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GateWorld Podcast Feedback!

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    I have a quick Question, I heard most people watch the show when itunes has it because they dont want to watch the commercials. How does this help the shows ratingS?


      Originally posted by ARealArchaeologist View Post
      I'd like to say thanks for the podcasts. I've been listening for awhile now and only recently decided to take the plunge and join the forums. It was nice to be able to recognize names and not feel like I didn't know anyone. Now everyone just has to get to know me
      Welcome to the group, A.R.A.! Enjoy the view


        Episode #67 is now available!

        It’s episode six of Stargate Universe this week! Darren and David talk about “Water,” last week’s new episode of the show. We’ll discuss the return of the dust devil lifeform, putting Stargates on inhospitable planets, those familiar EVA suits, a missed character opportunity, and more. Tune in to hear our analysis of the episode, our quibbles, as well as some voicemail from other fans.

        But first up, we’ll take a look at the recent post by producer Joseph Mallozzi on the bad behavior of some fans online.

        Show Notes:
        Direct Download:

        This Week's Listener Question: Call in and tell us what you think of this week’s new episode, “Earth!” Leave a voicemail on the hotline or e-mail us a brief voice recording.

        You thread-posters are awesome and insightful, but we want to hear your voice. Now that new episodes of Stargate are airing we're doing our best to get away from reading written comments on air.

        CALL US! You can call the hotline and leave us a voicemail any time, day or night. Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

        Dial: 616-712-1647 (long distance rates apply)

        Thanks again to everyone for listening and contributing to the show!
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          GO DAVID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved all your comments at the beginning.


            Hi all!

            Yes Darren.....Am ever vigilant!! Ready for call up by O'Neill at any moment!

            A warm welcome to AREALarchaeologist! Yes, welcome to the frontier of informed discussion of all things will not be disappointed!

            Left my iPOD at base so will have to download tomorrow!

            Best to all

            (Paul...the ever watchful one!)
            "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
            Sara O' Neill's father;
            COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


              I'd like to voice a different view about whether the last earthquake meant the characters didn't have to do anything. The earthquake made it possible to free Lt. Scott but it didn't throw him back to the surface. It was still necessary for Colonel Young to grab the rope, pull Scott up, yell to wake him up, and for Scott to wake up and help pull himself up. If Young had abandoned Scott, or not had the strength to pull him up despite being in pain, or Scott hadn't woken to pull himself out of the hole, then no number of quakes would have done any good. Sure, there was some luck involved but without Young putting in a lot of effort, Scott would still have died.
              [edit]By the way, are you going to comment on the online "Kinosodes" in the podcast some time? Perhaps that could be a hiatus feature.

              A quibble about a quibble: how did you reach the conclusion that Destiny can collect raw materials? Unless it's supposed to repair itself with stellar matter, I don't think this is true. It's the seeder ships that collect raw materials to build stargates. (I hope we get to see that process some day).

              P.S. thanks for the listener mail section, that last one was especially heartwarming
              Last edited by Eternal Density; 04 November 2009, 03:35 PM.
              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
                Hi all!

                Yes Darren.....Am ever vigilant!! Ready for call up by O'Neill at any moment!

                A warm welcome to AREALarchaeologist! Yes, welcome to the frontier of informed discussion of all things will not be disappointed!

                Left my iPOD at base so will have to download tomorrow!

                Best to all

                (Paul...the ever watchful one!)
                Thanks S'n'T, love your accent by the way! I have to say I'm not that surprised at the level of content I find on the site. The podcasts are what lead me to believe I could find more intelligent discussions on the forums. I've been a part of other forums and really they are just a replacement for highschool. I guess that really is a testament to the gentlemen who run this site.


                  I think it's a testament, in the midst of all the crap that is going on out there right now surrounding SGU, to the quality of men and women in Stargate fandom.

                  Welcome, ARealArchaeologist! Great to have you with us.
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                    RE: Asgard suits...
                    Hey i think its more plausable that they are ancient suits that evolved slightly from the destiny years to the pegasus years. And dont forget the changes could be because we are repairing them.
                    My theory is Janus had a set of them in one of his outposts and the asgard found them and then either modified them to there own use, or just used them since they were updated. U never know Janus might of has an asgard assistant and he modified one of the suits for him, only for the Vanere to rock up and find it and duplicate it a few dozen times lol.


                      I think it's a testament, in the midst of all the crap that is going on out there right now surrounding SGU, to the quality of men and women in Stargate fandom.
                      Nicely said.
                      If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                        Originally posted by Darren View Post
                        I think it's a testament, in the midst of all the crap that is going on out there right now surrounding SGU, to the quality of men and women in Stargate fandom.

                        Welcome, ARealArchaeologist! Great to have you with us.
                        Quite true. I've never seen people so passionate about a tv show. I just wish some of that passion wasn't so negatively tinged, or has to be defended in such a way. I don't expect everyone to love this show, or any show, and there are plots and people I don't care for, but I would never attack someone for disagreeing. I might strongly debate, but otherwise be my usual pacifist self. I don't know how you keep yourselves from wanting to knock peoples heads together somedays.

                        And thank you for the welcome! So jealous too, grad studies in Scotland, you must be loving it, other then the piles of readings and work. I've been putting off grad studies and I should really stop.


                          Agree with Darren and Jeff O Connor.

                          Well said gents.

                          I realise that this thread is for podcast, but I would like to add that (thankfully) I have not witnessed any "silliness" in most of the threads a I frequent. May this continue!

                          BTW: PC a bit "Blinky" at the mo., so will return with views of podcast after downloading and listening. Thanks as always to the D-Men for the great quality discussion.

                          "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                          Sara O' Neill's father;
                          COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                            I've been meaning to pop into this thread for quite some time to say that, it was only recently when I ventured out into the cold world of other podcasts that I realised how truly awesome the GW ones are I know I probably count as bias, but I really enjoy them, they're so professional and enjoyable, rather than being 40mins of toneless random mutterings.... Do you know if any of the production team/cast/crew listen in? (they should be required to IMHO ).
                            er, I'm sure there's some good podcasts out there too, but I'm content with sticking to this one.

                            (cripes, now it sounds like I'm sucking up to be a mod or something.... hang on.... )


                              Agree with Kiwigater

                              I too recently listened to other podcasts....somebody please ban the following

                              " real quick....."

                              and random uncut laughing at unseen gag.... Sheesh!

                              These thankfully do NOT appear on the GW Podcast....Thank you guys!

                              "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                              Sara O' Neill's father;
                              COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                                I don't think we need to edit quite as tightly as we do, but David does a LOT of great work polishing the show every week!
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