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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Soooo true

    I think it was actually talking to somebody face to face about it and seeing your reactions that did it The look on Cags face when you all told her about the stuff he'd done for me was so 'Good grief woman, are you crazy???? Grab him!!!'

    That's a close approximation of what I was thinking, yeah!

    Yeah..... and I'm now really regretting not telling the kids about him before now (yes, you can all say 'I told you so' ) because now really isn't the time to shove my happiness in Jo's face The family could do with an injection of good news for a change, I'm just not sure they'll take it as 'good'
    Things have a way of working out. Once your family see what we see - how utterly he adores you and you him - they will get over any funk about your secrecy and will be happy for you. They will just need time.

    We'll probably do the wedding small and personal. I mean, can you seriously see me in a big white marshmallow dress?
    Yes... absolutely wear an humungous hot pink merengue a la Katie Price...
    No seriously, what Josi said. Make it what you want it to be.

    Do you know how good it feels to be the cause of all this gleeful happy dancing?
    I have an idea. Every time I watch my parents or one of my brothers or my hubby interacting with our little boy.. he brings such joy to everyone around him. It's an awesome feeling. Remember that thing about happiness being a perfume? So true.

    Edit: Gotta go, lunch is ready.......... did I tell you he cooks? Good thing one of us can *hugs him*
    Oooh the icing on the cake!


      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      Wait...I thought nothing on this thread was supposed to be spoilered?!?!

      *happy dances for Jumble and Michael*

      Congratulations Jumble!!!!!!!

      (And well done, Michael!!!!)

      Ooooooh....does this mean the WooHoos will be throwing a shower?????
      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      *jumps up and down* A shower! A shower! And we have to have one on the Art Thread, too! Yay!
      Originally posted by Estrela View Post
      Or a bachelorette party
      *jumps up and down* That's such a great idea!!! And we can all make lots of going away Martin stuff for Jumble!

      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      Dude! There's been a non-Woohoo MAN in the Woohoo house!?? Watching us run nekkid, dance nekkid, and generally make idiots of ourselves in various stages of undress!? Not to mention the thunking,, wine drinking (except for me and Amanda), and other strange things we do here!

      The PTB stalkers were being stalked!

      However, since it was for such a good cause, I shall overlook the stalking. I guess.

      *stomps foot for good measue, goes back to happy dancing...clothed*
      *thinks of all that the poor man has seen* !

      Well LJ aren't you happy we stayed sober now?

      ((((Michael's friend who has seen all that we've done on this thread)))

      I hope the poor man isn't too scarred

      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Sorry, he's already taken
        No fair!

        Definitey! And Broccoli wood make a cute little page boy
        Oh yeah....can I be the ringbearer?

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        He described us as 'A bunch of warm, fun people. And my god don't they like to party!!'

        He'd never been on a forum before, so it was quite an eye-opener for him
        Ohhh...someone mentioned a party??? Niiiiiiice

        ROFL!'s a fun forum and actually the only one I'm still on!

        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        Wow. They don't make them like that anymore. Lucky you.

        *joins back in the happy dance*
        Well...they kinda do...I have one living at home... I can send him if you want? he's 26 Cooks very good...certainly since I refuse to do it!

        *happy dances some more and dashes out*


          ^ 26 you say. Just my size. Send him over, please! ...there is nothing I hate more then cooking.


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Oh my word!! Didn't you all have a party while I was gone?

            Thanks for all the congrats *huggles WooHoos*

            You're right LJ, the suit pretty much gave him away didn't it?

            Actually, there's a story behind that, and I very nearly changed my mind when I heard what he'd been up to

            When he asked me before I said no, for many reasons. Bunches of cut flowers, I hate. Expensive (very expensive) ring, I didn't want and wood have been afraid to wear. But more importantly I just wasn't ready, wasn't sure, it was too soon

            So this time he decided to go all out to prove how well he really knows me........

            When we first got together he obviously noticed my slight obssession with Martin and accepted it as part of who I am, and apart from that one occasion when he got called the wrong name , he was ok with it. And he did agree that he wood never look at this thread because I woodn't feel comfortable with that. So what he did was to get a friend to drop in occasionally and see what was going on Now we know the identity of at least one of our anonymous guests And apparently when the pics of Martin at the Leo Awards started popping up, this friend reported back that we were really 'impressed' with how gorgeously irresistible he looked. So Michael decided he should go for a similar effect (and I have to tell you, OMG! he certainly got that right I wish I could show you a pic, but my end of the deal was that I'd never post a pic of him ) Apparently he scoured most of London looking for a replica of THE SHIRT, but was unable to find one So he settled for the WHITE SHIRT instead

            The flowers were replaced with a gorgeous living plant (I mentioned that I prefer that didn't I?), the whopping great diamond was replaced with a really pretty but inexpensive (I hope) sea tourmaline, and I reckon he practised his cute little speech all the way here in the car. I won't tell you what he said, but he hit it exactly right

            So what's a girl to do when confronted by a heavenly looking guy dressed in the perfect suit down on one knee at her feet? *shrugs* I did the obvious, I said 'Yes pleeeeeze!'

            Oh and Martin? I still love you to bits, but since you're not available I've gone for the realistic option

            And Michael's 'friend', don't you dare tell him I said that

            That's a great story. What a sweetie Michael is (and his friend too).

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              *runs in screaming and discarding clothes*

              *happy dances nekkid*

              *prepares to squishy hug*

              *wait! gotta find clothes first *

              (((((((Jumble & Michael)))))))

              I'm soooooooo happy for both of you!

