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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by LiliJ View Post

    Fainne I have PSP7, which is ancient. And may I express my awe at your extreme artworking skills? (Especially seeing as you make do with PSP) What version do YOU have?!
    aw, thank you *huggles*. I have PSP 11 and paid about 40 Euros for it (legally and new). So it's really good. But most tutorials and brushes (i found) are for PSP 7 and I have to stick to PS tutorials. It seems to mee PSP 11 is more similiar to PS 7 than to PSP 7. Or is it just me?
    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
    *huggles her PSP* I'll stick with mine too, my brain can't cope with it's complexities let alone anything else! Plus I've already bought it and I'm a poor university student...
    Lili I'm using PSP X
    I'm a poor student too. I bought my laptop for my studies with a trial version of PSP11. there I found out that I'm able to work with it and now I can't work with anything else.
    I tried PS but I just can't get it in my head. it's the symbols.. sounds weird but it is like it is. Tomorrow I'll have my PS classes again. 3 hours with PS CS3 and it's sooo boring because they really start from the scratch *sighs*

    oh, and a new icon


      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      Just found a new site for textures!

      WooHoooood! Wood textures


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        I really can't bring myself to get rid of the Joe sig. It turned out really well (in my biased opinion), with the old paper texture and the slanty writing (and Joe *cough*).
        Well in my unbiased opinion it's a lovely sig, a really nice pic of Joe beautifully set onto the background, and the text is just perfect

        Um, what font is that btw?


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Well in my unbiased opinion it's a lovely sig, a really nice pic of Joe beautifully set onto the background, and the text is just perfect

          Um, what font is that btw?
          Thanks. The text is from his blog, actually.

          I was wondering how long it'd take someone to ask about the font. I found this site the other day. Beeeeeautiful!


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Thanks. The text is from his blog, actually.

            I was wondering how long it'd take someone to ask about the font. I found this site the other day. Beeeeeautiful!
            Ah, I meant to ask about the font, but I got sidetracked by the, um, well it is a really nice pic of him

            At 4am this morning I was reading his blog (having had that dream and being unable to go back to sleep ) and I think the neighbours must have heard me LOLing at his WFPOTD His face! He's a brave lad


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Ah, I meant to ask about the font, but I got sidetracked by the, um, well it is a really nice pic of him

              At 4am this morning I was reading his blog (having had that dream and being unable to go back to sleep ) and I think the neighbours must have heard me LOLing at his WFPOTD His face! He's a brave lad
              Oh, the WFPOTD had me laughing forever last night!! I love that he does that, just to get a giggle out of us! I can't believe he got past the "dead guy rotting for two weeks" smell!

              EDIT: And he really does have nice eyelashes, right?


                Ok just finished another Sanctuary sig, this time Ashley themed. Not sure what to think - my good fonts and brushes are on my other computer (adding some brushes later) so it's not great... But tell me what you guys think! (Still PSP btw - Gimp is on t'other comp as well.)

                Last edited by LiliJ; 12 January 2009, 11:41 AM.
                ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Oh, the WFPOTD had me laughing forever last night!! I love that he does that, just to get a giggle out of us! I can't believe he got past the "dead guy rotting for two weeks" smell!

                  EDIT: And he really does have nice eyelashes, right?
                  *scrutinises pic* He does, but I think Martin's are longer Woodn't it be good if we could measure them both, just to be accurate


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    *scrutinises pic* He does, but I think Martin's are longer Woodn't it be good if we could measure them both, just to be accurate
                    Mmmm...*wishes fondly*


                      And another one!

                      EDIT: Blooming hell that's huge! Stupid computer resizing my sigs... *grumbles and adjusts* Sorry guys!
                      Last edited by LiliJ; 12 January 2009, 11:41 AM.
                      ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                        So many awesome digs! Ya, gimPS!

                        , thanks for the tut and links to brushes!



                          ATTENTION ALL SANCTUARY LOVERS!

                          I have just started a thread that is for Sanctuary artwork (I felt mean posting my stuff on this thread, as it's OT), so please come and post! All of your artwork is sooo good, I would be honoured to have any of you on the thread!

                          Here's a link:
                          ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                            But LiliJ, this thread is for any artwork, nothing is OT here Will you still post your stuff here as well?


                              Well if you guys don't mind me spamming the thread . But I thought it would be nice to have a Sanctuary thread... Will you guys visit? *flutters eyelashes persuasively*
                              ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                                Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                                ATTENTION ALL SANCTUARY LOVERS!

                                I have just started a thread that is for Sanctuary artwork (I felt mean posting my stuff on this thread, as it's OT), so please come and post! All of your artwork is sooo good, I would be honoured to have any of you on the thread!

                                Here's a link:
                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                But LiliJ, this thread is for any artwork, nothing is OT here Will you still post your stuff here as well?
                                What she said!! This is for artwork, period. But it is a good idea...
                                Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                                Well if you guys don't mind me spamming the thread . But I thought it would be nice to have a Sanctuary thread... Will you guys visit? *flutters eyelashes persuasively*
                                Well, I suppose we might be persuaded to venture over there...
                                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa

