worse. The only way to deal with them is to hit them good and hard and early with the strongest painkillers I have and sometimes, I get lucky and get away with it. More often than not though, sleeping them off is the only thing that really works and, again, I feel a bit fragile for several hours / the next day after. As LJ says, being in charge of little ones kind of precludes being asleep on the job so, thank heavens those are few and far between.

              I did once see someone who collapsed with her first ever migraine and we all thought she was fitting / stroking at the time because it was exactly as Jumble described with the speech etc. Bloody frightening for us looking on so it must be really scary for someone going through it the first time.

              Sarai, you know men do like to be macho about their health but really, Dave should take something. It's a recognised medical condition and can be quite effectively treated. I don't believe in suffering in silence.

              *huggles Mr Sarai for migraines*

              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

              I slept awesome last night! I really do have the most wonderful husband, who made sure I felt secure and cherished last night, even thought I was a snotty, crying mess. (((Hubby)))

              *huggles Mr LJ for being lovely.*

              *huggles LJ for being a snotty crying mess and needing Mr LJ to be lovely*

              *hopes WooHoos don't mind me randomly hugging their menfolk.*


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                *huggles Joe.*

                Oh my word! What big... poles you have... er...
                Trust you

                You know when you say that about a stroke I thought that too when Jumble posted her symptoms. Blimey that's scary.
                The first time it happened like that my brother called an ambulance and I was carted off for tests But they said he did the right thing, because the symptoms were exactly like a stroke and it's better to be safe than sorry
                My mum gets migraines but hers are related to her back problems and nerve pressure and she has different medications to deal with the cause rather the actual migraine itself, and then the normal (well ok, very strong precription) pain relief for the actual pain.
                I don't get migraines (at least I don't think they are - not bad enough I suspect) but I do occasionally get those really bad headaches; the ones where you get flashy things in your eyes and you can't see and you just can't even think let alone function. I've found I can tell when it's going to be one of those headaches and if I try and be macho and ride them out it only makes things worse. The only way to deal with them is to hit them good and hard and early with the strongest painkillers I have and sometimes, I get lucky and get away with it. More often than not though, sleeping them off is the only thing that really works and, again, I feel a bit fragile for several hours / the next day after. As LJ says, being in charge of little ones kind of precludes being asleep on the job so, thank heavens those are few and far between.

                I did once see someone who collapsed with her first ever migraine and we all thought she was fitting / stroking at the time because it was exactly as Jumble described with the speech etc. Bloody frightening for us looking on so it must be really scary for someone going through it the first time.
                Oh yes you do!!! You've just described a typical migraine People suffer them at many different levels, from seemingly mild headaches with a little bit of nausea to the full-blown scary ones and anywhere in between.

                The first time was terrifying. Not being able to tell the people around you what is happening to you is the stuff of nightmares Even the second time is bad, because although you think you know it's a migraine, there's always the chance that it isn't When I was young, it felt safe to assume a migraine, but now that I'm older it's not safe to assume anything.

                Sarai, you know men do like to be macho about their health but really, Dave should take something. It's a recognised medical condition and can be quite effectively treated. I don't believe in suffering in silence.

                *huggles Mr Sarai for migraines*

                *huggles Mr LJ for being lovely.*

                *huggles LJ for being a snotty crying mess and needing Mr LJ to be lovely*

                *hopes WooHoos don't mind me randomly hugging their menfolk.*
                If Michael's reaction is anything to go by it doesn't matter if the WooHoos mind, the Mr WooHoos love it
                Last edited by Jumble; 13 January 2010, 06:45 AM. Reason: Still making silly typos :o


                  *huggles Woohoos for migraines*

                  I have never suffered from migraines but my mom gets this terrible headaches (she doesn't take any medication though)
                  Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                    Mr. LJ will blush, but not mind being huggled, hugged, or otherwise adored.

                    Here is the results of my Gimping:

                    Sorry...not very happy, I'm afraid.


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Oh yes you do!!! You've just described a typical migraine People suffer them at many different levels, from seemingly mild headaches with a little bit of nausea to the full-blown scary ones and anywhere in between.
                      You see, I've always thought them just headaches because I figure migraines probably wouldn't respond to conventional medication. I still don't know though. I guess I have a fairly high pain threshold (well I know I do) so I just don't think they're *that* bad.

                      Hmm, I'll add that to the list of the wonderments of my craptacular body shall I? I'll just ditch this old body and build myself a robot body... hmm, yeah. And she'll be taller, skinnier and probably blonde (just for a change) and have eight legs and four arms... or something.
                      Hmm, sorry, I am feeling particularly sorry for myself today because I got woken up at 3am by Benjabubs thinking it was morning and wanting to play so haven't slept much. It doesn't help that I have raging PMT (of the I-want-to-rip-your-head-off-and-crap-down-your-neck-for-just-looking-at-me variety) and actually climbing the walls slightly because I'm quite a few days late and usually - and ironically - I am completely regular.


                      I would say roll on the menopause but I've seen a glipmse of my menopausal self before now and it ain't pretty.

                      The first time was terrifying. Not being able to tell the people around you what is happening to you is the stuff of nightmares Even the second time is bad, because although you think you know it's a migraine, there's always the chance that it isn't When I was young, it felt safe to assume a migraine, but now that I'm older it's not safe to assume anything.

                      Yes I can imagine that's the worry when it is so similar to a stroke. At what point do you start to think this isn't just a migraine?
                      Charles had a mini stroke several years ago and my nan had one too so I kind of know what that looks like. It's pretty scary in itself. And they say seek immediate treatment so, yes, when do you start to get worried?

                      *huggles Jumble*

                      If Michael's reaction is anything to go by it doesn't matter if the WooHoos mind, the Mr WooHoos love it
                      No I can't imagine any bloke actually minding women pressing up for a cuddle. Charles wood not object. At all.


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Mr. LJ will blush, but not mind being huggled, hugged, or otherwise adored.

                        Here is the results of my Gimping:

                        Sorry...not very happy, I'm afraid.

                        Oh... but really rather beautiful anyway.


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          Mr. LJ will blush, but not mind being huggled, hugged, or otherwise adored.

                          Here is the results of my Gimping:


                          Sorry...not very happy, I'm afraid.
                          Beautiful I don't find it that unhappy tbh. When Oma sent me a copy of Joe's cd I found it lifted me, because it's really about hope and overcoming obstacles and finding the strength to move that mountain

                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          You see, I've always thought them just headaches because I figure migraines probably wouldn't respond to conventional medication. I still don't know though. I guess I have a fairly high pain threshold (well I know I do) so I just don't think they're *that* bad.
                          It's not about the level of pain, some people don't find it that painful, it's about the way it affects your brain. Conventional meds can reduce the pain considerably, but they don't touch the other symptoms.

                          Yes I can imagine that's the worry when it is so similar to a stroke. At what point do you start to think this isn't just a migraine?
                          Charles had a mini stroke several years ago and my nan had one too so I kind of know what that looks like. It's pretty scary in itself. And they say seek immediate treatment so, yes, when do you start to get worried?

                          *huggles Jumble*
                          Since I've found the right meds, my symptoms haven't been stroke-like, so I guess if I take the pills and the symptoms persist I'll be more inclined to think it's a stroke and dial 999

                          No I can't imagine any bloke actually minding women pressing up for a cuddle. Charles wood not object. At all.
                          I'll remember that next time he comes to pick you up


                            Speaking of picking up.............. wonder if Martin'd like to be my own personal paramedic........

                            He's certainly got enough muscle power


                              *huggles Jumble for migraine*

                              They're just awful, awful things Cags, what you've described is definitely a migraine - sounds very similar to what I get. I lose part of my vision for about half an hour, and then when the vision comes back the pain hits. I don't get nausea or vomiting with them at all, not everybody does. Painkillers will take the edge off the pain (particularly aspirin, as it thins the blood which is helpful as apparently the blood vessels in the brain contract during an attack), but you still essentially have to go to bed and sleep it off because you can't function through it. Then there's the horrible after part like Jumble's describing, where you just don't seem to work properly for a while - words get jumbled up, you're extra clumsy, it's so frustrating. Anyway, the frequency and severity of the things can range from not actually too bad to completely debilitating, so you may be lucky like me in that while you get them, they're not too awful. I always count myself lucky when I do get them that at least on the scale of it I get off relatively lightly.

                              *huggles all migraine sufferers*

                              Originally posted by Estrela View Post

                              I think I've stopped trying to do wallpapers. There's just so much space to fill and the caps have to be really good quality or everything looks awful.
                              Oh don't give up! I found wallpapers really frustrating for ages, with the exact same thought that there was just too much space, but then I realised I was just looking at them wrong. It's not about filling the space so much as about placement. It is annoying if you don't have high enough resolution pics, that I'll grant you, but you can use smaller caps quite well if you find creative ways to place and frame them

                              Nad and LJ, yours are both fab

                              Also *huggles LJ* because you need them

                              And I'm totally with you Jumble in hoping this flipping snow will melt soon! We had another couple of inches this morning too, and I've twisted my ankle slipsliding about on it all. It's not bad, I don't think I've done it any serious damage, but it's rather painful to walk on
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                *huggles Josiane for sore ankle* I told you to be careful

                                So I think now wood be a really good time for Martin to drop by..... we've just filled a couple of pages with serious discussion and advice, and not a drop of gutter in sight

                                *looks around* Where is Jann anyway?

                                Pukkie, look, here is a perfect example of a brilliant wp that completely ignores all the empty space except for some muted decoration .....

                                by Josiane

                                And one that focusses on one pic, which is equally beautiful and effective..

                                by Sarai

                                See? It's a question of focus and framing, like Josiane said

                                and ooohhhh boy! That's some focus and framing.......... like I said, less is more

