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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by Solo View Post
    Josiane those are AWESOME! I love them all! Why is everyone always so hard on Amy, btw? Okay, okay, she delayed the OTP of J/D, but c'mon, she wasn't evil. She was a smart, sassy, successful woman, who stopped at very little to further a very admirable agenda - and in so doing demonstrated that she had about as much maturity as Josh did. People forgive him for his stunts, why not her? I love that character, I love that someone as flawed as she and Mandy were could get to where they did - maybe they got there because they focused so hard on their careers that they missed out those social experiences? Gosh knows nobody else in that administration was a genius when it came to relationships... I fanficced a little bit of this, actually, years ago. Apparently it's not all out of my system...

    I'm avoiding the Trek crossover stuff til I've seen the new film, btw - but the first thing I wanna do when I get my mojo back (it like the rest of me is feeling a little shell shocked still) is an Imzadi one for Sam/Jack
    Ah I don't mind Amy so much as a character in that sense, but something about her just annoys the heck out of me. You're right that she's basically a female Josh (the very reason they would never work long term, too similar), and I love Josh, so it's not character traits so much as just, oh I dunno, something about her just grates

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Had a very quick play with Estrela's sketch action

    Oooh this is gonna be fun

    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    Thanks hon!

    LOL!!!! The Great Zat Discussion Comes Again!!!!! I'm soo going to try to find a way to use this!! Also, I love that you named it DroopyZat, lol.


    Thanks hon!! And you should, it's fun, lol!

    Thanks hon!!!

    Great work everyone!!!

    And here's my next challenge entry...
    Oh fabulous job Kim! I agree, really good cutting out of the team, and I love the quote

    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    Thanks! It took a couple of tries before I managed it. I kept cutting off noses or tops of heads, lol. And it's still a bit annoying because Jack's a little blury, but I'm not touching it again. I just wanted a pic of the whole team, from all the seasons. So I had to go to Continuum. And Jack was so close to the camera, it made him blurryish in caps I guess. But I'm happy with it.

    And hey, what episode is it that Sam is under that machine on the ship and Jack peeks under and sticks his head on her tummy? And is it the same one where she's sitting reading a book on the ship and he looks bored? And if anyone has these two caps already, could I have them please?

    Also, I'm going to be using that "stun or kill" quote as well. Hope no one minds...
    Here you go:

    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    Some replicarter thunk (and the only quote i could think of )

    I think I might do a series...we shall see
    Excellent! And very appropriate
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      Kim - the episode you are looking for is Serpents Venom, season 4. (I hope ) Dont have any caps on me, but im sure someone else will!

      And I agree with LJ! Love your whole team sig
      Thanks hon!!
      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      Oh fabulous job Kim! I agree, really good cutting out of the team, and I love the quote

      Thanks hon!! And thanks for the pics. I'm going to use them in my next challenge entry. I already have the quote, and it's too perfect, lol.

      And here's another one...It's sort of a bit angsty...
      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


        TR, I didn't name it 'Droopy Zat', that was whoever I snurched it from But I couldn't bring myself to change it


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          TR, I didn't name it 'Droopy Zat', that was whoever I snurched it from But I couldn't bring myself to change it
          I love some of the names you find when you snurch When I was going through my pics to find those caps for Kim I noticed that there's two next to each other called 'jackshooty' and 'jacktalky' Just sounds so funny
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            I love some of the names you find when you snurch When I was going through my pics to find those caps for Kim I noticed that there's two next to each other called 'jackshooty' and 'jacktalky' Just sounds so funny
            I have both of those too


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              I have both of those too
              Hehe, I wonder who they came from! Anyone want to own up?
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                Achaja - I second the request for a tut on that first sig. It's wonderful. And I love the stuff you did for the Sam challenge...especially the wallie and that last sig (!). Is that a brush or a texture you used for the swirly stuff at the bottom? I love it.
                The swirly styff is mask texture, I gave links to them weeks ago, but you just need to search for them on deviantart

                This effect looks cool Jumble green eyes

                TR - both sigs are fantastic, good compositions and text cool!

                Bekki - I love it, RepliCarter rules!

