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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Fainne do you know how to do wavy writing? Lili explained how to get the writing to curve down (like a unhappy face) but I can't work out how to make it go the other way... do you know?
    sigpicMy Fanfic


      okay...Does anyone have the picture I used in this sig, and can you post it for me plz?
      I can't seem to find mine on my HD anymore!


        Here you go


          Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
          Thanks It's Jellyka - Estrya's Handwriting, I got it from dafont.


            Aveo, Nominations are really easy. You can nominate all the pieces of artwork you like, into whatever categories you think they fit into best. For instance, if someone submitted a WP for Angst, but you want to nominate it for Best Background or Best WP, then go for it You can nominate anything that has been submitted (including your own artwork). This will give us a shortlist of everything that was submitted ready for Voting

            Just make sure you list:

            a) Title of the artwork
            b) Name of the GimPS who made it
            c) Which category you want to nominate it for

            Then email them all to [email protected]

            Have I explained that clearly? It makes sense to me, but that's cos I know what it's supposed to say


              Perfectly clear Oma

              Have to say though, I find it odd that we can nominate our own work


                You can nominate it now, but you won't be allowed to vote for it when we get to that stage.


                  I am just curious, have you tried to choose the nominations already? How many you think you are gonna nominate? I got through most of the posts yesterday and I made a list of artwork I like... After I shortened it I still am somewhere around 70 pieces That's because everyone is so awsome here


                    Jane Austen Header + tutorial:

                    Made in PS CS3 - but it is translatable to PSP and Gimp

                    1. Open new document and add this layer:

                    2. Add this layer, and put it on blending mode: soft light.

                    3. Layer > New adjustment layer > Color balance:
                    * Shadows: 0, 11, 0
                    * Midtones: -32, -26, 7
                    * Highlights: -21, 16, 0

                    4. Add your picture of Sam/Jack, and put the blending mode on Hard light.
                    (this step works the best with grey, black or white background)

                    5. Add this brush, underneath the layer of the picture or underneath the layer of the colour balance (I did underneath the colour balance)

                    6. Duplicate the picture and move it around, put the blending mode on Soft light, and opacity 40%

                    7. Add this texture, put the blending mode on screen:

                    8. Add your text, and put a stroke around your text. I used this font:

                    9. Merge down and add a stroke around your header.


                      I just had to do it...

                      Click for bigger.



                        Oh Eve! That's absolutely fabulous! If I can produce something half as good from your tut I will be a very happy GimPS

                        Egle, got an addiction to those pics now? Lovely wp

                        SeNedra without even starting my list, I'm expecting to have about 100 to start, because there are just soooooo many brilliant, beautiful pieces on there


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Egle, got an addiction to those pics now? Lovely wp
                          Oh, you can say that.

                          And look, what I found last night while going through SG folders.

                          I couldn't post it in Awards thread, bc it was made more than a year ago, before the Art thread.

                          There's a pic of dog tags I've seen being used in artwork, could someone post it, please? I'd like to use it, but have no idea where to look for it.


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            Jane Austen Header + tutorial:


                            Made in PS CS3 - but it is translatable to PSP and Gimp

                            1. Open new document and add this layer:

                            2. Add this layer, and put it on blending mode: soft light.

                            3. Layer > New adjustment layer > Color balance:
                            * Shadows: 0, 11, 0
                            * Midtones: -32, -26, 7
                            * Highlights: -21, 16, 0

                            4. Add your picture of Sam/Jack, and put the blending mode on Hard light.
                            (this step works the best with grey, black or white background)

                            5. Add this brush, underneath the layer of the picture or underneath the layer of the colour balance (I did underneath the colour balance)

                            6. Duplicate the picture and move it around, put the blending mode on Soft light, and opacity 40%

                            7. Add this texture, put the blending mode on screen:

                            8. Add your text, and put a stroke around your text. I used this font:

                            9. Merge down and add a stroke around your header.
                            I love it!

                            Again, does anyone have a pic of with a shocked expression and Sam with a disgusted one? I know the perfect quote.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                              Ohh, Egle, I love this one! It's so pretty in its simplicity. Just two images, and wonderfully chosen!

                              I've noticed on a lot of people's recent works, and it may just be my own failing eyeballs, that a lot of the text isn't easily readable. I don't know if its the font chosen or the size of it.
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Thanks Oma I understand now, it was how many -overall and per category - and whether we could nominate our own artwork I was confused about..
                                sigpicMy Fanfic

