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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Thanks!!! Wow, tut's thread!!! Already like it!


      Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
      Thanks!!! Wow, tut's thread!!! Already like it!
      Then you'll like the Graphic Art Display thread, which the tut thread is a... "spin off" of!
      ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


        Hello artworkers I hope I catch up all now. I promise after my exams I will take part in challenges again Here are just two version of one sig

        I've made the text slanted as Jann often do, I like it since previous challenge
        sig thanks to Luci


          Sig Tutorial

          on How to go from this:


          it is my first full tutorial (I used Photoshop CS3 for this)

          [ but first click above the image of Sam and snurch it is in the high resolution ] In spoiler tags because it is not so small:

          1 - Open a new file 550x200 px white Background.
          2- Add the Sam Pic in the file, you can resize it or crop it in the way you want.
          3- Use the 'eyedropper tool' to catch the color of Sam's bg pic, still wont be the same but very approached.
          4- Fill the background with the color.
          6- Add a layer mask in the layer of the image with Sam.
          7- Use the gradient [ black to transparent ] in the left to the right side of the picture in a small part just to match the colors or atleast to give a look like there's a gradient background in the image, so you don't need to crop Sam. [ any doubts about it, just ask me and i'll try to bring images ] or you can crop Sam with the magnect lasso tool or the way you want...
          8- go to layer>flatten image.
          9- Maybe the Bg is not the same yet in some parts, but you can use the 'Clone Stamp tool' to match it even more above the image.
          10- Image>Adjustments>color balance:
          11- duplicate the layer and set it to 'screen' opacity 50%
          12-go to layer>flatten image.
          13-Image>adjustments>selective color:
          14- Creater a new layer and fill with the color : #7accc8 or RGB: 122, 204, 200. and set it to soft light.
          15-flatten image
          15- insert texture_20_by_Insan_Stock inside the document resize it and set it to soft light flatten image again.
          16-Image>Adjustments>color balance:

          17- Image>adjustments>selective color:

          18- add this light texture 'lii-4" in the center and set it to screen ( actually, put it the way you want )
          19- add this texture scratchy "TexturesbyChanDangc067c" (stealed from Luciana )resize and set it to color dodge(add) erase the parts on her face.
          20- Flatten image AGAIN
          21- add some text : those are the fonts : Jellyka, Saint-Andew's Queen and Futurist-fixed-width. [just click to start the download]
          22 - Flatten Image and it is Done

          if you want to make a border go to Edit>stroke...

          ok now i'm done ... Seriously

          PS - the hearts in the middle of the words are from the font Jellyka just press alt+| [maybe this could be different and i don't know the name of this thing but for me it is a line in the keyboard above the \ ] probably it is different because my keyboard has a lot of accents but i'm sure that you'll find it because my laptop have it too.

          and i'm REALLY sorry about my freak english...

          This is what i do in almost every sig ...
          Last edited by Rachel-Kree; 25 January 2009, 12:53 PM.


            Wow you guys have been busy today, fab challenge and non-challenge work everyone and awesome tuts *snurches textures*
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Rachel Congrats on first tut! Don't worry about your English, mine will be worse

              Achaja, awesome Ronon sigs! Mmm, in glaces...
              Last edited by Blacky Kitten; 25 January 2009, 01:04 PM.


                Rachel thanks for the tut How do you know how to set all the colour adjustments? Or do you just play around until it looks good? (I've only recently discovered them )


                  *walks around in thread in absolute awe*

                  Hi guys! Finally made it here. I do music vid's but as pictures go I'm an absolute smuck. I tried a few artworks with Paint. The er free one that comes with Windows and I can do cropping, copy and paste and I can put quotes in but that's about it. Here's an example:


                  Can I ask a question? What programs do you guys use to make music videos?


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Rachel thanks for the tut How do you know how to set all the colour adjustments? Or do you just play around until it looks good? (I've only recently discovered them )
                    Somethings i've learned in the webdesign college that i quit i studied there 1 semester and 2 months although i can remember only some things about PS and Fireworks and sometimes i read my books that i used there ... i could try to translate the things about the colors for you but i guess i can't do it beacause there are some words that i don't even know in english there but sometimes i just play around !!! of this i'm SURE ! basically all my PS-ing is 'playing around'


                      Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
                      Somethings i've learned in the webdesign college that i quit i studied there 1 semester and 2 months although i can remember only some things about PS and Fireworks and sometimes i read my books that i used there ... i could try to translate the things about the colors for you but i guess i can't do it beacause there are some words that i don't even know in english there
                      That's ok, I'll just keep following the tuts on here and then maybe I'll start experimenting, that's how I usually learn things


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        That's ok, I'll just keep following the tuts on here and then maybe I'll start experimenting, that's how I usually learn things

                        Actually there is one thing that i want to ask you how do you did that sig with a white strype in the middle ? looks like it is cropped ... sorry if i'm bothering you...


                          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                          Can I ask a question? What programs do you guys use to make music videos?
                          I normally use movie maker, but that is so temperamental... So recently I started using Sony Vegas, I downloaded a trial and it is really good... you can do much more with it and it is amazing to work with


                            Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
                            Actually there is one thing that i want to ask you how do you did that sig with a white strype in the middle ? looks like it is cropped ... sorry if i'm bothering you...
                            The one with the diagonal stripe with Martin and RDA? I followed Jann's tut here It looked quite complicated to me, but in fact it's quite easy


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              The one with the diagonal stripe with Martin and RDA? I followed Jann's tut here It looked quite complicated to me, but in fact it's quite easy

                              Thank you so much i'm thinking that it is complicaded but i'll try it .. Thanks


                                My lastest icon post. They were all pretty much trial and error so I don't really remember how to do them for tuts. Sorry.