                EDIT: A sig from Prisoners episode

                EDIT 2: I need a doctor, please!!! Maaany fantastic stuff/masks, brushes etc..
                Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4

                Can someone add them to our links list?
                Last edited by Achaja; 10 May 2009, 05:40 AM.
                sig thanks to Luci


                  Originally posted by Solo View Post
                  Josiane those are AWESOME! I love them all! Why is everyone always so hard on Amy, btw? Okay, okay, she delayed the OTP of J/D, but c'mon, she wasn't evil. She was a smart, sassy, successful woman, who stopped at very little to further a very admirable agenda - and in so doing demonstrated that she had about as much maturity as Josh did. People forgive him for his stunts, why not her? I love that character, I love that someone as flawed as she and Mandy were could get to where they did - maybe they got there because they focused so hard on their careers that they missed out those social experiences? Gosh knows nobody else in that administration was a genius when it came to relationships... I fanficced a little bit of this, actually, years ago. Apparently it's not all out of my system...

                  I'm avoiding the Trek crossover stuff til I've seen the new film, btw - but the first thing I wanna do when I get my mojo back (it like the rest of me is feeling a little shell shocked still) is an Imzadi one for Sam/Jack

                  lol My main problem with Amy, apart from the annoying way she talks, is her over zealous feministness. Don't get me wrong I'm all for strong successful women and the slight lack of social grace doesn't bother me either. In fact one of the best lines from Amy is when they're at a white house reception and she gets out of the conversation by "oo! Shrimp!" love it great delivery.
                  My thing is that sometimes the issue itsn't really about "women" but Amy makes it about that and it annoys me. I'm for "equal rights". The episode with the female fighter pilot who has the affair is a good example (and SG related!). I'm *sure* the issue would never have even been heard at the white house if the pilot had been male.
                  sigpicMy Fanfic


                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    I love some of the names you find when you snurch When I was going through my pics to find those caps for Kim I noticed that there's two next to each other called 'jackshooty' and 'jacktalky' Just sounds so funny
                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    I have both of those too
                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    Hehe, I wonder who they came from! Anyone want to own up?
                    *Jumps up and down, waving hand in the air* Those are mine, those are mine!


                    I called it that cuz he was on his walky-talky (that's what we called them when I was a kid, anyway)


                    Cuz I already had talky...needed a I need a kissy, huggy, laughy...etc.


                      My latest sig. Somewhat uninspired and therefore uninspiring, but the muse is not working with me. *kicks muse*



                        Something for the challenge...



                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          My latest sig. Somewhat uninspired and therefore uninspiring, but the muse is not working with me. *kicks muse*

                          I disagree your muse is working wonderfully

                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          sigpicMy Fanfic


                            Hey guys! I'm home from Montreal! (how many of you noticed I was gone... >_>)

                            Had a great trip, I love it there. My french needed a bit of help, but I managed after a few days. Buuut I think it's time for a nap, I was up leaving for the airport in Quebec at about 1am Vancouver time.... Mmmmm
                            Too cool for a signature.


                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              Hehe, I wonder who they came from! Anyone want to own up?
                              I was going to say that I probably snurched it from someone on the RDA/Jack thunk thread......... but I see LJ already confessed

                              Ok, I have two suggestions for you all

                              1. When making the Rewatch banners, it wood help VSS enormously if we all put our names on them. She wood find it much easier to credit the right artist if we did this

                              2. When you send me your challenge entries, can you tell me which ST the quote is from, and which ep the SG pic is from? That way I can include the info in the challenge post

                              Neither one is mandatory, just suggestions

                              Edit: Here's another one. I know it's pushing it a bit, but I couldn't resist

                              Quote = The Wrath of Khan. Ep = 200

                              And I leave it to you to decide whether I meant the Furlings or the guys
                              Last edited by Jumble; 10 May 2009, 11:00 AM.


                                pretty wallpaper LJ

                                Cute sig Jumble Awww Martin

                                And as for these quotes from - I wood have a problem- because I searched for them yesterday and saved for myself few nice but not with the source Now searching it once again will be torture
                                sig thanks to Luci