              *huggles Josi for the poke to come visit*


                *still happy dancing*

                Jumble, I can see you in a small garden wedding. Simple ivory-colored dress. OH! Or maybe overlooking the ocean, like where you met up again! *jumps up and down*


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post

                  We told you so! Nah... just kidding I can see it's going to be a bit tricky to handle, but something good happening to you all is just what you need
                  Yeah, tricky......... I think I'll leave it for now......

                  Oh wait! Isn't that how I got myself into this predicament in the first place?

                  Uh.. no... I think the main thing with weddings is that it should be how you want it to be. Doesn't matter if it's big, small, traditional, off-the-wall, or anything in between, as long as it's what you want it will be perfect
                  Michael's thinking something red and silky, men!

                  Pretty good I'd imagine But somehow I doubt it's just that that's making you feel good right now

                  *happy dances some more*
                  True, the other reason is reading over my shoulder

                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  Wow. They don't make them like that anymore. Lucky you.

                  *joins back in the happy dance*
                  What, I nabbed the last one? Phew, that was lucky!

                  Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                  *has been away for too long*

                  Congrats Jumble and Michael!!!

                  Awesome story jumble!!!!

                  Now the question is...have you told him about this coming July?
                  July? What about July?

                  *cough* see above ^^^

                  And the ring is so pretty!!!

                  *huggles Jumble*
                  Thank you *huggles Amanda*

                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  That's a close approximation of what I was thinking, yeah!
                  It was written all over your face

                  Things have a way of working out. Once your family see what we see - how utterly he adores you and you him - they will get over any funk about your secrecy and will be happy for you. They will just need time.
                  Yes, it's a question of timing. Need to get it just right

                  Yes... absolutely wear an humungous hot pink merengue a la Katie Price...
                  No seriously, what Josi said. Make it what you want it to be.
                  We will, that's another thing I need to get right this time

                  I have an idea. Every time I watch my parents or one of my brothers or my hubby interacting with our little boy.. he brings such joy to everyone around him. It's an awesome feeling. Remember that thing about happiness being a perfume? So true.
                  *sploshes more happy perfume over everyone*

                  Oooh the icing on the cake!
                  Cake? Michael, why wasn't there cake???

                  *watches him rush out to get ingredients*

                  I was only joking!!

                  Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                  *jumps up and down* That's such a great idea!!! And we can all make lots of going away Martin stuff for Jumble!
                  He's going away? Noooooooooooooo........

                  *thinks of all that the poor man has seen*

                  Well LJ aren't you happy we stayed sober now?

                  ((((Michael's friend who has seen all that we've done on this thread)))

                  I hope the poor man isn't too scarred
                  He's fine, it's been a learning curve for him, but he's fine

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  That's a great story. What a sweetie Michael is (and his friend too).
                  He is, they are *huggles them both*

                  Oh, he wants to know what's the difference between a *hug* and a *huggle*

                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  *runs in screaming and discarding clothes*

                  *happy dances nekkid*

                  *prepares to squishy hug*

                  *wait! gotta find clothes first !*

                  (((((((Jumble & Michael)))))))

                  I'm soooooooo happy for both of you!

                  *huggles Josi for the poke to come visit*
                  Thank you *squishy hugs Oma*

                  *happy dances out, trying to explain a *squishy hug* *

                  *pops back in while he's not looking*

                  Just in case he's feeling left out

                  *sigh* *removes 5 more img tags and tries again*
                  Last edited by Jumble; 04 October 2009, 06:38 AM.


                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    *still happy dancing*

                    Jumble, I can see you in a small garden wedding. Simple ivory-colored dress. OH! Or maybe overlooking the ocean, like where you met up again! *jumps up and down*
                    That's a possibility

                    But I'm not seeing the ivory dress

                    Good thing we've got time to plan, otherwise I might just've turned up in jeans and a Sanctuary t-shirt

                    I still might...

                    really gotta go *hugs*


                      *waves at Michael*

                      A huggle is more enthusiastic than a normal hug, but not quite as intense as a squishy hug. For the uninitiated, a squishy hug can be quite overwhelming. Quite simply, a huggle is a hug with a bit of snuggling thrown in to express extra joy, delight, or sympathy. A huggle can be given on a happy or sad occasion. A squishy hug is almost always a happy event; much like an enormous bear-hug, it is hard to be a part of a squishy hug and not come out happier (unless you are one of the uninitiated...see above).


                        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                        ^ 26 you say. Just my size. Send him over, please! ...there is nothing I hate more then cooking.
                        Hmm...let me see if he fits in the they send 80 KG packages these days?!?!?! ...oh and brown eyes and brown hair...I try to keep him under control...


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          <lazy snip>
                          July? What about July?

                          *cough* see above ^^^

                          Thank you *huggles Amanda*
                          *is confused and lost*

                          I've looked above...and haven't seen anything...


                          He's going away? Noooooooooooooo........

                          He's fine, it's been a learning curve for him, but he's fine

                          <lazy snip...again>
                          Well it's more like Jumble's going away...poor Martin!!!

                          Oh that's good Good friend too for scoping things out for his friend!

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            *happy dances in*

                            Back home now ! Got a whole evening to myself in a nice peaceful house; just me, West Wing, a bottle of wine and a takeaway. Marvellous

                            Jumble, made you a little thing. It's not great but I'm so happy for you!!


                              *skips through* Jumble's gettin' married, Jumble's gettin' married, Jumble's gettin' married!


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                *happy dances in*

                                Back home now ! Got a whole evening to myself in a nice peaceful house; just me, West Wing, a bottle of wine and a takeaway. Marvellous

                                Should we be worried???

                                I sense a *small* wine addiction among the Woohoo's...

